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steelhead hunter

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Everything posted by steelhead hunter

  1. hit lake ontario out of Bronte for the evening fish with my dad and caught this monster didn't have a scale with us so we measured it and used the weight calculator when we got home it was 42" in lenght x 26.5 girth and weighed in at 45.38lbs we figured it was around 30 maybe 35 but wow fish of a life time oh ya my dad got one to it was around 25lbs maybe we didn't measuer his
  2. my river season starts now and ends around june the fish are there you just have to work a little harder in the cold months to get them
  3. you must not practice catch and release because I haven't had a problem lol
  4. that's not a new steelie bait it's a cure for insomnia
  5. I wouldn't bother with the mouth of bronte I hit the pier last night and it was dead also talked to a couple locals I know and they haven't heard of anything being caught any were close to the pier
  6. done Got to love his sight and that hook removal brings back bad memories
  7. nothing wrong with that as long as you roll the windows up
  8. we had the first good run of ho's in years 2 years ago on lake O more ho's than chinny's
  9. 100% chinny
  10. cool game thats all I need an other reason for the wife to say are you fishing again!!!
  11. why can't I find a shirt to match my coon eyes
  12. nice pics that first one looks pretty dark all most like a september fish
  13. your the man Dave keep up the good work my kids just love the funny fishing guy
  14. my bad the navy has a 2 seater F18
  15. cool pic but I think that is an F15. F18's are a single seater and that is a two seater
  16. what about the big boat nets and rubber boots and then chase the hell out of them
  17. heading to my buddys place in about an hour should be a good show GSP and lesner should kick some major
  18. nice collection were did you get the haulers
  19. $80.00 for general addmit tickets I'll stay home and watch it on TV at least cart was a reasonable price I could get grandstand for $80.00 for the weekend it's to bad toronto is a good race to see live
  20. 20 that get used every year that's not including ice rods and the kids but I don't have a problem do I ???
  21. It's about time kyle got what he deserves he will wreck anyone to win and then say thats racing now he wrecks himself so tony wins . Tony did nothing wrong except for being in 2nd when kyle wrecked good for tony
  22. those kid derbies are fun my son and I were at the meaford one last weekend and he got 4th and was happy as hell and can't wait till next year
  23. yep I'm on there pretty much everyday
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