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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I'll give you $5 for that jointed Believer right now Mat!
  2. You can't go wrong with a Stradic!!!
  3. Ok.. but what kind of Hawk is this???
  4. I've met Roy!... 'nuff said.
  5. Why in the world would anybody want to eat Ketchup chips when we have "KC Masterpiece"Barbeque Sauce flavored barbeque potato chips??? They are THE BEST!!!!... and if y'all don't have them you need to try them the next time you're in the U.S.!
  6. Well ya can't beat that!!! Congratulations Art and Joe!!! Now ya got something to chase those wascally Stripers with!!!
  7. Swindle should be banned from competition for life! I have a deep dislike for all tournement fishermen for exactly that kind of crap!!! It would send a message to the others to be courteous on the water.
  8. It's actually on Lay Lake, today is the final day.
  9. In some places it is, and some it isn't. Here in 'Bama it is... in Florida all you can get is 3.2% pee water. Grannies Rhuematiz medicine is 80-90%.
  10. Looks like Whopper is gonna get Whopped again! Since y'all were kind enough to share your COLD Canadian air masses with us a few weeks ago... I figured what the hell! I'll share of of my nice Gulf of Mexico moisture with y'all!!! I can't help it if y'all let it freeze and turn to snow... that's Your fault!!! Y'all have fun in that snow now... ya heah?
  11. Yeah! I'd say that was a very dial-up friendly report! Congrats on 3rd place!
  12. Oh Hell!!! why didn't you say that's what that was!... we have that here! We call it Hog Slop!!!... and the hogs just love it!!! ... but then again, y'all call grits vomit... so I guess we're even!
  13. What?... Like don't waste the meat? Do you think there will be a bag limit?
  14. Be bewy bewy quiet, we're hunting Double Bwested Cormowants today! When he pops his widdle head outta da water... I BWAST HIM!!!
  15. If I had one, I'd be afraid to use it!... it'd be just for lookin' at.
  16. It is because they have to use a special lubricant in the ones going to Canada, so when you set it down on a piece of tundra or permafrost it won't freeze solid! ... but seriously folks, I would contribute the higher prices to organized labor. Just my Dos Centavos
  17. Been there done that last winter with the Mycoplasma Pnuemonia Doug, it'll really kick yer butt! Do what the Doc tells ya and if you're not feeling alot better in about 5 days go back!... Get Well Soon!!!
  18. LOL!!! Paul!!!
  19. Dogs are ok, but keep those pesky babies away... you know how those babies are, always getting into the garbage, chasing the cats, chewing up the furniture, and lifting thier leg on everything!!!
  20. I really like Shimano products, just remember... you get what you pay for!
  21. Maybe somebody should keep a better eye on the weather in the future and you wouldn't have to worry so much.... glad to hear they made it home ok, but it could have gone the other way just as easily.
  22. I read your post correctly the first time Bubba, and this method works well for me for casting for Bass and bouncing bottom straight down in about 20-30 FOW.... and prolly would have been the ideal setting for you since you were fishing the shallow Perch grounds with maybe 15 or 20 feet of line out and not casting or trolling. Now if I'm flatline trolling with a long line, I will adjust my drag so that line won't "bleed" off the reel and adjust the drag or use my fingers on the spool during the ensuing fight. I have a Fishin' Buddy that prefers to backreel with a spinning rod and he tends to lose more fish than I do... but that just may be because he's left handed and is prolly the reason he prefers baitcasting tackle. But Hey!... each to his own, if you prefer to backreel... more power to ya and I wish you the best of luck!!!
  23. I set the drag on my reel according to the rod the reel is on, taking into consideration the lb. line test. I do this by putting the hook on an immovable object and flexing my rod by pulling against it in the fighting position(that sounds nasty eh?). when my rod has the right amount of bow in it considering the lb. line test, I loosen the drag until it slips... I then flex it again to see if the drag is going to slip at the right amount of bow in the rod. I may have to repeat these steps 3 or 4 times until I get the right setting. Haven't had a problem with break offs since i've started using this method
  24. I still think it was a TROPHY tree branch! One species that noone has mentioned it could have been is a Burbot, it's getting about that time of year for them to come in shallow and breed under the ice... but it was prolly an ol' ill tempered Pike or vicious Carp.
  25. You're Welcome... but did you catch any fish?
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