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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Nice photos girl, you have really gotten the hang of the camera, you just needed a nice 55 inch beast to set the weekeend off! Thanks for the pictures I loved them Darren
  2. Good thing about 11 is you can see any wildlife 4 km away and have your camera out and ready by the time you get to them! MP3 player or better yet a digital book is ideal, it will make the time go by faster. Sultans road is a great shortcut but make sure you have lots of gas and in bad weather in the summer the road can get those "oh fun" washboard effect! Darren
  3. Nice fish!!!
  4. Using small muskie baits in the spring because the forage is small. Wrong ..... forage at that time of year is at its largest as most havnt spawned yet. Smaller lures work better most likely because the fish are in neutral to negative moods recovering from the spawn.
  5. I never seem to have much luck on them. I have even gone into spots where I know there are fish and fish them a few different ways with no success and then change to a chartreuse and white spinnerbait and proceed to catch largemouth. I have repeated this at various lakes. Dont know maybe its me, but you watch guys down south killing them on lipless cranks. Maybe they just dont like me. Darren
  6. That is a heavy weight bear man!
  7. Now I just have to figure out how to move my LMS 337 up to the front and find an adapter so I can plug it into my MinnKota Maxxum. I think a call to Lowrance in Missisauga is in order. That and an order of Doc Sampson DVD for it. Can i eneter screenshots of fish into the tourney??? LOL
  8. On my recent trip to the spanish I got 2 pike on one! Just little guys tho
  9. Ordered a HDS-8 Gen 2 combo, cant wait, thank you Billy Bob! and every one else. Cant wait till I get it so I spend less time fishing and more time looking LOL! Cant wait to use it on Erie, wish I had it last week looking for perch on a big flat.
  10. Finally go enough cash together for a HDS-8 Combo and ws wondering if anyone had heard of any Lowrance sales coming up. Its a lot of money and I dont want to spend all the dough and have it come on sale the week after. Any Lowrance staffers on here? Thanks Darren
  11. Awesome fish do you mind me asking what water body?
  12. Awesome trip other then losing that ball, ouch! Having numbers of cohos back is great, anyone who has spent a day of double and triple headers of coho will reasses there love of chinooks! Cohos have a definate spot in the lake ontario stocking... simply too much fun!
  13. Awesome collection but Pixie and Tierra have to be the worst names ever!
  14. A documentary of natural selection at work!!!
  15. Thinking about heading to Maitland for perch on the weekend. I heard the perch were starting to show up but the big storm last week scattered them. Wondering if anyone has any up to date info for this week. Its the only time of year I keep fish usually and dont want to miss it. PM's welcome as well Thanks Darren
  16. I have a 90hp Yamaha and only aluminum for me. No gain with stainless as the hp is to low to cause bending of the prop. Try Michigan Props they have great preices.
  17. Mind if I ask were you booked a cabin? I was thinking of doing the same thing.
  18. Congratulations to your Son and your whole family!!
  19. Eggscellent!!!! Nice start man!!
  20. Im going to try one next week when i am up north. Wish me luck! Darren
  21. Bad stretch for music, I got to see James brown 6 months before he kacked. It was awesome.
  22. Maybe you get a bit of oil from when its tilted full up. I have the exact motor and havnt seen that, but then again I havnt looked. Ill check this week and post it. Darren
  23. There are lthium ion ones about to come out. They are 900$ right now but expected to fall dramatically in the next year. They weigh only 20% of typical batteries and go and last like snot apperantly. That might be the bereak through that everyone is waiting for. I know a couple guys on the BASS tour are using them this year as test platforms. Darren
  24. Superb brookie for being in the south, congrts!!
  25. I thought you were talking about the crash of the russian superjet airlner on a sales pr tour. Guess they arent selling anymore now
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