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Everything posted by perchslayer666

  1. lol, dirty minds think alike
  2. Caught many odd things in my day, here's 3; 1. A Giant gold fish from lake Aquataine - Didn't want to kill it, so it was released. 2. A black boot (standard issue black rubber type) caught again in lake Aquataine, this was thrown up on the bank. 3. Large fresh water clam from nippissing, don't ask me how, but the hook somehow got stuck in the clam while pounding the mud.
  3. Too bad they have not developed a way to cleanly produce petroleum on a larger scale from our Canadian oil sands (largest bitumen deposits in the world) and have to rely on middle eastern oil due to its light sweet characteristics. Another factor would be our love for large gas guzzling vechicles.... Did you know in 2010 Ford sold over 90,000 F Series trucks in Canada alone???? These are trucks with a minimum 98 liter gas tank.... Combined with increased demand from across the world for gas (eg. China, India ect...) It's no wonder when an Arab sneezes prices for us will increase. We can't have it both ways guys.
  4. Hey, that's ice fishin' on the nip - can be great, but also can be poop. Personally I'd never stay on the ice all night, I'd select a cabin on shore if available, nothing bites after dark on the nip except for those nasty, vile, creatures from hell - The Mud Puppy
  5. The Kirkland coffee is real good, prices for meat and frozen goods are marginally better than normal supermarkets, snacks/candy are priced good, and you can get a full stomach on the free samples they give away. It's ok, but the savings are not the greatest to be honest... As always, if you want the best food prices, you have to shop around, Costco maybe cheaper in some areas, but also the same or more expensive in others... Buy a membership for a year, and see how you like it.
  6. Not good. Stay far away.
  7. Should have bought a Zebco.
  8. I feel like I haven't had a shower in weeks after watching this show. Lost my interest after the first few episodes. River Monsters is a much better show.
  9. Well before you put 94 gas in, and any additives, find out what might be done mechanically to improve the emissions of the car - you may pass after putting all the additives in the car, but what about afterwards, when your car is contributing more carbon than the law states into the environment?? Do you like smog warnings?? How about the people that cannot go outside because of the smog, or worse, people that are physically effected by Carbon emissions and may become very sick? Ya it's just one car, but it really is a collective group that can make a difference with regards to the environment... Something to consider.
  10. I agree with that, your clientele would more than likely be wealthy Americans and Canadians, and tip quite nicely. Any hot chicks up at these lodges?
  11. For a single guy 18-21 with no idea of what he wants to do in life, I think this would be a very cool job....on the water every day, and taking the little money you earn and spending it on beer and the owners daughters... However, doing such a job for a living, and having to pay bills, feed the kids, and heat the house, it might get to be a pain in the butt since so much time is invested being on the water and the pressure of satisfying your clients desire to catch not only fish, but land a fish of a lifetime.... I'd think you'd lose the thrill of seeking out fish and catching them yourself after a while, and perhaps resent going fishing altogether in the end.
  12. Let's see, super early mornings, the occasional idiot customer, reeking like fish 24/7, low pay, and hard labour... No thanks.
  13. Wait for the spring classic, and don't forget to bring in an older reel you don't use anymore for more savings on a nice reel.... Get there early though, cause most of the sales stuff will be greatly depleted by the 1st weekend.
  14. Ya, you did the right thing, I would have done the same.... Dumb kids don't know any better unless given a dose of reality...which in this case would be certain death. I understand the "Back in the day" talk... But c'mon if we know better now because of the mistakes of others in the past, then why would we encourage this type of risky behavior? It's one thing to be outside and adventurous, but its also another thing to know your limits, which should be the point here.
  15. Like read the posts on this board about reels
  16. I was at BPS yesterday and they had the new Patriarch in stock... It's a pretty sweet reel, I think it was $159 or $179... Stradics are Stradics, bulletproof reels that will last years!!! Can't go wrong with either.
  17. Meh, the Curado is nothing special.... It's a good reel, but for the money you can get better value than a Curado.... I think a lot of the times guys are suckered into the flashy marketing campaigns and pro's endorsements of Shimano products, and well the whole point of that is to make the layman feel like a pro.... If that's the basis for judging reels, Shimano beats everyone in this catagory. Don't get me wrong I love my Shimano reels to death (makes me feel like a pro) but there is more out there!!!!
  18. Yea, that's the 2011 Johnny Morris reel, their flagship reel for this year... Didn't see it yet in BPS, but I'm sure it'll be introduced in time for the Spring Fishing Sale.... I MUST HAVE IT.... Goddammitt all this talk about BPS baitcasters makes me want to burn a spinnerbait over and through some early summer weeds right now!!!!
  19. This show sucks, first few episodes were cool, now its just boring. This show will be cancelled after a few more shows.
  20. Doesn't the Curado have a plastic frame???? If you fished with a JM Elite baitcaster, you would have a different opinion.... Even if was super rich (which I'm not...yet) I would buy these reel because the look great and fish even better. Seriously, pick one up next time you go to BPS and buy it. You don't like it, just return it.
  21. Lebarons has them, bought the 7ft UL rod last year, and it sure is sweet.... Can't go wrong for the price.
  22. They'll probably have a good deal on the Johnny Morris Elite Gold series, or the newer black version.... I would pick-up this reel over the enigma in a heartbeat... I have the JM Elite gold and silver baitcasters, and they have been incredible... Smooth, light, tough and can be used for many applications. To compare, I had a Curado, and I sold it to buy a couple more of these....
  23. When do you think Koppers will be sold? And to Whom? My bet is Rapala along with Salmo.
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