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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. It was great to meet, and fish with you Dan! I learned a lot about planer boards and downriggers while in your boat. I also appreciate the loan of the float suit, gotta get one of those. Even though the fishin' was slow it was still great fun fishin' in your boat!... Yer a Class Act Bubba! I'll post pics of that fish with the rightful owner as soon as I get them loaded.
  2. There's wind at the BOQ?... why wasn't I told of this earlier???
  3. Excellent pics and report!!!!!!
  4. Nice report and pics!!! What was the minnow bucket for?
  5. They won't die and will release just fine if they're brought to the surface S-L-O-W-L-Y! Don't be in such a hurry to reel your fish in.
  6. just a little "refresher" for ya Wayne...
  7. Oooooo!... but it's effective!!!!
  8. That is actually steamed yellow squash. Roy The ham hocks and collards were the night before, and the Pup gets all the leftovers... and when she wants "out" after eating collard greens, you'd better let her out quick!!!!
  9. Thank you very much for that very informative report!!!!
  10. Try the citrus strip, works great... biodegradeable and no noxious fumes... available in the paint section at Wally World.
  11. What kind of fish is this?... if y'all are so smart!
  12. C4!
  13. The proper way to land a Tiger Muskie!
  14. Beauty fish!!!... how did it taste?
  15. So far, so good!
  16. It looks like an anemic Brown to me.
  17. Excellent report and pics Shawn!!! Beautiful fish!
  18. Beauty fish!!!
  19. Great report and pics!!! Those are a couple of footballs!
  20. Great report and pics!!! Those are a couple of footballs!
  21. Great fish and pics!!! That's a Hugh Jass Mucksie!
  22. Some folks think just because you're going to eat a fish, it has to be filleted. Others know that you can scale, gut and behead them and they cook up nicely with far less waste than tryin' to fillet them. I cook most of my panfish this way (10" Crappie and 12" catfish), I like to leave the tails on too! (they fry up real crispy!) I would have to be pretty hard up for a fish fix to keep a 6" perch or bluegill, but each to their own.
  23. Try Citrus stripper, sold in the paint department at wal-mart... smells like oranges and has no noxious fumes.
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