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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. With out hard earned tax dollar because it's not a profitable or reliable company. How far behind are they on aircraft an, subway and streetcar delivery?
  2. Sad moment for all his family, friends and all that knew him in different ways. Makes you reflect on how short life can be. May we all learn and heed from this tragic event.
  3. The way I see it, just another gimmick and a noisy annoying one at that.
  4. OFC is so old it's almost ready to collect pension.
  5. There ya go, nothing wrong with the batteries, just needs a good overcharge now and then. Even in winter I do it.
  6. Something I forgot to mention further back, something I learned about 45 years ago, called "drown proofing". Go google it, I'm not going to try and explain it here, anyone with CF training back in the 70's will probably remember it. you can pretty much stay afloat as long as the water temps don't rob your core temp. Tried it a few times, still works.
  7. Exactly what Terry said, here's the name of the boat dealer, go hound them and bother people who don't pay their taxes.
  8. I think too many people are grabbing at "what if" technology when the simplest thing is to wear the PFD. Ya it may be inconvenient to some, but if the "fail safe" gets wet or battery dies, the most locic thing is the simplest device, PFD. Why make things difficult.
  9. Part of battery maintenance, a couple times a year you might want to "equalize" them each separately by using your Motomaster charger and letting the voltage come up to around 14.5 for an hour or so if you have a manual mode on it. Vigourous gassing will "swirl" the electrolyte to mix with the distilled water you added. After letting the battery sit for 24 hrs, no load, check the voltage, should be at least 12.65 to 12.7. Ensure the tops of the battery and around each post is scrupulously clean, anything on there can cause a slow discharge. Just for S&G, I went out and looked at my RV battery, June of 09 and still strong.
  10. Pretty sad for his family too, hope they find him. I don't feel right without the PFD.
  11. Scoundrel, there's drool on my Tshirt, lol?
  12. Looking at pics #3 and 4, you see the red meat before smoking and then the dark brown after. That has to go...far far, away before anything. That stuff can really impart a bad taste.
  13. Should be snowing next week up there.
  14. Just wait until he starts water skiing..
  15. Hardware stores. It's a hit and miss thing, mothballs, Irish spring soap, dryer sheets. Come next spring you'll find the mice have been vigorously bowling with the mothballs and then wash themselves with the soap and dry off with the dryer sheets, chew them up and make nests. Concentrated peppermint oil or oil of oregano do a better job. Another one is Stay Away® Mouse Repellent Stay Away® botanical rodent deterrent combines ease of use with biodegradable ingredients for a safe and environmentally friendly way to rid any home or farm of mice. The convenient pouches slowly release an odor that is offensive to mice and rats but pleasant to humans. Rodents have terrible eyesight but a great sense of smell and they don’t want to nest in a place where they can’t smell danger coming. Stay Away® comes in convenient pouches that you can use anywhere you have a mouse problem. The best part? It’s environmentally friendly and safe to use! Unlike other types of rodent repellents or poisons, Stay Away® is safe for use around children and pets. If you haven't had mice, there probably weren't any there in the first place.
  16. What kind of vehicle are you getting? Maybe there's some more ideas.
  17. I store mine inside, so far in 15 years no mouse problem, but then again a quick pee in the corner will keep the mice away, lol . Just kidding, but there is success with fox urine.
  18. One of the most widely used and well-known absolute dating techniques is carbon-14 (or radiocarbon) dating, which is used to date organic remains. This is a radiometric technique since it is based on radioactive decay. Rock is not organic.
  19. 1km long driveway, one way of keeping the jehovahs from bugging ya.
  20. There's a bunch of info, I picked just one of them. https://www.nytimes.com/1990/05/31/us/errors-are-feared-in-carbon-dating.html
  21. No, not yet, I have personal delivery when he gets a few, lol.
  22. Went on an ATV ride this morning and found the patch.
  23. And they've also found that carbon dating isn't all that accurate either. Next thing they'l be telling us they found outboard motors in Nippissing that are 500 years old.
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