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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Its not a Gila GCD! Damn, thats a nice looking one too
  2. Wind direction, as mentioned, is very important. First time I blew off pressurized spray I was pointing it up wind and man was I in for a surprise!
  3. Pike smashed a perch I was reeling in once.
  4. Hey everyone, I was wondering if anyone can stear me in the right direction in terms of a pike and pike fishing book. I am looking for a book with cool photos and great information about the fish and fishing for it. I searched this site for it but all that comes up are pike reports, pike reports, and a few more pike reports. Any information would be greatly appreciated so I could start writing up some half decent pike reports.
  5. Awesome! Those whale sharks are something! They use bow and arrow for alligator gar! Its really cool.
  6. It snowed where I was camping. I was warm though.
  7. That looks like some mean weather.
  8. I haven't had a corn in over 5 years but here I go. Starting off with a baby is always the best thing to do in my opinion. Reason being is that you learn different things. If you do decide to go with a baby, you want a smaller cage ( they feel more secure ) The cage you've got now is somewhat borderline, but don't worry, breeders keep them in smaller rubbermaids Feeding... frozen is better ( arguable ) and if you do decide to use your substrate ( Repti bark or whatever it is you said you purchased ) make sure the during feeding you move the snake out of the enlosure ( could swallow a chunk of substrate and choke ). Uhhhmmmm, in terms of temperatures and humidity, do a google search and get an average off of 3 - 4 sites. Heat lamp will work for heating. These snakes are great starter reptiles. If you want something exotic you can go with a ball python. I'm missing a tonne of stuff ( mainly procedures and do's and don'ts ) but I don't have 45 minutes to type it all out. If you ever have any questions, lemme know. I can help you out with all your questions. Oh ya, and corns come in various colors to, so there is lots of patterns and color to choose from ( same with ball pythons but balls have big price tags ). Anyways, speaking of animals, gotta go tend the needs of my in home zoo
  9. If she was my teacher, I wouldn't be able to tell you what color her eyes were.
  10. Dogs as fishing partners rule! Spend days fishing with you, don't complain either! I've got my moms little Dachshunds ( weiner dogs ) on top of that they're mini's too! The male rocks to go fishing with, the female sun bathes most of the time. Cane Corso's rule! But the way, nice fish and Boxer
  11. I onced fished there and security came along and told us we gotta move the car 'cause they were to close the gates. We asked if we could fish there afterwards and the guys said its not a problem.
  12. NoS Energy drink if I'm driving. Beers if I'm not. Smokes. Jerky. Pepperoni's. Tums, lots of them.
  13. They're around. GB area has lots of them. Nothing to be worried about either. Chances are you won't even know that the snake is there and if you get to close, it'll rattle and that will send shivers down your spine. It will ruin the rest of the day for you 'cause you'll be keeping your eyes open for them. If I stumble across one I'll have my snake hook ready and shoot it... with my camera! Well, that was lame. Do not disclose any exact locations of these animals, please.
  14. Looks like proper fishing conditions
  15. Went to an eastern trib a few days back, I'm a complete noob to trout fishing, but thats not the point. Anyways, drifting the creek and all of a sudden I see aobut 10 - 15 massive logs floating by, so I decide to call it quits and pack up ( fished for about two hours and was cold ). Walking back the same pathway I took to get the that spot and theres a 5 foot thick "creek" that formed and flooded everything around me. The water was bubbling because the Earth was soaking it up and air was being replaced with water in the soil. Thankfully there was a doowned tree that helped me get over, wet my shows but oh well. Interesting experience I guess. Careful out there.
  16. My friend wanted to test his new rod / reel and spinner bait combo he purchased a few weeks back in that tank. He said if he doesn't catch a fish hes not gonna buy the combo. I spray moose urine on him after that, good times.
  17. Any camping store. Get the one under pressure. I've tested that stuff ( not on a bear ) and its awesome.
  18. Why isn't it cool to photo it on the boat? Am I missing something here... Nice ski's! I hooked one last night on Sturgeon and man did it put up a fight... lost it right at the dock too... it would have been my PB ski for sure!
  19. Why isn't it cool to photo it on the boat? Am I missing something here... Nice ski's! I hooked one last night on Sturgeon and man did it put up a fight... lost it right at the dock too... it would have been my PB ski for sure!
  20. Holy crap. This is getting really outta hand... I do hope they bump into me, that'll be a few more ignorants who would never do that again.
  21. Was that you guys at the Bluffs today?
  22. Dont know for a fact if it will be okay or not. But why not! I mean, a lot of materials are used when making flies, cat hair probably works too!
  23. I have experience in this feild, we just pluck the eyes
  24. Okay Bob... I'm gonna say 1 treble!
  25. Ya, they've got some big fish. Illegal. I love that store though, open 24/7 and usually stocked with minnows and for cheap prices!
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