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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. You may want to consider using the arbor knot to secure your line to your spool. http://www.fintalk.com/fishing-knots/arbor-knot.html
  2. Pulling that trailer will kill your Freestyle, and you'll be buying something else to pull the trailer with sooner than you think... and a family vehicle is just that! You can make a family vehicle out of a work vehicle a lot better than the other way around.
  3. Maybe it isn't your bait, what lb. test line are you using? Braid, mono, or fluoro? It sounds like the water is pretty clear where you are.
  4. .. Madness you say?
  5. Good lookin' 'Gill! Whatever that fish lacked in size, it made up for with those colors!
  6. Yes, they're all made out of the same thing (spectra fiber)... but! they're not all manufactured the same! Some a braided round (PP) and some are braided flat (stren gorilla braid comes to mind) and some aren't even braided at all (spiderwire fusion) Some are coated (PP and fireline) and some aren't (the older Spiderwire). The coating makes the line stiffer IMO, and some of the coatings come off too easily (fireline). It all boils down to personal preference and trial and error. I personally like the Spiderwire and PP brand braids. I don't care for Fireline, stren gorilla braid, and spiderwire fusion... but that's just me! All of them that I've used will fade with use and being exposed to sunlight over a period of time. Just because someone says they like and have had good results with a product, doesn't mean you will.
  7. Whatcha think aboot this one Jacques? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAV9PvLKHCA
  8. Sorry!... was checkin' my nadz for ingrown hairs I like this too!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kwctaceDxQ
  9. Excellent report, pics, and fish!!! Now I see how Cliff caught that cold ... he was using a spinning rod instead of one of those fancy clothes line pulleys!!!
  10. Marc had a birthday???... no wonder he looks so old!!! Happy Happy and Best Fishes to ya Bubba!!!
  11. Dang Cliff! Sorry to hear yer feelin' puny bubba! I know that bly gal will take good care of ya though!!! Happy New Year to you too!!!
  12. Thanks to all that participated last night ... it was fun! I'll checkout this mornings offerings later, my head kinda hurts right now... feel like I've been shot at and missed and shatted at and hit!
  13. You ain't got a hair on yer if you don't!!!
  14. Be keerful with those Poike!
  15. Looks good Chris!!! What the heck are those little dinky rods for??? I can fix those 2 piece rods for ya so they'll never come apart if you'd like...
  16. Happy New Year Jacques!!! ... now got get yer out on the ice and
  17. OMG!!!... I need a cowpie to kick!!!
  18. Still 55 more minutes to go here.
  19. DAT is a FRAKIN'"A" good'un Jacques!!!
  20. It sux to be you eh??? ... jus' kiddin... wish I could live the clean life.......................................NOT!!!
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