#1. Fish keep much better if they're just gutted with the skin and head left intact. A simple slit up the belly, jig the knife up and down around the gills, and cut the little throat piece where the gills and throat come together... grab both gill rakes and pull, gills organs and intestines come out with one motion. Scrape the main artery at the backbone and throw into a rock salt/ice brine solution for transport or multiple hour storage. They come out just like they went in!
#2. Short term storage. The whole (alive) fish is thrown in the cooler on ice. The fish will probably still be partially alive at cleaning time.
#3. I like my panfish cooked whole with the skin on (Crappie, Bluegill, Perch.......) sans the head of course.
#4. Larger thicker skinned fish are filleted with the skin on and put in the freezer or fridge, It's just a simple matter of running the fillet knife between the flesh and skin just before cooking. They also keep better and stay fresher that way.
Misfish... I also like to marinate my fish in buttermilk before cooking!
Whopper.. I pegged you as a criminal the first time I met you!!!