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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Nice footage - I spend lots of time around and have seen numerous raggedy, beat up looking wolves/coyotes ( I can't tell the difference ) in the last few years. Last year a guy was walking his little pooch through the forest and was confronted by something larger that wasn't a yote. Smashed a stick across its head because the thing was snapping at his dog that his wife was holding in her arms... this all around Whitney.
  2. You need a fully automatic assault rifle.
  3. Woulda been hilarious if something shot up from the bottom
  4. Bye Bye cell phone Oh my - I'm sorry you lost your phone but this titled picture made me laugh
  5. What to make of the data? Looks like you've got the pigs dialed in! Share the pattern Thanks for the post very interesting stuff... new world record by 2020?
  6. WSB - always comes through with the finest - well done sir, well done
  7. We had two here in Scarborough, east Toronto. Wicked picture WSB - I won't lie... I was upset when you posted that you couldn't post pictures anymore. What an amazing shot man, 4 thumbs up brother.
  8. Its a story about a mouse
  9. So they don't freeze - obviously.
  10. Take my word here - don't be a superhero. Don't get me wrong, you have the right intentions except your execution is a bit off unless you are ready to go face to face with a knife wielding snagger then everything is good. Call the cops or MNR and let them deal with it.
  11. Why would you waste a bead if you wanted to floss? lol The hook is a short distance away from the bead so the hook is well exposed ( increase the chances of a good hook up ) The fish attack the beads for food or to increase chances the survival of their own progeny by destroying other eggs. Beads are great and at times, outperform anything else presented.
  12. Not an albino - it has black eyes making it leucistic or amelanistic, don't remember exactly which one. Albino animals aren't missing any genes, its just that the genotype for albinism is expressed rather than the normal type.
  13. Those honeys pictured are probably full of bugs
  14. Big time shroomer here. The first unidentified ones are honey mushrooms, fantastic eating, look around that area because they can grow by the hundreds. This is the time for them. A little field tip for checking whether or not a mushroom is edible is to compress the underside of the cap on your tongue, if it stings its not edible. NEVER rely on this method though and always reference a book or website, especially when you're just starting out. There is a shroom here in Canada that closely resembles a bolete and can really mess you up. Morels and Lobsters are my favorite but I love them all, boletes make a great sauce and dried they are a great additive to any meal. Happy shrooming
  15. Some of the best I've ever seen - absolutely stunning photography MJL.
  16. I look a lot worse waking up with an empty bottle and spent connies by my side.
  17. Rather see roe not being allowed to be used as bait however you're right, I would much rather see the eggs being harvested from stockers vs. wild, self sustaining populations no doubt. As for no natural reproduction occurring I'm not sure thats the case, sure, lots of stocking but there are still fish that are able to spawn successfully in other systems, the numbers are probably small... The bait is free - factor out the costs of the rods, lines, gas, etc. ( which already you own because you are fisherman ) the roe is still free. You didn't pay for it, didn't trade anything for it. The mentality " we paid $60 to get here so we better get as much roe as possible" is retarded to me - shows a lack of respect - hatchery, wild fish, whatever fish. I would imagine a lot of those fish get tossed - recycling bins fill up fast in some parking lots. I am getting softer and softer... certainly my view of fishing has changed since day 1 and can't deal with certain things any more. It upsets me, it really does. I couldn't take what I witnessed on some of those NY tribs, cut trips short because I was sick of what was going on around me. East tribs are my stomping grounds and I refuse to go to popular spots because of the down right rape that goes down... did I mention that I'm a softie?
  18. Pretty much dude - free bait. Lots of people doing it to be honest, can't go fishing without seeing a split open fish especially during the salmon run. Ever heard of roe runs DanA? A group of guys will band together, get New York licenses, head down for 3 days. In New York, you are allowed to keep 3 browns a day, therefore each guy gets 9 fish after those 3 days all for roe. Now some will defend themselves and legitimize the situation by saying "Its a put and take fishery" however that doesn't justify the fact they are raiding the fish just for the eggs, at least thats how I see it. Last year fishing in a well known area in New York had a couple people ask me if I'm there just for the eggs and some random Canadian guy ( setup with the expensive jacket, rod, reel ) say "I cant stand fishing here" only to leave with 3 big brown hens. As if it was a chore for him to be fishing...
  19. Why not? Anything is possible out east.
  20. A person wthout the license would of probably taken the fish to feed the family with "salmans". We also can't be quick to judge... this fish could of been dead and the eggs legally harvested.
  21. I disagree - if I were to guess this person knew what they were doing and probably had a $2,000 setup with the newest ( insert main stream centerpin/fly reel company name here ) gear on the market.
  22. Awesome report To be remote in the park you should be ready to do km's of portaging... otherwise its fishermen everywhere, especially on weekends.
  23. Very cool dude, amazing shots - question for ya - are you shooting with a DSLR? Underwater housing? Bag?
  24. The shadow of the fish is cast on his arm/leg - which "fills" the shadow of his legs on the ground?
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