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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I'm sorry Jacques, but I didn't... if chapeau or formage wasn't mentioned... I'm lost! Sorry bubba!
  2. Cross dressin' hillbilly tater lickin' fags... it don't get no weirder than that Paul!!! .. you get a gol' star by yer name Bubba!!!
  3. Don' tell me you ben keepin' dem boogy shoes in da "closet"?... please don tell me dat!!!
  4. You poor poor demented bugger!!! ... it's like them Franchies have a different word for everythin' eh?
  5. "FUN" is all that counts Ohio Paul!!!
  6. ... so there was this "tard"... ... jus' messin wit ya Paul!
  7. Ok... on rhum #5!!! Let's go fishin' again!!! ... the more I drunk... the drinker I got!
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTRHIVScAXE "E" is fer what???
  9. What the heck is a 409???
  10. I think I'm catchin' the "Spirit"!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ET8zhjeYMs...feature=related
  11. Well, you can't really have a party without some "bad girls" eh! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hL4CwODVp8
  12. I hear ya Jacques!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnEUKG_rqzU ... the pelvic thrust is going to drive you insay-ya-ya-ya-yane!!!
  13. Dats a good'un Bubba Roy!!! ... but some of us lead Sordid Lives... ... Miss Oblivious Nuetron Bomb like you've never seen her!
  14. I also really like this version Jacques! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYoENZ0Pk-c Thomas Dolby on the keyboard guitar really rocks at the end!!!... hell yeah!!!
  15. Just one more Alice.. you shouldn't have ever got me started Paul!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtVpS_9YtvA...feature=related
  16. I love that one Paul!!! I also really like this one too!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7hb7ltNwDg
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwav30mNypI
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTW19g-uUTw
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fiOwvph4svU...feature=related Reminds me of a few members here...
  20. I resolve to drink as much rum as I want... but never more than I want!!! ... I sure do hope I can make this one work!
  21. GCD = Green Callous Dog Actually it stands for Greencoachdog, one of my favorite color patterns on one of my favorite lures to throw Greencoachdog Roostertail It immitates the Green June Beetle we have down here in the summer, and fish love them!
  22. Excellent report, pics, and fish hombre!!! Sounds like there was some good scarfin' goin' down on the denizens of the deep!!! That honeycomb ice near the rivermouth doesn't sound too sporty to me... y'all be keerful out there now... ya heah?
  23. If y'all will learn to take the pics at a 90* angle to one of the fishes pectoral fins... they'll actually look bigger than bleached-out Perch!
  24. Dang!... and I thought it was because you couldn't see the trees for the...
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