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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

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  2. Believe it or not, I actually caught that fish! douG did a darn good job puting me on that fish and I always remember that day! I was throwing and X Rap and had just finished telling douG how I'd never caught anything on an X Rap when that Pike hit... I guess he heard me and felt sorry for me. Thanks again for all the wonderful Birthday wishes!!! Y'all are the BEST!!! Glen
  3. It's like being a little kid in a candy store again when ya go in there, isn't it Mike? I'm really looking forward to when they get ours opened up for business!
  4. Great report and pics!!! Those Steelhead look just like Rainbow trout!
  5. Now that is a heckuva mixed bag of fish!!! Great report and pics! Thanks for posting!!!
  6. Ok!... but what if the guy out on the sidewalk in front of your house has his back to your house the whole time and isn't paying any attention to you or your family? Let's say he's taking pictures, collecting samples and studing a type of Ant in the gutter that connects the sidewalk to the road. Sure, you'll go out there and ask him what he's doing... but what are you going to say when he tells you exactly what he's doing? Also, who in their right mind would be prancing around outside in the nude in freezing weather with snow and ice all around? That would be a real good way to lose very valuable body parts to frostbite! The naked guy on the snowmobile sounds a little far-fetched to me, but I guess it could happen.
  7. Self taught and "trial and error" are 2 of the best methods to me! Always put the "he" before "she"... and get rid of that damned bug!!!
  8. If you'll put a little Desenex on that diaper rash of yours, you won't be quite so cranky.
  9. You could copy and paste it here if you wanted to.
  10. You got that expletive right!!!
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  12. OMG!!! It's a radioactive Brainwave fish!!! ... I hope this was your Sushi tonight, because if you ever let them breed...
  13. Sushi = cut bait!
  14. I think yer purdier than a Speckled Bass Elly!!!
  15. Weeee doggies!!! I'm a celebratin' too!... done made 2 trips to the root cellar! I wonder if'n Elly Mae wants to wrassle?
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  17. Y'all be keerfull out there now... ya heah?
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  20. The actual Equinox here is tomorrow, sunrise at 6:53 a.m. and sunset at 6:53 p.m.
  21. Those storms rolled thru here in the wee hours of the morning Paul.... no damage that i can see. They did wake me up though, and we are liable to get some more before the day is over. Duck and cover!!!
  22. Thanks a bunch y'all!!! I'd have rather been born on St. Patty's day, but you take what you can get when wimmins are involved.
  23. I say take the camera for the fish only! It has been my past experience that the ones that want to show it to you are the ones you don't want to see!!!
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