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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Nothings better then a big old marshmallow, giant treble and 50 pound test! Seriously rattlebaits , cranks and glow in the dark spoons all work wonders from the pier and in estuary staging areas. Get there VERY early at least an hour before sun up as the first crack of light they start to wind down in there agrressiveness most of the time. Darren
  2. Just came from there and they had a bunch of Shimano products there ( Mississauga ) Maybe just bad timing??
  3. I have been watching lots of reports from nippising and especially that area, I have been wondering what has happened to the fishery? It appears it has collapsed entirely and the fishing is incredibly difficult. If I remember there is a slot in effect but it appears to be getting worse. Does anyone know if this is being looked at by the Ministry??? There are alot of camps in the area and if this continues I cant see them surviving? Anyone know whats up with this? Darren
  4. You would be lookng for DanC here on the board, he is the man when it comes to late summer Nipigon fishing. I have only been there in the spring and that ws off a big lake boat charter fishing from the Shakespears west. BIG water , please pay it the respect it deserves. Try the mouth of small bays that have creeks coming in to them, on the rock transitions to deep water you should get some awesome pike fishing. Not sure where the brookies spawn but they should all be coloured up then. Wish I could tell you more. Darren
  5. Nice fish....15 pounder looks like a coho to me...very nice
  6. One blade and 3 single hooks here as well, I go with very large blades since your fishing in an ocean basically and ned to call them in. But I have been skunked the last 2 times so you may not want to listen to what I use!!!!
  7. Try deep diving cranks along the walls for sheephead right now, hey they fight good abd are usually there at this time.
  8. Out last night as well but got the big skunk. Fished from 70-80 feet and marked a massive amount of bait and hooks but nothing would go for us. Guess we should have ventured further out. Darren
  9. One of the easiest ways is to go to here http://www.ontariofishing.ca/media/ and sign up for an account. I use my user name to keep it easy , Follow these instructions to set things up and away you go. http://www.photopost.com/manual/userinterface.html Any questions just ask. OBTW Pm sent. Darren
  10. One of my favourite techniques on Quinte in the summer is slow rolling a spinnerbait thru 6-12 feet of water for eyes. They still seem to school in the weeds but the constant pick of largemouths keeps you busy.
  11. SW and West are the worst, doesnt take much a breeze to get the rollers going. It does have a habit of sitting down from 9-11 am until the heat builds on shore and it gets going again. Looking to get out there later this week , would appreciate any recent reports. Thanks darren
  12. Very nice fish man! That one largemouth has very unique looking markings...cool!
  13. Im sure the Ministry would be interested in knowing which lake it is.
  14. I have a 7' Loomis Crankbait rod that I love , expensive but it is my favorite rod of all. Alot of the times when I am missing fish on hooksets Ill pull it out to slow myself down a hair and my hooking percentage goes way up.
  15. I never put 2 + 2 together until last night when I realized it was my friend Kellys boyfriend Tyrell. They had just broken up last week, feel horrible for her, needless to say she wasnt answering the phone. Man thats bizarre and harsh....
  16. Awesome, wish we still had some freakish browns in Lake O , I think we need to get ahold of that strain and get them in Lake O. in the "old" days browns in the mid 30"s used to come out of lake O.
  17. Wow thats crazy, remember a few years ago when the board was full of 25's. Goes to show you how the ris and fall of the alewifes make alll the difference, bam...one severe winter and there numbers plummet and the salmon are small again. Excellent example of a changing biosphere! Looks like that 50 might be coming , a pound a week and there is 7 weeks left.
  18. Nice fish man....when you see that screen on your graph its hammer time!
  19. Beautiful fish man!!! What a set of dentures on that thing!
  20. 54 pounds of gear!!!! Man that must have been quite the hump back uphill , I think I would have died trying that! Looks like a great day tho!
  21. Nice to have a story end on the good side!
  22. Frogggin is fun but can be very frustrating as a good day is only a 60% landing to hit rate, best part of summer!
  23. No i have a bunch of Bomber cranks and never had one fail, maybe just some bad luck on your behalf. D
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