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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Dammit Man!!! You just can't escape the evil clutches of The Bermuda Triangle. Excellent report and pics!!!... and I'm sorry to hear about the battery, don't forget to hose down the inside of that compartment to wash away any acid remnants.
  2. Excellent report and pics!!!
  3. Are ya thirsty Joe? Can I pour you a nice tall glass of stifle??? Don't worry Bubba, I'll take ya out next year and learn ya how to catch them wascally ol' Wall-ices!!! btw... ya did catch that nice sized Tadpole!
  4. That was a video of epic proportions Rick!!! I am both honored and proud to be a part of this thing we call OFC.!!!
  5. Ok! #1. Fish keep much better if they're just gutted with the skin and head left intact. A simple slit up the belly, jig the knife up and down around the gills, and cut the little throat piece where the gills and throat come together... grab both gill rakes and pull, gills organs and intestines come out with one motion. Scrape the main artery at the backbone and throw into a rock salt/ice brine solution for transport or multiple hour storage. They come out just like they went in! #2. Short term storage. The whole (alive) fish is thrown in the cooler on ice. The fish will probably still be partially alive at cleaning time. #3. I like my panfish cooked whole with the skin on (Crappie, Bluegill, Perch.......) sans the head of course. #4. Larger thicker skinned fish are filleted with the skin on and put in the freezer or fridge, It's just a simple matter of running the fillet knife between the flesh and skin just before cooking. They also keep better and stay fresher that way. Misfish... I also like to marinate my fish in buttermilk before cooking! Whopper.. I pegged you as a criminal the first time I met you!!!
  6. Oh Yeah!!!... female companion pics!!!... I can hardly wait!!!
  7. DAMN Satans time zone!!!... I missed the fricken group shot!!! Shoot me a high res shot please sir!!!
  8. Some folks were amused when I described how I caught that OOS Smallie while Pike fishin'.... "Snagged 'im Right in the F----n' EYE!!!"
  9. ...
  10. ...
  11. Best Fishes to You on your Birthday Chuck!!! It was great to see you again and to finally fish with you this year! Lookin' forward to gettin' out on the ice with you this year if I'm able to get up there this winter!!!
  12. ...
  13. Now why didn't I think of that!!!?
  14. Great pics and report Terry!!! just one question? What's a worm harness?... and how do you get a bridle in thier tiny little mouths???
  15. I already know who's gonna catch the biggest and the most fish, and his name doesn't begin with an "M".
  16. A fluro leader is always a great confidence builder for me! As a rule I've found that the longer the leader the better, for casting I like a 4' leader and a 7' rod. For drifting or trolling I like a 6' leader. You may want to start out shorter and increase the leader length until you start catching fish.
  17. Hey! Long time no see Chief!!! Sounds like a great time fishin'... but 3 1/2 hrs. fishin' is just enough to peee-yiss me off!!!.. I wouldn't know what o do with myself for the rest of the day!
  18. Hmmmmm... that Carp looks like an OFNer or 2 i've seen... ya sure he didn't catch it on a chicken wing and a beer?
  19. Have a safe trip and I'll see you up there Monday Lew!... and as for all of y'all stragglers that will be up there later than Monday or Tuesday..." the last one up there is a rotten egg" Everybody please travel safe!!!!!!
  20. I remember exactly what that pic was aboot!... and if I'm bribed in jus the right way... my lips may loosen....... ... or not!!!
  21. Not everybody can be on the winning team Jen! I wish the newcomers the best of luck!
  22. GEEZ LOUISE!!.... talk about the ghost of Christmas past!!! How the heck are ya Dara??? Glad to see you're doing something constructive in your spare time! Please be gentle with Tom and don't "waller" him out too bad before we get our grubby paws on him eh? Hows aboot a nice Walleye report from the Sault sometime?
  23. Most excellent report and pics!!!... ans as said many times before, those are some excellent Pike!!! Who cares what Mr. No Cents (Sense) has to say?... anybody that has met the "Reef" before knows his stature, I personally would like to see Adams fish. Uness of course the REAL story is that you "strapped his butt" and he didn't catch anything!!! (kinda like what my wife does to me ) Whopper is a pretty good guy for an ol' Buckeye , and I would like to meet the TG one of these days... may have to make a little detour the next time I'm in Tenn. visiting my folks!
  24. Well I only have the memories from one year... but I'm fixin to double that next week! Here's a few shots:
  25. When was the last time you changed your fuel filter? Like mentioned before check your fuel lines for cracks. When was the last time you replaced them? My maintainence schedule to change them every 3 yrs. If you change your fuel filter and lines and it's still running crappy, take it to a marine mechanic to have it checked out.. prolly trash or build up in your carb(s).
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