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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Can you get to the drain plug from the inside? If so, just pull it while traveling under speed and all the water will drain out. Replace the plug before you stop.
  2. A scrubable latex would be the way to go Twi, what kind of finish do you want? Matte, Satin, Semi gloss? You don't have to take the doors down unless you're painting them too, just a little easier if you are.
  3. that done it, now i'm completely deaf!
  4. The 3 biggest fibs: 1. The check is in the mail! 2. I promise this won't very much at all! #. I'm from the government and I'm here to help you!
  5. My Tracker Pro Deep V 17 is riveted and has leaked a drop in the 10+ years I've had it!!!
  6. Kinda spammy without any fish!
  7. HA! The music is fine to me, I like the Offspring! Great vid and some nice Pickerals!!!
  8. Ya gotta love the Caribbean!!! Wish I could spend the whole winter down there! Those Bonita's are actually Little Tunny's.
  9. VOD!!!... that's nasty Marc, I like the way you think!!! The "Old Boys Club" isn't all it's cracked up to be: The beer is hot. The rum is watered down. The Go-Go girls are all ex USO show dance card girls from WWII. Watching them try to do the Frug while hanging onto their walkers doesn't do anything for me... yet.
  10. I follow it to a certain extent, but find weather plays a much bigger role. If you can get the weather and moon phase to coincide you'll usually do well. Good moon phase and crappy weather or bad moon phase and good weather are usually just mediocre. The best moon phase times are 3 days before and after the full moon.
  11. Sharks are just like Tornados, they're more afraid of you than you are of them and won't harm you unless cornered or deliberately aggitated! ... plus, titty nipple deep is only about 3' on TJ
  12. I don't need a hearing test Stan... I know I'm deaf as a door nail! 30 yrs. of working around heavy construction equipment will do it to ya.
  13. Didn't make her walk... but man I could have throttled her there for a second!!! ... but we can laugh about it now, eh Mo?
  14. Lemme guess, you waited 'til it warmed up to start ice fishin'? Good report and pic!!! I hope you were wearin' some sort of PFD. Put the ice fishin' gear away and break out the boat, it sounds like you're goin' to need it!
  15. What CH said, plus I like to go for the Mutton Snapper when in the Caribean. A 1oz. egg sinker-swivel-18" leader-2/0 circle hook baited with raw shrimp (peeled). Wade out titty nipple deep and cast as far as you can, let out slack and back up into waist deep water... wait for the fish to send you a little telegraph message via the tip of your rod, if you use the circle hook don't jerk to set the hook, just start reeling. When fish is on back up to ankle deep water to land the fish. Take the camera and use it!!!
  16. I sense a Steel Cage grudge match comin' on!... Happy vs. Grumpy
  17. Didja put the muffs on it a fire it up?... Change the oil in the foot?... Check the spark plugs?... Proper inflation in the trailer tires?... Fuel filter?
  18. *peering over* It looks like you have a little white Johnson there...
  19. Yeah, ya gotta watch this douG guy... he's a real rascallion!!!
  20. I hurled a little bit in the back of my mouth when i read what they were!
  21. I agree with Clive... and it's in such good condition!!! Not only does it look like it's been run over, it also looks like it's been "sunbathing" for a couple weeks!
  22. Pate' and potted meat double as a damn fine Catfish bait!!!
  23. If y'all want to suffer the banana boat curse with the deadly Black Tarantula... be my guest! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pOvnPdpNu0...feature=related
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