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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ...
  2. You're s'posed to buy a new rod when the cork gets dirty Roy!... Actually I think he makes Carole take all of his fish off the hook so he doesn't have to get his hands slimey and mess up his rod cork!
  3. Nice report and pics!!!
  4. Gonna miss your reports! Don't be a stranger, stop in and read the reports so you can stay up to date... incase you get to come back. Good Luck back in Jolly ol' England!
  5. ...
  6. ...
  7. A 12' surfcastin' rod with a 6 oz. pyramid sinker and a big gob of worms on the hook. Throw it out there and let it roll around on the bottom, see what hits it.
  8. What's up with that? In order for any fish to be an IGFA record nowadays, it must be killed, gutted, and the stomach contents examined... to make sure it didn't die from lead poisoning. I personally would only kill a fish I was going to eat or was required to kill by law. It would be far more fun to photo and measure it, then let the masses wonder if you let a record swim away alive. I may even talk a little trash about it in certain circles!
  9. You'll probably find it underneath or behind something next Fall...
  10. Excellent report and pics!!! ... I like the way you forgot the "Good" camera when Carole catches the big one, and remember it for the times you catch fish... I'm really lookin' forward to part 2 when you get the chance to post it! Now if you'll excuse me... I need to go drown my lack of Wall-ice sorrows in a tumbler of rum
  11. That should be one heckuva cluster-flock/party!!! Be careful and watchout for the 3.2% pizwah, it'll sneak up on ya if ya drink it all day... or mix it with other stuff.
  12. Naa, we still laugh at him too!
  13. I pay $30 for 300 yds of 65 lb. @ Cabelas.
  14. Great report and pics!!! I felt as though I was freezing right there beside you... 'cept for the freezin part.
  15. Nice fish and pics! Were they hittin' the roe bags?
  16. You don't wanna hear what I do with my boat batteries in the winter... ... I use them for fishing!!!
  17. That sounds like a real nice fish you didn't almost catch!
  18. Excellent fish and pics!!!
  19. I hear ya Paul!!! If ya can't tangle with the big one, whip up on the little ones! I plan to open a can of Whoop-ass on the Crappie here for the next few months!
  20. Looks a tad on the chilly side to me.
  21. Try Geico... 15 mins. or less can save you a bundle!
  22. ...
  23. If it was bigger than that Yellow Perch I caught at the BOQ, it was huge!
  24. You caught a large fish?
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