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steelhead hunter

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Everything posted by steelhead hunter

  1. 2 for 12 both donuts but 10g's would be nice
  2. dam GBW you should have warned me about that yesterday I thought she was being nice
  3. suffix superior high vis yellow is the best I've used in a long time I haven't had any problems with twisting at all. raven on the other hand was crap line twist from hell an hour after I started useing it
  4. both the beaver and bighead are unfishable and yes they do ice fish bows in the harbour of meaford and do pretty good
  5. opens at 6:00am
  6. guess I won't be hitting the cerit tomorrow thanks for the update
  7. thanks guys I got it figured out just made the photo to small I'll just have to figre out how to make them bigger from now on
  8. I didn't put the photo there oops
  9. They are easy to tie thanks to your post before with the step by step photos or I wouldn't have known were to start since I have never tied a fly or anything before so thanks for the help . but if you are trying to sell them you realy should stop telling people how to make them lol
  10. well at least I gave it a shot lets just hope the jigs work out better than the photo
  11. lol guess I made it to small have to try again it's the first photo I've tryed to post
  12. after seeing some of kemper's jigs had to try to do some of my own what do you think? any ideas will help
  13. Thanks I'll try that
  14. how can I down size them then so they are 250 never tried posting photos before
  15. need some help for some reason I can't upload photos everytime I do it tells me I didn't choose a file to upload when I did choose one can anyone help me out
  16. almost all the fishing stores i've been in cary it
  17. try stanley's ice off paste works better than silicone spray or aynthing else it's like 5.00 and lasts a long time
  18. ya I got the double click also
  19. Talk about a shallow dive that must have stung a bit
  20. I take my kids to the O.R all the time they love it out there lots of crappie sunfish and pike
  21. I guess you don't have to worry about cleaning them after do ya
  22. I got the same one at BPS last year for like $30 they work great
  23. as of this morning gilford has about 3.5 inches of good ice not safe yet give it an other week and things should be good
  24. it has to be sent back to excaliber to be fixed the only way he could have blown the tips off was either he didn't have the arrow all the way back or dry fired it tell him to remove the pads from the dissapator bars check out the the excaliber web site at www.excalibercrossbow.com or better yet give them a call 519 743 6890
  25. still can't get it in english but tried it any way and got like 5 fish on the green mogot
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