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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. If I'm asleep by then all my lights will be turned off.
  2. ... and they make a great catfish bait when you're finished with them!
  3. Try bright colors and noisy baits (rattles, spinners, lipless cranks) scent may help. you may even want to try some glow in the dark something. I've never had good results with GITD at night, but in low light conditions (cloudy and/or stained/dirty water) they're some of my best producers.
  4. Go ice fishin' for Burbot Cliff!
  5. I think MTP holds the all time record...
  6. If you see somebody smokin' a cigarette while you're out there... I'll be doin the same thing Good Luck!
  7. Roe is for Sissies!!!... Real men use jigs eh Kemper?!!!
  8. Excellent report and pics Corey!!! That's a beautiful Striper, but where's the pics of yer Dad with the hooks in his butt??? Edited to say: Sorry Jim, thought this was Cory's post... any truth to the hook in the butt rumor???
  9. Those magnets might be strong enough to pull in let's say a bicycle?... Hey Snag!...
  10. Heeeere fishy fishy fishy!!!
  11. Just because you see someone on Tv using a cool tool and getting remarkable results, doesn't mean you can go out and buy one and get the same results! Start out practising with simple tools, a sledgehammer is a good tool to practice with for beginners... it will teach you respect for tools very quickly!!! Don't mind the foot/leg cast... it'll come off in aboot 6 weeks.
  12. That's a good thing! 25 12" Perch is enough to feed most families. They will just have to be more selective in size, and I think that's what the DNR is shootin' for.
  13. I'd like to think if they were the primary forage, something would develop a taste for them... may have been what happened where they originated and have disappeared from.
  14. Just out of curiosity and ignorance, is it legal to use live minnows for Steelhead?
  15. I also agree with that! We call them Spoonbill Catfish down here and they're protected and few and far between. 0 limit We have an Alabama Sturgeon I would like to see brought back too.
  16. Why use any roe? Looks like they bite little jigs pretty good.
  17. If'n dat dawg was mine, his name would be Big Dawg!
  18. You've got a lot to learn aboot life... we all have our stresses. Marriage and children are 2 of the biggest.
  19. I concur! Thanks to the board and to all good members (you know who you are) like Snag ... as for the PITAs, take off eh?
  20. Try doing a Google search Kyle.
  21. Nope, not a thing. Go to bed unless yer gonna write the stinky report.
  22. Yuck it up FF!!! I'm glad you're so easily amused... a plate of chicken wings, a 2/4, and a bug zapper... you'd prolly piss yer pants!!!
  23. Dennis Miller is a wet dish rag compared to Dennis Leary... now there's a ranter!!!
  24. ...
  25. ...
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