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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I just love the smell of rotting fish in the morning!!!
  2. Very nice fish!!!
  3. ...
  4. Freezing rain in the Banana Belt Lew???... what did you do to deserve that?
  5. ... btw... it was +25*C here today
  6. I for one thoroughly enjoyed my stay at Merlands for the G2G! Yes it was a "Cluster-Flock" of Fishermen, boats, and vehicles... but it was a grand time! Fish all day and Party all night... it doesn't get any better than that!!! I dealt with the office a little during my stay, and yes... found them expensive, but wasn't surprised. They're in the tourism business and have to capitalize on peak times of the year. Just try to rent a beach cottage, condo, or motel room down on the Gulf Coast during Memorial Day, 4th of July, or Labor Day weekends and see what happens! Or try to get a room in Gatlinburg Tenn. during the peak of the Fall Colors! ... but when you figure in Merlands per unit pricing, as opposed to Lakairs per head pricing (still worth every penny) they're pretty economical if you don't mind doubling or tripling up... and with the kitchen and grilling facilities it gets even cheaper. The communal accomodations add to the Party atmosphere! ... as far as the $10 a day docking fee, I think I'd pay $20 a day not to have to launch and trailer my boat every day in that cluster-flock!!! ... btw, I rented a boat on Saturday (Merland days only have 12 hrs. in them... not surprised) and sure do hope I wasn't the one that screwed up all the docking arrangements for MTP and co. ... frost on the docks...you were born in Canada, you were raised in Canada, you've lived your whole life in Canada. There is frost on outdoor surfaces in Canada in November... get used to it, be prepared for it! If an old Geezer like Wanyne can make it to the boat without breaking a hip... the young bucks like us shouldn't have any problem at all.
  7. Send some down here to 'Bama, we need it bad!!!
  8. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. That beer is mine!!!... if you haven't smoked one in the past 5 minutes!!!!
  10. HA!... looks like I got outta there in the nick of time!!! Y'all have fun with the frozen white stuff now, ya heah?
  11. Y'all make me sick!!!
  12. Awww c'mon and light one up folks... yanno ya want to...
  13. Happy Birthday to Lew and Paul!!!... just remember: Old Fishermen never die... they just smell that way.
  14. ... and here are the pics of that VERY photogenic Wall-ice with the rightful owner.
  15. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v203/greencoachdog/Bambi-flwr-distracted.png[/i
  16. I find that second-hand smoke is both smooth and rewarding!
  17. I can brag on a minnow if ya give me enough Rum and time Mike...
  18. I witheld the names on purpose to see if the guilty party would chime in... worked like a charm!
  19. I just love reading other peoples Skunk reports...
  20. I just Hauled-Azz from the cold myself!!! 3 layers and a floatersuit on the BOQ was enough for me!... gonna be 76 here tomorrow and 75 Weds!!!
  21. Here I is! Here I is! Here I is!!! Just got in a couple hours ago, all safe and sound! That 2 day drive one way is a real Butt-Kicker!!!
  22. I heard that Caroles Wall-ice was knocked off the hook with a net on purpose by a jealous fisherman that couldn't stand to be out-fished by a wimmins!
  23. It was great to see you and Carole again Cliff!!! All y'all were the perfect roommates! I was hopin' to get out fishin' with y'all but that cold weather kicked my but with a "frozen boot!" I think we both had about the same luck fishin'... but I think my Perch is bigger than yours!
  24. Great report and pics Joey, and OI'm glad you removed the BOQ Skunk!!! ... I may need to borrow some of the Skunk remover next year... 'cause I sure am reeking right now! I kept my clothes on because it was dang COLD!!! This Redneck aint used to those 3 and 4 layer days!!!
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