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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Congrats Chris!!! I was either gonna say the Shimano or the GPS... you chose right, but it aint gonna help ya this year. That trophy is comin to Alabama this year along with the big prize!!! Try not to knock my big fish off the hook when you net it!
  2. I like that one purty good... and this one too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SStGXJOgj-0...feature=related
  3. This sucked ballz!
  4. Excellent report and Pike porn Bubba!!! Just thinking aboot a treble in a finger in freezing weather makes the ol' brown eye pucker so's you couldn't drive a straight pin in it with a sledgehammer!!!!
  5. You are wrong... the Leafs have to go back to Canada when the hockey game is over.
  6. Like we don't have enough of our own??? I thought y'all fed it to the Bears.
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  10. OMG!!! Grabbed it by the dang' tail!!! Unbelievable!!! Great report and pics!!! Congrats to you and Paul on your first Whitefish! That's one of the best looking Lakers I've seen come out of Simcoe, nice and fat! I call the reeling up fast from the bottom like Paul did the "Sucker Punch", it works well on Red Snappers while deep sea fishing. Grabbed it by the tail!
  11. I saw the title and author of this thread and automatically lit one up!... aaaah!
  12. I thought the same thing as you Cliff. Erie must be considerably shallower than the others.
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  15. You can't drive plowed salted roads to work, but can drive unplowed roads to go fishin'??? ... sounds like a good deal to me!!! Great pics and beautiful fish!!!... How did it feel to have your string stetched?
  16. Her name is Ann, and she is my exwife.
  17. I guess Cliff is sick of posting weather reports. We got our share of that storm from midnight last night 'til about 10:00 a.m. this morning, nothing real heavy but a real "frog strangler" of a rain. Water level should be up on Lake Henry for a couple of days!!!
  18. Oooo yeah!!! SALMA!!!... I like this one too:
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  21. Don't eat the BBQ monkey meat on a stick... even if it smells good! The dark rum is good and will work for washing out wounds should you happen to step on a Sting Ray or Hardhead Catfish while wading. You'll be sorry if you touch the pretty blue and pink ballons floating on the water (Portugese Man of Wars). Tarpon and Snook around the lights at night. Snook, Mangrove Snapper, and 'Cudas around the Mangrove Islands during the day. Snook, 'Cudas, and Lookdowns around bridge pilings. Scoop Peeler Crabs off of seawalls with a small net for Bonefish and Permit. No hanky panky on the beach without a blanket... sand is not good "down there"! If you hear deep toned cello music while swimming, get out of the water FAST!!!
  22. I feel your pain, I've been thru dental hell the past 1 1/2 years. 8 veneers, 2 root canals and crowns, a bunch of reconstructive fillings,had to have an extraction last fall for a deep silver filling that went bad then had a crown break off last month that took too much tooth with it and had to have a post put in to hold it on... but now they fell better than they ever have. Gotta have 2 more veneers put on in the near future, been kinda avoiding them 'cause they're on the top and those damn things hurt!!!
  23. Shouldn't you be out chasin' Whitefish?
  24. You ought to give the Redneck Riviera a try sometime CH, Gulf Shores is a nice laid-back town with great Gulf of Mexico fishin'. The end of April is the opening of Red Snapper season!!! ... get yer arms pulled outta the socket on an AJ hole... give me all the Groupers you catch with the yaller around their mouth (they're highly poisonous to Northerners yanno)... big Bull Reds...
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