I completely disagree.
We are all our own COs, it's up to us to know the rules and regs. before we setout on a fishing or hunting trip! There shouldn't be any special considerations for military IDs or anything else. No benefits of the doubts for an inch here 2 inches there, one fish over 2 fish over... where does it end? Any CO that would act like that is a poacher himself!
If you're following the rules and regs like they are written, you don't have anything to worry about when you're stopped by a CO. Don't feel singled out by a CO if he stops you because that is his job!
As far as COs attitudes go, if you're smiling when he stops you... chances are good he'll be smiling too, if you're frowning and grumpy... he'll prolly be frowning and grumpy too! Remember, these guys have to put up with whiners and cry babies every day. "Awww c'mon give me a break" doesn't cut it... you knew better and if you didn't... that's your fault too!
I was stopped for the first time ever in Canada this past June at the Lakair G2G while fishin' with Muskiestudd. We were smiling when he pulled his boat up to ours and he was smiling too. He was a very pleasant fellow, it went something like this:
Do you boys have any fish?
Yes sir, we kept one Pike for lunch.
Can you hold it up so I can see it?
Yes sir! (I reach into the cooler and bring out a whole half alive 27" Pike and hold it up for inspection)
That's good! You can put it back now... Do you have your licenses with you?
Yes sir!
Can you take them out so I can see them?
Yes sir! (we take our licenses out and show them to him)
That's good! You boys have a nice day and Good Luck!
We were friendly and showed him the respect he deserved, and he showed us the same respect.
I never have a problem with being stopped by a CO, and am always glad to see them.