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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Try not to be so Shellfish!
  2. I got a little ahead of myself on my first post to this thread. I think the main reason folks post fish/report pics on this board is "the proud angler showing off their catch"!... and I don't know about y'all, but I enjoy reading/seeing them! I don't think any of us get out as much as we would like to (if you have the time, you usually don't have the money... and if you have the money, you don't have the time )... it's kinda like taking a trip and never leaving the farm. If you look at the number of members this board has and then look at the number of people that post reports regularly... the percentage is pretty low. It takes a certain amount of time and effort to post a report on this board. Time that some folks don't have, and an effort that some folks aren't willing to make.... which brings me to another point. If you should happen to read a report that entertains you... hit the reply button and give them a little compliment, it wont take you near as long to compliment them as it did for them to make the report.
  3. Not even in your wildest narcoleptic dreams Big Boy!!!
  4. First of all Jigger, there's the reply button at the bottom of the thread. If you would like to know some particulars, just ask!... but it would probably be better to PM, as most folks that take the time to post here don't want to give away particulars to the lurkers (people that only take and never give anything back to the board) I've found that members that post regularly are usually more than willing to help out other regular posting members... and it doesn't stop there. There's a lot of help for the Newbies too... but don't just take and not give anything back, the helping hand will be a waining one under those circumstances.
  5. Flags at the bottom of the ocean and the deepest lake??? Those Ruskies will do anything for a laugh eh!!!
  6. Nice report and great pics!!!
  7. I just want to know how the Armpit Chinny-coho-pinook-antic tasted?
  8. Great report and pics!!! ... and some beauty fish too!!!
  9. Excellent pics Cliff!!! I'm jealous!!! ... again!
  10. You can never say anything about the way I talk or spell again!!!
  11. If he was wearing a bug suit... it was him! It's his new "look" yanno!
  12. I have a feeling that the "evidence" has been flushed into the Grand by now and is feeding the Carp and Wall-ice minnows in the Dunnville area.
  13. An Epic reprt for sure!!! I think Cliff looks good in that bug suit... hides some of the damn ugly!!!
  14. It looks like CLochick knows what he's talkin' aboot!!! The "Atlantic" tards need to go back to Salmoon ID school! Soft ray fish = MINNOW/BAIT!!! Where can I get some of these little jewels for Crappie fishin'??? How much $/dozen???
  15. Nice fish!!! Did you keep it???
  16. ...
  17. Congrats to Jamie!!! Looks like he forgot his Team #3 sign again!!!
  18. The only one worth trolling in your pics Tom is the top one in the first pic, and it's a deep diver. The others are jerk and glide baits for casting. You could maybe troll the buzz type bait in the bottom of the second pic, it will troll at a slower speed and you want it to be on top of the water splashing and gurgling. Edited to say, Here's links to what a Jake and Super Shad Raps look like: http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults
  19. Noice fish!!! It looks like cutbait for Catfish to me... but what does a Redneck know aboot Salmonoids?
  20. Nippissing! The lake of invisible fish!!! The only lake I've ever fished where balls of baitfish show up on the finder with nothing beside or below them! If reincarnation is true, I want to come back as a baitfish in Nippissing! You'll live a long worry free life!!!
  21. Good to hear you got everything straightened out Mo!!! Now let's see what Beans can do!
  22. Nice report and pics!!!
  23. Good report and pics!!!
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