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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. If I told you that I'd have to kill you... James Bond 007 Quit trying to change the subject and post those fish pics son!!!... you do have fish pics don'cha??? ... and a Very Happy New Year to you and yours Jacques!!!
  2. ... is that why you can't post those fish pics.. because your kids are too busy doing other stuff?
  3. That's what we call and avatar pic Vinni.. the one on the bottom is a signature pic.
  4. Photobucket really works for me Vinni, when posting an avatar pic use the direct link. If you should decide to get a photobucket account, use the bulk uploader... it's much easier to upload a bunch of pics at one time.
  5. Newfies and Rednecks!... one's brain is frost bit and the other one's brain is sunburned!!!
  6. You should have 2!!! I'm looking at your avatar pic and wondering what that stuff on top of your head is?... it sure ain't the same stuff that's on your chin!!!
  7. Our power company (hydro company in Canada) runs nothing but Fords and the only motor they use is the 5.4L... I wonder why? A 4.6L would pull Elmer Fudds sick green toothed granny off of a porcelin pot!!! If you would stay out of the kitchen when your wife has the wooden spoon in her hand you would realize these things!
  8. Now all you have to do is catch a fish (like that's going to happen ) and take a pic of it... then post the aforementioned pic so I can tell you you're holding it the wrong way/it's too small/it's OOS/ and your face looks like my dogs butt!
  9. Sorry Johnny, but that's not a Wall-ice... that there would be one of them Pickeral type fishes, he'll have to grow for another 5 or 6 years to become a Wall-ice! If you want to catch enough big fish to eat for dinner, you need to take the LLJ fishing with you!
  10. I started drinking heavily when I saw the arm pic!!!... but, any excuse will do for that!
  11. It takes old people a lot longer to heal than young people.. not that I would know anything about getting old! At 3.5 weeks you're just beginning to heal... give it time .. and start drinking heavily!!!
  12. Very sorry to hear that Mike, hope both of your parents get well real soon! I don't know about an aortic anuerism, but my 80 yo pops has has cerebral anuerism surgery and came through it like a champ... then he had triple bypass open heart surgery and can now smoke more cigarettes than me in an hour! Modern medicine is a wonderful thing, I'm sure everything will work out fine!
  13. Heck no!!! Sweet taters and collard greens are the only sides for a possum dinner!!! ... pecan pie for desert!
  14. I don't trust diesels and they're nasty! That's why I got the extremely weak/underpowered but highly dependable 5.4L gas burner in my 250 Super Dirty... the 5.4 is only good for about 500 hp if you tweak it.
  15. no no, y'all just carry on like I'm not here.
  16. Yes there is a right and wrong way to do it! If you're right handed, you should hold the rod and cast with your right hand and crank with your left... vice versa for lefties. I kinda feel sorry for folks that are so uncoordinated that they can't do simple tasks like making small circles with their nondominant hand... kinda. If you have to switch hands after cast to reel, you should consider a tether in case you drop your reel or get a big fish hit while changing hands! I'll be holding a casting seminar at the next June OFC G2G!
  17. Jeez!!! A guy can't even go to the loo for 5 minutes to make a deposit without folks starting to talk aboot him! Thanks for the kind words folks!... I love each and everyone of y'all Hosers! (in a totally hetero kinda way) As for the ones that weren't so kind, I just have one thing to say!... Take Off Eh!!! I'm back, so mark your rum bottles and somebody gimme a smoke and a light...
  18. Keep your boat ins. vinni!!! If someone decides they like it more than you do and takes off with it you'll be better covered! ... also if you cancell now and look for a new policy in the spring, I promise your rates will be higher, do you really wantn to pay more?
  19. I'm good Craig!... thanks for askin'!!! I actually posted this morning... to be more specific! ... I think it's yer age yanno!
  20. I notice no one has mentioned how sonar actually "see's" a fish. When you mark a fish on sonar with ID off or on, you're not "seeing" the actual fish... just a very small portion of the fish, the air bladder. Sonar doesn't travel through air and that's the part you're viewing on the screen. Today's sonar units for the fisherman has a certain criteria programmed into the unit for the fish ID, mainly air pockets (air bladders). Leaves don't show up as fish, branches don't show up as fish, even when I drop a jig or lure over the side it doesn't show up as a fish. I will agree that maybe not all fish symbols are fish on the ID, and will go even further by saying not all fish show up as symbols on the ID either! When I pass over a large school of Shad with the ID on, it doesn't show hundreds or thousands of little fish symbols... it shows a large cloud, and will have the larger fish either below the school or around the school depicted as symbols. For me it's a confidence thing, I don't really care if all the symbols are fish or not... and just because I have fish symbols on the screen and I'm not catching anything, doesn't mean those symbols aren't fish! Has anyone ever marked fish with the ID off and not caught anything??? As far as the alarms go, I never use them because I can't hear those high pitched squeaky sounds anyway! Just my stubborn opinion!
  21. You aren't fooling them and they ain't buying it!!! Your bait might be too big... Your bait may not smell right... Your line might be too big and they can see it... You may be dealing with insolent fish!!! Try live minnows on 2 lb. test line, if they bite... take it from there!
  22. Man I really enjoy your fishin' vids Simon, especially the ice fishin' ones!!! Thanks for taking the time to put them together!!! ... btw, is that 2 little bells on the end of your fishin' pole?
  23. I think you need to throw the Diawa in the garbage... forget about the Quantum and Shimano... and get the oversized Zebco 33... it is soooo you!!! They're all good reels Mike (except the Zebco), get the one that feels best in your hand and you have the most confidence in.. that'll be the best one for you!
  24. You are correct Uncle Artie! If you boat doesn't have those 3 requirements you can and will at the very least be charged with violating the "open container" law, the same as driving on the road!!! I'm pretty sure this law applies to most if not all states.
  25. Hey Simon! Try some of these! http://www.greentophuntfish.com/browse.cfm/4,3990.html They look kinda like a Scud (freshwater shrimp) I also saw some of the power micro tubes on Ebay, you may want to check that out as well!
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