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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I mainly agree with some of the replies here but common sense tells me: 1. Blind rivets are ok for repairing a limited number of rivets... but they're not as strong as the original rivets. 2. Resetting a rivet will work for a while... but that rivet has already been weakened and should really be replaced. 3. Checking the floatation foam for waterlogging is a good idea but will require disassembly, or partial disassembly of the boats interior. If the boat hasn't been "slipped" (docked on the water) for a season while it was leaking... the foam should be ok.
  2. Just remember: "When guns are outlawed... only outlaws will have guns"!!!
  3. OMG!!! THEY'RE ALL ATLANTICS!!! Great report and pics!!! ... and congrats on your first downrigger fish on your own boat!!!
  4. I'm glad you've had success with that Billy Bob, but there's this thing with rivets being loose that kinda bothers me... did you know they actually hold the boat together? .. and a couple here and there will loosen others... and then more...
  5. Nice report and pics!!! Congrats on the PB! Did you catch him on a french fry dipped in ketchup?... because that's what it looks like he's been eating... or is that... I feel wooozy
  6. I don't think the motor is that big of an issue. I have a 17' Tracker Deep V with a 50 hp Mercury on it, it does 33mph which is fine with me. I'm no speed demon and my gasoline bill is very low to operate my boat. Like stated before, have the rivets replaced... trying to seal them is a bunch of malarkey!
  7. Uhhhh... the other kind of skeeter skeeter...
  8. Hope you catch bunches of big fish Jeff!!! Could you swing by and pick me up on the way???
  9. Ok! Thought you might be tryin' to watch yer girlish figure on the okra... the amount in that pic looked like just enough to piss me off! Y'all must go light on the spices when cookin the "dads"... mine turn red... but when y'all live as far north as y'all do I gues ya can't expect too much. ... and we both know what the "mustard" really is... don't we?
  10. A 40-55 lb. should do well on that boat, if you can afford it... go with the variable speed instead of the 5 speed.
  11. First you pinch the tail off, then turn the head around and suck all the guts out the "hole"... then peel and eat the tail!!! Art, you done good on hirin' the ugly cook!!! I don't think you could've picked a more qualified one! Joe, that aint enough fried Okra for me to even think about startin' to eat it... are y'all on "short rations"??? Why did y'all paint them crawdads orange???
  12. John, I think a 4" plastic lizard will do better for your creek SMB. The 8" are a LMB bait, and you won't have to worry about catching a bunch of dinks on an 8"er, when that Largie eats that 8" lizard... it'll be a good solid fish!
  13. Permit me to say, I've never seen a crabbier bunch of Snooks!
  14. Welk, we were just doing it for the Halibut... Cod you ever forgive us?
  15. Oh yeah?... well let's see if we can't get some of that on the keyboard! Look at this!!! http://www.911caviar.com/miva/merchant.mvc...an_black_bowfin
  16. If they were caught by trolling... they don't count!
  17. They are edible, but the flesh is mushy and only fit for a fish soup.
  18. Sometimes the Fishing Gods play cruel tricks on us and turn quality fish into less desireable fish just before they come into sight. They think that kind of crap is reeeeeal funny.
  19. So now that we know where you were... what did you catch???
  20. Awwww! Now ain't that cute!... The Musky guy is skeered of a little ol' Grinnel!!!
  21. Well said scuro!!!
  22. Real nice report, pics, and fish!!!
  23. Great report and pics ya ol' Stinker!!! Some nice phish too!
  24. Yeah, the first time I heard that one I was too young to laugh... so I rolled over and pooped my diaper to show my appreciation!
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