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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Nice! Ya, pulling one of those puppies is is like pulling in a log! For any members who have neever been around a snapper, beware, although it may look slow and stupid, they can snap their heads REALLY fast and with lots of pressure too, easily open flesh and break bones.
  2. Damn, just struggling here... First night of chucking, 2 fish on, one solid hit. Now we're at about 10 hours in for chucking since and nothing! Not even a hit! All night fishing... And the worst part, the buggers are 5 feet away from me! Swimmin' ever so happily, calm, not even bothered by my glow in the dark Cleo's, Mepps', Rapala's, shad raps... my buddy hooked one on row bags today...but thats it! What are these fish waiting for? Every night I fished the skies were clear, one night was very windy... and today partly cloudy. Could anyone tell me more about the physiology of trout / salmon... pretty please! From what I've gathered we are in need of rain and colder weather to drop water temperatures. What about moon phases, barometric pressure, weather conditions, when the fish is most active... etc. etc. Damn, I can't wait to hit up Fenelon Falls in a few weeks to make up for all this lack of tight lines...
  3. Whoa! Whoops, I didn't know that. I mean, poop, the countless number of fisherman who came through and spoke to us, even the OPP rolled on us twice and nothing was mentioned. I guess its somethin' the C.O.'s take care of. Well, from now on we'll be fishing with one rod only... shame on me, I should look into rules and regulations myself opposed to listening to others and doing what they say. Damn, and I thaught my source was reliable. Oh well, thanks for the heads up guys! Appreciate it! Keep the minnow tips comin'!
  4. Hello everyone, Been slamming the Bluffs for the last few days, put about 8 hours in, all night fishing. Few hook ups, few hits, nothing landed, I can see the fish! I'll be heading of to Sturgeon Lake in a few weeks for some Walleye, Musky, and Perch fishin'. Now, everytime we go to our spot I always rig up a heavy duty rod, with a heavy duty bobber, with heavy duty line and a big @$$ minnow with a decently sized single hook through its back just above the spine. Works fine for me, I've brought in some nice fish with it before. But I've also missed some spectacular hits. My question, is there a better method of hooking a big minnow to a float type setup? We are shore fishing and theres a few of us going so we've got one rod thats setup with a minnow and just pound the water with spinners, cranks, jigs, etc. with another. Thanks a bunch!
  5. Bats Boning! Musta been lots 'o screechin'!
  6. Spectacular!
  7. That guy is stupid, once the pike started to thrash to swim away, the moron kept holding its tail and pulled it out, then the pike accidentally struck his hand. Probably the first time he caught a pike.
  8. Well, fished last night, got there at 10 pm. Around 12 I connected with a fish, faught it for about a minute, then it decided to run... right into the weeds where I got snagged and fish broke loose. 10 minutes later, another hit, but no connection. About 1 am, I got another hit and nothing came outta that but a fish scale... pretty big too... possibly carp? So, pretty decent. Toronto_Angler, next time you head off to the Bluffs, lemme know. I'm situated right on top of the Bluffs.
  9. Awesome! First fish is always a blast... now you gotta catch a first monster pike Well, I'm off to the Bluffs, wondering if anythin' is there...
  10. Cool. I'll be at Bluffs today too. Hopefully around 8 pm.
  11. Okay, so I've outfitted myself with a pretty decent setup for trout / salmon fishing. Got myself an 11 foot rod with a reel spooled with 10 lbs test braided line. Gonna go to Whitby marina today and fish the canal. So I've picked up a few spoons from Crappy Tire and I've got a question about the Little Cleo's in particular. I purchased a few glow in the dark cleo's but my question is about setting them up to my line. Some other spoons I've purchased came with little "rings" where I guess I tie my line to. However, the Cleo's dont have any rings, just a hole on the top of the spoon. Do I just tie my line to the "hole"? Any other tips would be appreciated. Hopefully I'll come back with a few pictures Thanks
  12. Jitterbugs are fun at night... Rapala Skitterpops are fun to play with too!
  13. Lick the underside of the cap. If it stings, do not eat it, if nothing happens, eat it.
  14. Nice, looks like fun. I've seen a video of a guy haulin' in a tarpon and the fish jumped onto the boat! Talk about easy catch
  15. Hey! Thats my lure! Just playing. Now you can tell your wife that you need another fishing trip to test out the lure.
  16. ...standing by... over.
  17. They somewhat doubted you and you just showed them how its done! Awesome fish!
  18. Oh my %@# ... I could spend three days there just sitting.
  19. Just create a scene and pretend to call MNR. Perform well!
  20. Nice catch! Probably the reason why you are the "Fishmaster".
  21. Oh oh, any update on the pinks? My father once told me a few fishing stories from up there, sounds intense! Pinks come in this long weekend he says... any input on that?
  22. You can also replace your fish at the lake too Nice fish and setups people!
  23. Looking at the title, I was expecting a photo of a first catch walleye, but hey, congratulations!
  24. Hmmm... is this Merland Park where the big bridge is?
  25. A neat little video I watched on TV and then found on the internet! Goes to show that ANYTHING is in fact, possible Enjoy
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