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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Very cool! Tanks
  2. Where about in Erie were you, not specific just curious. Thats if its Erie?
  3. Conentrate on main lake basins. Dont worry about breaks or other. if the lake has a history of large of large fish this is where they will be this time of year> Nver underestyimate the needc of laege northerns for cold wsater. In this heat you may be able to concentrate them into small areas. Think of them as Lake Trout in the summer, just up your bait size to make them think its a caloric investment on there energyt. Darren
  4. Thanks guys i have lost 5 miles an hour and a slight vibration so I guess its time!!
  5. After kissing the bottom in Geo bay last week I think its time for a new prop. Mine has been fixed 3 times but its getting pretty thin now. I know Michigan propellers has good prices but is there an Ontario guy who has good prices out there? Just a new aluminum prop for my 2004 90hp Yamaha Any help would be appreciated.! darren
  6. Here is a really good forum on the HDS units. i am blown away with all it can do. I installed my HDS-8 2 weeks ago and LOVE it. I found a tire in 85 feet of water in Boshkung lake and could tell it was a whitewall! http://continuouswav...TML/002784.html Its funny the amplitude scale was mentioned. When I am on Lake O its all i look at, kinda like the Matrix!!LOL
  7. Nice fish man! Welcome aboard!
  8. Is there a lawyer on board here that might like to take this up pro bono and make sure these clowns stop harrassing honest people? Maybe the sight of a civil suit would shake things up and get even more attention put apon Municipal Goverments trying to enforce there own laws over provincial and federal ones. Just a thought. D
  9. Really clear water and the smallies are very light sensitive. Try to do most of your fishing at sunset or sunrise. Dont be afraid to fish docs for smallies like you might do for largemouths. Darren
  10. This is a story and sort of a report. I dont expect anyone to believe me but my close fishing buddieson here know I dont exaggerate and I have an excellent eye for fish. Anyway.... I had the week off and was able to spend it in Snug Harbour with my cousin and her hubby. The weather was really good but bright and sunny with a full moon which makes for a very hard bite on Geo Bay if you have tried. We decided to head to the Mcoys ( a real far island gruop off shore 15 mile run ). We fished for a few hours in the inside part of the reef with only a big 20 pound northern following as a result. As I cast my Rapala Thug to a cut between to islands I had a hit and set the hook wih my Loomis Crankbait rod and immedately see a huge BLACK bass heading to the surface. When I say huge I mean ridiculas. I thrust my rod into the water to prevent her from jumping and fight her to 10 feet from the boat. The net is in the water and she makes one more jump and throws the crank back to the boat. I almost puked, I almost puked because I estimated her between 8-11 pounds! I have caught smallies up to 7.5 in Simcoe and even won In-Fishermans smallie disvision a few years ago. This fish was so large I cant estimate her. She was about 26 inches by 20 around and the funny thing was she was pitch black! I did everything right I think and she was gone. It wasnt a fish of a lifetime but a fish of a thousand lifetimes. I wish ihad a picture of her but I dont so you all will have to beleive me. I know its a fish story now but I am really heartbroken by this. Thought I might share my expierence with you guys and girls Darren
  11. Awesome as usaul Chris! Maybe this winter you can build me one if you have time. darren
  12. Wow that is one beautiful fish man. Never caught one but its something I wish for when I am in waters that have them, right Jigger!!!
  13. Might be from an old injury that has healed over.
  14. Awesome, its so cool to have a day like that, what was the hot bait of the day?
  15. It probably is your transducer placement. I hope not. Make sure there are no rivets ,strakes or anything inb front of it. Clean water flow usaully eliminates alot of surface clutter. make sur your transducer is 1/8th to 1/4 inch below the centerline of it , below the true bottom of your boat. use a ruler or other straight edge. if you have already done this then use the shallow water clutter option to claean it up. I hope this helps. darren
  16. Thanks for the article posting, makes me realize how compacent I have become. I need to get my &%^$ together and be more organized for those blue zone trips. Thank again. D
  17. Very nice!!!!
  18. Man thats a big grunt!
  19. Good call Garnet i think your right on track with that. Eat a bass and let a walleye go, should be a moto for everyone for a year or two!
  20. Dude thats awesome!!
  21. sorry guys its the geo bay one!
  22. Well after an adventure Igot the unit up and running and used it up in Boshlung lake on the weekend. Didnt bring the riggers as it was a bass weekend so the unit got limited use. 1 questuion, is there a way of angling the side scan unit so as to see bass under a dock? May sound like a ridiculas question but I have a feeeling it can be done. Found a tire in 80 feet of water near the south island. Yes it was a whitewall!!! Thanks darren
  23. My sister is coming back from Calgary for a week and has rented a cottage just north of Snug Harbour for a family reunion. Needless to say my job is to put the family on fish, BUT... I have never fished this area before. Anyone out there want to throw me a bone and point me in theright direction, as always I am more then happy to repay the favour. Thanks Darren
  24. Hastings county has to be the best bass county in ontario hands down!
  25. Got a double on it this weekend, both smallies around a pound in a half. Got a double pike on it up in the spanish. You really need to fish them in water that is is deeper then 10 feet.
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