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Everything posted by Dozer

  1. Nice setup Burtess... what'cha keep?
  2. Yikes! You can see that fish had that ring on it for quite some time too... whata trooper!
  3. You tore him a new basshole! Bahaha! Sorry but that is some funny right there! I never found anything cool in stomachs. Found a few lures and hooks in mouthes before. I hear those salmon running into the tribs have a lot of jewellery hangin' from them, maybe I should try my luck.
  4. Soft water by a landslide... No freezing, cruisin' in the boat, beaches, swimming, snorkelling, cold beers, girls in bikini's...I may have missed a few...
  5. Slow moving water will be frozen over. I think the warmer weather might trigger a feeding frenzy?
  6. If you have a choice between a 10 dollar launch, and a launch that is free. go with the 10 dollar launch unless the free one looks really, really good. Don't be afraid to get wet
  7. Clear water and log jams!
  8. ...so you got one yet?
  9. Pretty cool article Ben Beattie ( sp? ). I recognized your photo and looked at the name, pretty cool.
  10. Different sized roe bags, different depths, water levels, water clarity, tail outs, blah blah blah... Listen, when I first started steelheading I got the skunk for a long time, I almost put it into style. Watch what others are doing, dude casts twice and lands a fish with a small bag... theres an idea? Be observant. Clear water, I've found, that the fish sit deep or in cover ( trees, brush, etc. ) Work those areas... Don't scare the fish, try to keep a low profile, dont walk through the water with heavy boots and stir up the bottom... try fresh roe bags... I use white roe bags with a few eggs in clear water and really work the wood. Finesse fish... cast up close to the wood, drift by, pull back a bit, make your bait come up, then sink again, try it all! You will loose a tonne of rigs, but hey, its all about learning. And don't forget to set the hook when your bobber sinks You may even loose your first two fish But the one you finally land will be quite rewarding. Buy a book, read it, read forums, and just keep it at.
  11. 42 pound 'ski... real story, friend fished the tourney.
  12. Those kids should take a ride down the ladder... But hey, these kids are smart and some day, some will say... "hey, remember how retarded we looked fishing up top of the ladder, we were nothing but a bunch of goofs!" Live and learn.
  13. ... ewoks!
  14. Stop blaming the sonar for not catching any fish... sheesh... whats next, you weren't wearing the right shoes? CLofchik, what happens when swimming under the boat with the sonar on?
  15. That looks like it hurt with that muskie, I twitched! haha... I was fortunate enough ( when I got hooked by user efka, lol ) to have the hook go in past the barb but not deep. It was yanked out... As the story goes, I supposedly turned white, my balance was off because I looked like I was going to faint, but hey, just another fish story I would not yank a deep hook outta my skin like our Ski-yaker or our other friend Makers Mark... I would personally do what GCD did.
  16. They're just "hanging" out. Too early?
  17. Good ole minnow, bobber and glowstick... watch the glowstick submerge, let 'em play with the minnow a bit, set the hook and there's dinner.
  18. Ya ya, the first layer of the cells of the lamallae are the sites of gas exchange... ... I dont think its unidirectional because either way the fish moves, oxygen rich water displaces oxygen depleted water... The actual gill is designed to have water flowing one way and probably is designed in a manner which that one particular way is better than the other, again, just trying to recall stuff from school
  19. Gills are for fish like lungs are for humans... Lamellae ( primary/secondary) are for fish as alveoli are for humans? I hope I have this right... or face embarrassment for trying to correct an elder
  20. Pike slime smells
  21. Your girl is a "keeper".
  22. Wake n' bake, I mean, wake and bait! Morning ritual...
  23. Please take photo's...
  24. Wow, theres been some scary weather in the last few years...
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