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steelhead hunter

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Everything posted by steelhead hunter

  1. why can't I get it in english I keep getting it in finish
  2. The land owner has to give you permission to track the animal. and as for your knees why are you shooting an animal if you can't track it come on you jusy put an arrow into the things lung and it is dead you have no choice but to track it out
  3. BUY IT enough said kingsway has them on sale right now
  4. I wounder if he would lend me the key for a bit
  5. All jimmy has to do is finish like 36th or some thing like that so I'm pretty shure he will win it
  6. Was at bronte last friday fished the park and 5 and all I saw were 4or5 3/4 dead boots and i fish there ALOT
  7. try www.centerpinangling.com they have what you are looking for
  8. your looking at around 500+ just for the bow check out shooterschoice.com as for a make of bow check out darton or hoyt they are the best on the market
  9. try shooter's choice in kitchener they can help you out and answer any questions you have and they also have a range on site as well. and no you do not need your P.A.L to buy a compound or crossbow
  10. they are INSANE it's like fighing a steelie on roids when they are not peeling line they are in the air and they don't stop for nothing
  11. nice fish I hope you had sun glasses on the glare is killin my eyes
  12. NO meaford is not closed it is still open till dec 31 if you read the regs most of GBAY is closed which is wrong they screwed up the regs again they try to make them simpler and screw it up worse don't bother reading the regs call the MNR office in the area that you are going to fish in
  13. I've caught tons of lakers in the whirllpool after a bit you get sick of them they will hit anything down there
  14. you think the bass are big above the dam try just bellow it in the out flow you will be amazed
  15. I run into those type of guys all the time the best thing to do is don't say a thing just make the persons life just miserable for example if you have a guy try to push you out of your spot at the end of your drift yank your rod back and wack them in the face you do that a couple of times they move realy quick
  16. you can catch bass browns eyes catfish well just about anything below the dam
  17. yes there are a lot of smallies around the dam there are also some good pike above the dam
  18. dude you were the one who said "Idon't keep them It's all for fun" what do you expect
  19. my bad CLofchik c&r is for the river only
  20. snaging salmon for fun? that's low why even try to fight it BREAK IT OFF!!!! fighting a snaged fish on the rivers I fish will get you a good thrown in if not worse
  21. nice fish but uuugly i'll take a rainbow any day
  22. nice atlantic I hope you let it go since they are catch and release only
  23. hey kemper I live in guelph and get to the rivers ever other weekend or so till ice fishing starts email me if you need a lift buy the way as for fishing stores ray waaaaay over priced dougy sells cheap garbage might as well go to canadian tire check out kingsway sports gerry has been in guelph 30+ years
  24. I had a stream runner a few years ago they are a nice real the bearings are a little slow but the thing can take a beatin
  25. was just reading on an other site that there are a few fish in bowmanville already
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