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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. A Coleman stove eh!!!... where's the Back Bacon Hoser???
  2. I'll give ya 50 cents for the contents of that box, sight unseen! ... but seriously, they have a section in the BassMasters magazine on antique fishin' tackle.. you may want to try that if you can't find what you're lookin' for. Was it in the original box it was sold in? Sometimes the box can be worth more than the lure itself, and the lure + the box are highly sought after!
  3. Excellent report and pics!!! That Wall-ice doesn't count if you don't ever fish for them. You need to work on that smile, you don't look like yer very happy with either of those fish. You look like you've either got a big Crawdad hangin' off one of yer nadz, or yer 'roids are actin' up. Some beauty fish though!!!
  4. Nothing too frilly I hope!.. don't wanna lose my appetite for that good cookin' Miss Leslie does!!!
  5. My deepest heart felt condolences Lew, Eddy was a great guy and will be sorely missed by all that knew him. He has gone to a better place now, no more pain or suffering. I feel the pain of your loss. Glen
  6. Don't forget to check the bilge area for rotting bananas!!!!
  7. They're all Blue Cats yanno...
  8. You done good CH!!! Betcha had to wear them fish down plum to a frazzle to get them in. Keep fiddlin' around like that and you might even get a line class record!!!
  9. Take it to the dealer... they know how to fix these kinda things!
  10. Said the man named Bacon?
  11. I've heard THAT one before!!! BTW... Wayne, whatcha gonna do when your hour meter rolls over to 666 on the boat???
  12. So what's the problem???.... ya wanna split a cab? Dang!!! No Marty? No Doug? It ain't gonna be the same without y'all!... but unfortunately... THE PARTY MUST GO ON!!! We'll be sure to take and post lotsa pics so y'all cn see what'cha missed... that'll learn ya, durn ya!
  13. Double click the bottom one and it should come up as copied... hope this helps!
  14. ... and don't forget the BUG SUIT!!!!... those things are worth thier weight in diamonds after dark!!!
  15. Keep yerass off my boat and yer hands off my fish... or you'll be sleeping with the fishes!!! I would never dream of setting foot on a strangers boat OR touching thier fish in any way!!! If I thought they were doing something wrong I'd call the COs or wait for them to board thier boat and then say something. Soun's like that dummass needs his nadz bashed in!!!
  16. Handguns ARE a NO-NO!!!
  17. We've got some "good sized" 11 yr. olds around here... it's the biscuits and gravy yanno!!!
  18. ... but come to think of it... I do have a rusty ol' stringer I can't bring myself to throw away (it belonged to my Great-Grand-Niece... God Rest Her Husbands Soul!), a couple of Zebco rods with broken tips (they PAID me a DOLLAR to haul AWAY from a yard sale), and a Roland Martins Helicopter Lure Kit (as SEEN ON TV!!!... and great for twisting the line on your reel!!!) I could donate.
  19. I'm thinkin' it was more like a pound of Gobie fillets!
  20. I was thinkin' monetary contributions, because I plan on taking the cup this year!!!
  21. That hog was actually shot in the Anniston area, 20 miles from my house. Nothing unusual about kids hunting with pistols around here, and the Feral Hogs are becoming a nuisance. There's no season or bag limit on them here. They're domesticated hogs that have escaped and turned back wild and sometimes crossbreed with wild hogs. They do alot of crop damage around here... the dang things eat like pigs!!!
  22. Excellent report and pic Cliff!!! Are you sure Bly isn't sandbagging on you just to make you feel good, I find that Ol' Yeller will sandbag on me when she gets too far ahead so I'll continue to take with me... IMO live worms are one of the BEST Carp baits there is.
  23. Uh-oh! Don't tell me you got sucked into the Bermuda Triangle with SlowPoke...
  24. Uh-huh... funny how you failed to mention the face pounding in your initial description of altercation, just a catfight with clothing removal... and THAT'S what I was commenting on.
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