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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. It really makes you wonder why though, with so many good outfitters on the lake... why would this guy do such a crappy job? Or is he just too ignorant to realize he's hurting his business?
  2. Nice report, pics, and fish Ug!!! Were you tryin' to call the Catfish in with the dead Skunk aroma thingy???
  3. European.
  4. That's great to hear Will! Did you have a stress test done before the angio gram? Were you having some kind of symptoms for them to recommend an angio? I was having chest pains and the doc recommended I take a stress test that came back positive (not the good kind of positive) Had the angio done and my arteries are in great shape.. except for one that thinks it's a butthole and wants to close up all the time. It turns out I have Spastic/Prinzmetal angina rare in American men, but more commonly found in Japanese men. It comes from eating a healthy diet ( the clear arteries) but smoking too many cigs and drinking too much caffeine! I take one pill a day and stay away from the caffeine and I'm good to go!
  5. That's because you're always mean to me!!! I think the world of you! ... and you treat me like dirt!!!
  6. I quit reading this report the very instant I realized that the lovely LJ wasn't going to be in it!!! Not with that kind of attitude you won't!!! That was just an ok report compared to the ones with LJ kickin' yer butt in the fish dept!!!
  7. What the heck??? They won't bite your hook anymore RT2???
  8. Take it to a mechanic to have it checked out before you buy it.
  9. You want to lightly sautee' your onions Rob, not burn them!!! I don't know how you feel about shopping online but Solo is right, there's a lot more competition online and the prices are hard to beat even with the shipping! Then again, a good pair of liners that fit your boot perfectly with no waiting for shipping may be worth their weight in gold on a cold day eh?!!!
  10. So you're saying it wasn't a good trip? Did you go with the cheapest outfitter you could find? What was the owner going to do if you didn't pay?... not let you come back and get your stuff?
  11. That actually took 1 minute and not 10 seconds... and he needs to leave a patch of skin on that fish if he plans on transporting it! The spine and rib cage were still left in the fish, he just peeled out the dorsal fin.
  12. Don't tell me you just now noticed that?
  13. Once you fished with a 1 piece rod enough, you'll throw that 2 piece crap away!!! ... the difference is like night and day! A baitcaster can chunk and wind the heavier baits all day much better than a spinning rod can!!! ... but when it comes to finesse, you can't beat a spinning rod!!!
  14. It's obvious that you've never met Leah!!!
  15. Take it easy on those Coors lights Jacques... I can't drink more than aboot 27 or 28 of them without getting a buzz!
  16. It's a good thing Miss Kelly is a fun gal!!! ... I dunno what she see's in you?! btw... I'll be bringing up a couple more bottles from the "fountain of youth" to Lakair in June.
  17. It does sound nasty... eh Roger!
  18. When I'm in Canada and the fishing is done for the day, I pretty much suck down the dark Cuban rhum like it's going out of style eh!!!
  19. No alcohol for me while operating a watercraft or motor vehicle!!! On a 95*F summers day, nothing beats a jug of green Gatorade!!!
  20. Great report and pics as well Bill!!! Good to see ya get out!!!
  21. I unnerstan now Bubba... pig out on the weekends!!! So the salt beef isn't far from being corned beef?... I love that stuff (corned beef), but we only have it 2 or 3 times a year. That's how I do a corned beef brisket, boil it with taters, carrots, and cabbage. Then I put the brisket in the oven with a brown sugar and spicey mustard glaze for aboot 45 min. ... I always eat too much of that!!!
  22. Great report and pics Hosette!!! ... I've been waiting for this report all day!!! Good on Paul for catching and outfishing y'all today!... every Dawg has his day yanno!!! What's that stuff on Bills face???... did he forget to wash again? Did y'all see Jose?... or did he wimp out? That volcanic ash is pretty nasty this time of year eh? That killer Perch is a good start to the tourney!!!
  23. You're a maniac!!!
  24. Why did you need 2 meats???... wasn't the chicken enough? Do you realize how much extra cholesterol that is??? ... no wonder you were fat as a hog!!!... and it looks like yer heading that way again!!! ... just an observation...
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxxXXxuCNq0 ...anyone driving faster than you are is a maniac!
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