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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Great report and pics Joey!!! Makes me wish I was still up there!!!
  2. The mounting instructions (manufacturers opinion) that came with mine recommended install the motor as close to the nose of the bow as possible for better control: I also like the shaft parallel to the gunwale for a cleaner looking installation, and it makes covering the boat easier. I like the prop to be clear of the deck incase of accidental starting. These may not work in your circumstance, but may be something you'd want to consider if they will.
  3. Fishermen that know what they're doing cast with their dominant arm and crank with the other... the uncoordinated switch hands after casting.
  4. Noice fish Double L!!! How much peanut oil would it take to fry up that thing?!!!
  5. Try the tire foam Gerritt, if it's tar you'll need a petroleum based cleaner.
  6. Well y'all certainly don't want it to end up like this! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alabama_sturgeon
  7. It's a commie plot to corner the market on craps!!!
  8. No fish in the pics, so I didn't read the words.
  9. Once you got the top of the transom above the waterline you should've bailed her out before pulling it the rest of the way out. This would've greatly reduced the risk of damage to the boat and yard. Google submerged outboard motor and see what you come up with.
  10. Quickest and easiest way is to burn it. It won't be worth the labor you put into it to strip it by hand... unless you have nothing else to do.
  11. Excellent job Chris!!!
  12. Just a guess, but try something like Armorall spray foam tire cleaner on the brown ring... a little on a rag and do a spot aboot the size of a dime to see if it works, or maybe some WD-40 will work! Let us know!
  13. Killing the dog will only make matters much worse, it may even lead to your death! Buy a paint ball or BB gun, when it comes in the yard crack open a window in the house and bounce one off its butt... quiet and stealthy! It won't take long at all for the dog to learn not to come in your yard.
  14. Fences make good neighbors!
  15. It was actually 4 fish and worth every mile/minute!!! ... and that aint countin' this monster!!!
  16. It happens more often than you may think! http://www.cdc.gov/nasd/docs/d000001-d0001...07/d000007.html
  17. Gloom, despair, and agony on me. Deep dark depression, excessive misery!
  18. Got a dark cloud hangin' over yer head Jed?
  19. I think we got a live one here Boys!!!
  20. Happy Birfday and Best Fishes!!! Wear "the hat"!
  21. Who said this was a NF thread?
  22. This dang thing wasn't s'posed to hit the Sabiki rig tipped with crawlers!
  23. Nope! ... Zebco 33!!!
  24. Sounds like that business is run by 3 monkee's.
  25. I've got pics!!! ... for sale!
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