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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. We crate trained our Border Collie and it works very well!
  2. LOL!!! That's great!
  3. ...
  4. I hear ya Mike!... You go get'um Bubba! Great report and pics GBF!!!
  5. Congratulations Paul, I'm sure this will bring you a new mobility and make "life in the fast lane" easier for you.
  6. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!... maggot goop!
  7. My fishing license is right next to my drivers license in my wallet, if I have my britches on, I have my license! It don't cost very much, and it lasts a long while
  8. First thing... I will soil myself... then panic!... or is it the other way around?
  9. Well!... I guess that counts me and Roy out too then!
  10. Have a look at this one: http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.Tex...arTarget=browse
  11. Has anybody ever mentioned to you that we pictures???... I'd keep Ms. Joan around for a good luck charm!
  12. Rum shots eh?... where do I sign up to be British???
  13. 1. Sorry to hear about your series of unfortunate events. 2. SUCKER!!! Ever heard the old addage " Nice guys finish last"?... It's true! 3. This is probably be one of the best things that has ever happened to you. I know it doesn't seem like it right now, but you will realize it in the not too distant future. It will most probably be realized in another employment oppertunity, or maybe you'll just stay retired this time and realize the full benefits of being retired!
  14. ... and a PFD (life jacket) is what? $20-$30?
  15. Did somebody get wet tootsies??? I'll bet that was cold!!!
  16. Dammit Man!!! When are you going to learn to carry your license with you! That sure does make me appreciate our .99 a dozen Shiners and Tuffies down here! No Bag, No Air, and No Box! .99 a dozen!... and it's not just 12 to a dozen either, I haven't ever really counted them but it's more like a dozen and a half... and when I got my 4 dozen last Saturday, the nice lady told me a few of them didn't look like they were swimmin too good so she put me a couple dozen extra in there. I didn't think much about it. When I got to the lake and looked in the bucket... there must've been close to 200 Shiners in there, with about 6 swimmin on their sides... and if'n she wasn't married... and I wasn't married... I'd be gettin' my Shiners for half price!
  17. No Wayne, letting your arms freeze to the ice is the last resort. The Dr. tells you what to expect when you fall thru, how to get out, and what to do when you get out! They also tell how to help somebody get out if you're the one on top of the ice. It is a VERY informative video and they should have it at your public library. I would consider it a "must see" for anybody that lives in the ice belt!!!
  18. When you first plunge into the water it takes your breath away and you start gasping and hyperventilating, if you don't have on any kind of floatation you will fill your lungs with water on the initial plunge a drown!!! If I didn't have a floatation suit, I would certainly wear a PFD while out ice fishing. People could laugh and make fun of me all they wanted, but I might be the one helping them if WE went through the ice!!!
  19. That guy is crazy!... but in a good way! I've watched this vid at least a dozen times over the past 2 or 3 yrs. and it never ceases to intrigue me!
  20. My first hole would be in a Mc Donalds parking lot to stand my auger up in while I went in to buy a half dozen Whaler fish sandwiches, fries, and a Coke!
  21. I like an Igloo brand 5 gallon water keg, the baitfish don't get trapped in a corner and die.
  22. Thanks for the heads up Paul! I'll prolly get mine today, I love that store!!!
  23. Wonder who the Genius was that decided to do that without drilling test holes every so often?
  24. You haven't bothered me Bubba, get out and go ice fishin'! Y'all have a wonderful resource up there and you should utilize it!
  25. He is insufferable, isn't he... but that Dwarf ficus (little fig?) guy is even worse!!!
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