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Everything posted by Jds63

  1. Ol Ironmaker has some great food , I really like the bread and cheese and prosciutto... Lots of chilli We've been going up to Temagami every February since 2001, and we all bring enough food for an army ... We actually tried ceviche on the ice one time using fresh walleye , it was actually delicious , I found out later that you shouldn't do that with fresh water fish only salt water fish but we were fine. Always went back out to the hut around 10 pm for the ling fest , as we called it ... brought cigars and scotch.... Great times for sure !!!
  2. Jds63


    Boshkung, Mountain, Gull, Maple , wide open Drove by Balsam at Rosedale and was surprised to see it completely snow covered, so was Cameron Lake
  3. Either your joking or just downright foolish ... lol
  4. Jds63


    I'm up north of Minden this weekend. It's beautiful , lots of snow ... smaller bays and lakes are skimmed over , bigger lakes nothing yet .
  5. Did mine yesterday ... went smoothly 3 yr renewal... ya gotta pay to play
  6. nothing wrong with that !!! if you are abiding by the regs .... anyone had Pickled pike ?
  7. I got 2 brand new vanities at the Re-Store in Oshawa , must have been donated by HD or Rona, ugly colour but we painted them, they had about 9 and they sold out in 2 days, cost me $400 for 2 , no tax, quartz top. Only problem is that you never know what stuff they are going to have so you would need to go and check a few times a week.
  8. I can't even begin to tell you how envious I am !!!!!!! I need to do this before I die !!!!!! The Yelling lake , Lake Trout day is what I dream about ... lol
  9. That beats the plastic Pelican I pull behind me it's just one big tub , I like yours much better !!!!
  10. That's some exciting stuff .... great report as always !!!!!!!
  11. I'm not sure political party bashing is really going to help any of us ... the main drivers to price increases is not political ... I found this article that is very informative but none the less not going to help lower my bill. ------------------------------------------------------ Raging about the high cost of electricity is an Ontario pastime. But do subscribers truly understand whats causing the price hikes? More at: http://tvo.org/article/current-affairs/the-next-ontario/what-ontarians-dont-know-about-rising-hydro-rates
  12. Thanks for the info Z... I'm the first to admit I'm no expert on the subject but I did look at my bills from 10 yrs ago to now and yes they have more than doubled and my usage has gone down ... lol I am willing to suck it up and pay for infrastructure fees but there really needs to be a provincial watchdog or regulator representing the average Consumer... The electricity rates is also an issue with attracting manufacturers to Ontario. Actually ..... $&!/##, my electricity bill from 10 yrs ago has more than tripled not doubled ...
  13. " When power is sold off to other jurisdictions, you are charged for the difference between the cost of generating the power and the price at which it is sold. This means paying for places like New York and Michigan to take our surplus power. In 2015 this was enough to power two million Ontario homes." --------------------------------------------- This kind of stuff I just can't even understand how they can get away with it.... There was a guy fighting Hydro One against having to pay them for delivery charges at his cottage when he had no electricity for a few months, they are claiming that the charges are for the poles and lines even though he had no electricity coming into his cottage ... It is my understanding that OPG regularly discharges surplus energy into the Great Lakes at night due to lower consumption, because there is no way to store it... correct me if I'm wrong ....so why are wind turbines going up, who is paying for this and where is the funding coming from ?
  14. I know this has been discussed before but I've been frustrated with my increasing electricity bills even though we've been reducing our usage ... and seeing wind turbines pop up I was wondering why , because the province is already producing extra energy and dumping it over the border ... Anyways I saw this article and thought I'd share it here in case other folks are as annoyed by this as I am. ------------------------------------------------------- Explained: Why the cost of hydro is so high · torontosun.com · Sat Nov 19 2016 · Section: Comment (op · Byline: Jack MacLaren and Parker Gallant Special to the Toronto Sun · Permalink Since the Liberals took office, households in Ontario are now paying about $1,000 more on their electricity bills every year. This means the cost of running your fridge, doing the laundry, or washing dishes has gone up more than 200% in a dozen years. Why is the cost of hydro so high? How is it possible to use little or no electricity and yet have to pay through the nose for delivery fees? Is this all a government cash grab or is there some rationale to it? We think Ontarians deserve an explanation. We all understand that we have to cover the cost of telephone poles, transmission towers, and high-voltage lines. Building and maintaining these entail costs which most of us happily bear. But these costs dont explain why hydro bills are so high. We want to show you that most of the costs have nothing to do with the generation of electricity. The government has buried them within your hydro bill and expects you to pay them. Extraneous charges are hidden under three lines in your hydro bill: Electricity, delivery, and regulatory. Lets have a closer look at these. ELECTRICITY There is a charge for spilling water instead of running it through the turbines. There is also a fuel cost for the spilled water. Ratepayers are even charged when wind power is not needed but could be generated by the provinces expensive wind developments. We also pay for the cost of meteorological stations used to estimate the number of kilowatt hours of electricity which those wind turbines might have produced. You also pay for solar panels on your neighbours roof. Owners of solar panels are paid up to 80 cents a kWh, but only pay time-of-use rates for their consumption. When power is sold off to other jurisdictions, you are charged for the difference between the cost of generating the power and the price at which it is sold. This means paying for places like New York and Michigan to take our surplus power. In 2015 this was enough to power two million Ontario homes. DELIVERY When electricity travels a long distance, a certain amount of power is lost. This can be anything from a 2% to a 9% loss. But you are still charged for that lost, unused power. If you reduce your consumption, your local distribution company loses revenue. The OEB will grant a rate increase to cover the lost revenue which drives up the delivery cost even further. You also pay for those $4 coupons enticing you to buy LED bulbs, and city-dwellers pay extra to subsidize delivery costs for rural and remote customers. REGULATOR The regulatory line on your bill includes operating costs of the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO). The IESO contracted for wind and solar power generation. IESOs management costs ($180 million) and development of the electricity grid ($1.5 billion) are also included. The costs to hook up your neighbours solar panels to the electricity grid are also included here. None of this is fair. If secret costs were attached to any other product or service, there would be outrage and the Competition Bureau would undoubtedly come crashing down on the offending company. Just think of a food store that charged you more for buying less milk, or a gas station that charged you for gas that you didnt spill. Despite government talking-points, Ontario is in the grip of an energy crisis. Tinkering around the margins isnt going to help. If weve shown anything here, its that Ontarios electricity system needs a complete and fundamental overhaul. MacLaren is a member of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives and the MPP for Carleton-Mississippi Mills. Gallant is an energy watchdog and retired banking executive.
  15. Great report !!! Sounds like the hard work paid off !
  16. I've never ice fished Nippising or know much about the fishery , but ive heard that there is commercial netting of walleye. Obviously I would assume this is also analyzed when a study is performed on the state of the fishery .
  17. That's a really good price for Helix 7 gps , sonar I got the navionics chip but paid a lot more a year ago. I like it , but I've always used HBird.
  18. Nice !!! I much prefer a permanent shelter and just use the portable for quick run and gun stuff .
  19. But the thing is , you want it to last a few seasons , dishing out money every couple of years if the stuff breaks is no fun. I bought the Clam Thermal 4 yrs ago , a little more money but I've had no issues other than the carry bag is all ripped, but it's been dragged around and in and out of pickups so it's expected but the shelter is still good .
  20. My BIL ordered a Model X , can't wait to try it out !
  21. I remember watching the commercials for the Banjo Minnow system and I was caught ... had to buy the whole package ... lol Still have some ...
  22. All the new fancy expensive lures are designed to catch the fisherman first ... ?
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