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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Nets are good!!! AWs that try to impose their beliefs, wants and desires on other folks are bad. Most of the time they're just really really jealous. Please keep up the good work Cliff and Carole, I know that 99% of the folks on this board enjoy your reports as much as I do!
  2. I feel so slighted without the pics!
  3. Cliff!... great report pics and fish!!! (I knew you could do it Bubba!) Congrats on the PB!!! Bly!... LAFF MY BUTT OFF!!! Excellently written report!!! Love the solid black pic!!!... and you're right, that last pic doesn't do that fish justice... looks like he could be actual size there (next time put your foot next to it when ya take the pic) Another wonderful report by the Dynamic Duo!!!
  4. ... and braid vs. mono vs. fluoro... ... and ya get fussed at or even made fun of if you don't wear a shirt!
  5. Was there a white Jumla sticker in the back window?
  6. I use the Frogg Toggs as well and they are excellent!!! Frogg Toggs are much cheaper than gore-tex and work better in my opinion. The material is actually a woven polypropylene with a knit so tight it won't let water in but loose enough to breathe for wicking away body moisture. I've tried Gore-Tex rainwear before and wasn't as pleased as I am with the Froggs.
  7. Happy Birfday and Best Fishes to you Old Timer!!!
  8. Wouldn't he be cute in something sheer and frilly?
  9. Looks Great!!!! Nekkid dancin' girlz would help!
  10. Sux to live there eh? ... and what's with all the funny words under each pic???... it's like them Franchies have a different word for everything!
  11. Man that floor looks good!!! Is the urethane "gastric juice proof" for when one of the Tadpoles hurls up grape juice on it??? I'm glad no Mucksies read this board, or they'd be jumpin at the monitor tryin' to eat those baits!!!
  12. A pic and then a helluva fish fry!!! Seriously though, my front pedestal seat is my tripod. All of my pics are by myself with the self timer function on the camera. It can be a challenge sometimes with the larger fish, but when you get used to doing it... it's not that bad. Personally, I would make the decision after the hooks were out and the fish was ready to release... can the fish stand a pic or 2... or is we gonna have us a fish fry???
  13. HA!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFRQVTCbW04 How many people wanna kick some ass?... Bly does, Bly does!!! Line issues you say???... and just think, it was just last night you were braggin' on that 2 yr. old crap line on your float rod! (I told you the cake mixer would make an excellent line twister Bly!) Excellent report and pics y'all! I'm doing my best to pump y'all some more nice days up there so we can see more of these reports. Sick and then an ass-whoppin' at fishin'... sux to be you eh Cliff?
  14. Great job Bernie!!! That 4" of pine cones and debris WAS your insulation. Overhead work is a pain in the neck... literally! Air nailers are the cats azz!!! Your wifes approval should be fourthcoming, not a darn thing wrong with that job!
  15. Great report and pics!!! All good lookin' fish!!! It still looks pretty dang chilly up there...
  16. Awwww! Isn't that cute!... MTP is havin' problems staying on topic again
  17. I'd say that fish is a nice 8-10 pounder
  18. ... on another note, I was wondering why so many old threads had been "resurrected"... but I guess it's the reason for the season
  19. Happy Easter to all y'all!!! If I'm not there when comes time to hunt the eggs... ... go ahead and start without me!
  20. I dunno what y'all folks are going on about... I'm working on my tan!
  21. I'd really like to... but that means she would have to go outside... and that just aint gonna happen too often.
  22. I'm thinkin' this kinda stuff would take time and money away from fishin'... ... aren't video games for little kids anyway?
  23. No pics... no believe!!! The Pike pic looks photoshopped...
  24. We call them "tailgaters" down here... every Redneck and his green toothed Granny has one for attending college football games and NASCAR races.
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