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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. When the gas can needle is close to E, I start listen for sputtering.
  2. Unless you can find an old Gravely, they go forever, or an old Bolens, sort of a brother to Ariens.
  3. Ariens without a doubt, mines going on 43 years old and my neighbour 3 doors down has the same one about 2 years younger. Toro..hmmm, bull
  4. However, if you have an earthquake, your house and basement might tilt and then your piece of wood or rubber mat will be totally useless. If you're that worried, go buy some battery boxes.
  5. No, no, no, that's a boy scout salute.
  6. I'll bet you still do 3000 mile oil changes...
  7. No, it's not about the lack of daylight hours but the temperature going down. On the way to an ATV trail this morning I came upon a pretty good accident, somebody tried to slide around the corner the hard way..upside down on the roof. The roadway runs along a treeline of substantial height, so when the frost forms on the road, it stays for a while in the morning. Therefore, pay attention if you can't pay for anything else, it's not the roads fault or Mother Nature, learn to read the road and slow down, you might get there a bit late..but you'll get there in one piece.
  8. What the heck are you doing up at 04:19, that's reserved for Lew..
  9. Ya, one of the few that told it like it happened, too bad that breed is slowly being replaced by political correctness.
  10. Oh caught enough to make supper tomorrow night, threw back a bunch of little ones. Tried the slip float today, they didn't like that, went to the sinker on bottom and a hook about 1 foot up, that was the answer. Sat by the winch that lifts the masts off the sailboats.
  11. I go down to the Barrie Marina this morning to lob a few minnows in the drink for some suppertime perch, the locals are there, chatting with one guy I see there regularly. Along comes this guy about my age pushing an older, probably mid 70's+ guy in a wheelchair with rod/reel and worms. They get set up, the older chaps not catching much with worms, I strike up a little talk with the "younger" guy, he says ya he's my dad, have to get him out of the house now and then. Nice to see some folk still take care of their parents and give them some time. I left him my minnows and wished him the best.
  12. I think you would not want to leave that on Simcoe unless you were in it, the local loogans would beetle off with that in a heartbeat, or trash it.
  13. Don't forget the COMPASS, you might be as comfortable as a bug in the rug in your hut, but when the wind blows up the unforecast whiteout, it will point you back to where you started from on shore. If you don't know how to use one reliably, get some old Army gruntto teach you.
  14. When you say, when you're close to shore, it indicates you're on land, now if you were at the other side of the lake and on shore, would it put you in the water? I know on my prehistoric Lowrance, it has several options of correction factors if the map or lake and GPS don't line up so you can manually correct it. As for the unit indicating movement when you're standing still(that's a PQ thing, you guys always think you're going faster)although honestly, I think the unit should indicate zero ground speed. I know mine will give fluctuating very low speed readings if I'm walking really slow or just slowly drifting with the boat. If Humminbuzzard knows about the problem, then it's their problem. Unless they advertized it as a crappy product without an external antenna, then they should at least "give" you the antenna. Who pays for repairs if you run into a rockpile, I'm sure it's not in their parameters of things to do.
  15. Although it's not an Etec this link also deals with another BRP product and warranty, almost exactly the same scenario. Wish you luck. http://www.snowandmud.com/forum/f123/my-brp-customer-service-experience-read-5211.html
  16. That's one of those issues that come up from stuff bought outside of Canada, quite a number of auto/truck/atv/snowmobile warranties do not cross the border. Remember back a couple years ago when everyone was going south to buy their toys, then dealers got wise and refused to sell new unless you had a US address.
  17. We have stayed at Idle Tyme a number of years, very good service. Walleye catching can really be hit and miss there although the perch would make up for the slow time. Make sure to bring some games along for him to play or a portable DVD player. At 4 years old, they have their limits on attention span. My youngest used to come with me, watch cartoons on a little B&W TV, catch fish and go build a snow fort. He is still fishing today, if it wasn't for work, probably fish every day.
  18. Yes, thanks for the link that works, definitely the one on your picture, bottom right in the pine needles.
  19. The mushroom or fungi is about 2 inches high, 3/4 inch in diameter at the top. I broke one off, it solid all the way through, no gills. A quick check, looks most like the one in the linkMy link
  20. Anyone have any idea, I've checked some of the mushroom websites, no luck.
  21. Don't forget to pull the plug, any amount of moisture will have a way out when it melts.
  22. The ling are great when boiled in salt water, drained and dipped in garlic butter. Herring are very good smoked.
  23. They work and will get your butt back in the right direction in a whiteout.
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