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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. man thats some great pics awesome report,we hit the bay today for 5 hrs man we got soaked,few big bass and a couple 3-4 pd Walleye
  2. have fun Wayne enjoy your summer with the Family,I may(depending) run up there next weekend for the auction
  3. OH NO not another one of these threads,do a searh for E Tec should find a few interesting reads wheres E rude dude when ya need him
  4. its not all that difficult disconnect the shift rod where it connects they vary,pull all the lower bolts out of the gearcase,some hide behind underneath the steering tab and plunk it off put the very bottom of your skeg in a vice with wood pieces ,easy cheap work stand,undo the 4 screws holding the impeller housing on lift off slowly,there on a keyway on top a SS plate,slide it up the driveshaft,slide new one down, reverse procedure for assembly,some models lineing up the water pipe is the hardest job,try it if ya cant wait ,unless ya run in a lot of shallow water and dirt area I cannot see those impellers being worn yet,they last a long time if there pumping full streams of water GO fishing
  5. Great boat my dad bought me the same boat when I was a lil fella had a 15 on it then a 20 when I got use to it,great lil fishing machine had lots of fun congrats
  6. kinda silly running 2 50s ,he could have gotton away with a 90/110 and a lil kicker , to each there own,but cranks bait is on the money you still got one to get ya home,thats excatly why the boss put twin 200s on the workboat,it takes the same RPM to attain speed as a single would,being 89s there still powerhead rated not propshaft rated,Johns right as well 2 oil tanks 4 control/throttle cables/2 engine harness,1 dual binnacle,min 2 batts 4 batt cables double trouble,still a great very capable deep water boat
  7. #21 theres never a officer around when needed #22 when hitting a passing lane this does not require your car to speed up to 120-130 then drop back to 80- 90 kmh Right after the passing lane ends #23 get out of the left lane on a two lane highway moron its for people who drive faster then 85,move your tortuse to the right lane end rant
  8. ohhh man I miss it up there was in Red lake/ Ear falls working many moons ago you could stop ANYWHERE and catch fish,there was a pond in the pit where the Asphalt plant was that had Pickeral in it ,you T Bay and area fellas have it made
  9. its the fuel mixture coming out the exhaust port landing in the bucket 1956 good god man retire that thing and pick up something more reasonable for the lakes think of the poop that scraps dumping in the lake
  10. nice NICE is all I can say
  11. I would for the very reason you mentioned,when im done with my boat the switch is always turned off ,NOW on my house Batt theres a a bilge pump directly to it ,the other pump runs off the start batt when switch is on ,there cheap piece of mind forsure
  12. YEP what he said
  13. Nice Wayne,thanks for sharing I also went with tremclad shes all grey top bottom inside all lol,dident need another boat but hey cant have to many I guess
  14. Wayne speaking of steel boats how often do you paint yours I just got one and have spent the weekend sanding/grinding and now have 2 coats on the bottom @ sides,is this a yearly thing
  15. couldent find a place for this big sucker LOL ,NICE I love it
  16. I like my Shimano Compre/Curado combo
  17. yeah Jim and Jackie you to be about 20 km drive from me ,nice clean work for sure
  18. Gerritt nice job,thats a great set up for all round use
  19. tell ya what thats a pretty boat man SWEET ride,enjoy it
  20. hmmm finishing up the lil details on the boat (for now) prob get it wet,sanding and painting my new to me Steel boat with a 30 Yamaha,going to the tackle store for some new line
  21. yeah we had custom umbrellas for the equipment operators ,pavers ,shoulder spreaders,etc on the highway they either had clamps or a tube and a pipe welded to the machine that it slid in to,it really helps on those HOT days
  22. thats awesome,great package forsure
  23. what kinda speeds ya running WOT with that 275 @ 21 pitch Wayne
  24. custom gearcase
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