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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Just pay real good attention when it comes to warranty and foreign coverage.
  2. Okay, so they're trying, but I'm not holding my breath or waiting for the first production run.
  3. Are you "hearing" things again?
  4. I look at it this way, if 2 strokes of any description(etec, no tech, whatever) were that good, they'd be putting 2 strokes in cars and trucks. Hmmm, anyone heard any rumours lately..
  5. I suspect most people here really couldn't give a rats gluteuous maximus how high the boat will launch or torpedo going down the lake. There's always someone that will try and make more noise.
  6. Well if you never get out of the driveway, then it doesn't cost anything.
  7. Where is there less maintenance in a 2 stroke? How much more is the rigid and costly maintenance schedule for a 4 stroke? How much heavier are 4 strokes compared to 2 strokes? I think it's about time you read up on the answers instead of the 2 stroke vs 4 stroke cow paddy.
  8. Bah, that's ancient news. Now how fast does it go, not very fast. How much air can you get, none, it weighs too much, etc, etc. So if it doesn't go fast then it's no fun, you can see the trees, the ice huts and pressure cracks from far away before they hit you.
  9. I'd be more inclined to believe that there is a formula, something like this, Humminbuzzard takes a chance that not everyone will send in the mail in coupon, some will forget and go past the end date, some will loose the coupon, and some are just too lazy, so the lower the amount they have to redeem, the more they "save" or less they loose on the offer. Then again, a percentage of the cost of the "free" transducer is already built into the price of the unit.
  10. If you apply for the card now and don't have one for this year(2011) they will issue you a card for 2011, the year is not over yet. If you have a plastic card for 2011, then go ahead, they will know it's for renewal and not first issue.
  11. My condolences, may the fond memories carry you forward.
  12. May be the neutral switch, we have one at work that does that, rattle the shifter a bit while holding the start button.
  13. If I'm reading this right, you're going to have 2 fourteen foot long 4 x 10's when you're done gluing and bolting them together, notch out the top for 2x4 cross members to the support the floor. Ya, I don't think you have to worry too much unless the wood is balsa or the hut is an Abrams tank.
  14. Ever find "Smurf" mushrooms? they turn smurf blue when you break them and they are pretty poisonous.
  15. Oh I use that too, just when you want a solitary cup of soup, they pull the rug out from under ya.
  16. Somebody out there must know, and don't blame it on Mike or Steven. Over the last several months the supply of instant mushroom soup(regardless of brand) has dwindled to nothing, no more Lipton or Swiss Knorr or No Name brand instant Mushroom soup. I had finally located some at the Bulk Barn, got a big container a while back, went back yesterday for a fill up...none, nada. Asked the clerk, he had no idea, they just weren't getting any more. What gives? I like using a bit here and there in stews or making a sauce for pork chops or chicken.
  17. Nice work, and a lot of effort. I did a lady a bit of a favour, picked 5 buckets of chokecherries and 4 small bucket of crabapples for her, she sent me a couple of samples. Very good tasting. Seems like there were bumper crops for everything this year.
  18. See that's the problem with peoples attitudes nowadays, they don't give a crap how things are done. The numbering system in in place if something gets lost, stolen or someone finds a floating boat with no one in it, maybe someone drowned. If the paper trail doesn't jive, who gets notified, the previous owner? Sorry I didn't loose the boat or whatever the story is. It's pretty simple to follow directions for some, others can't quite grasp the concept. Fishnsled is also correct.
  19. What's the buyer going to do when he goes to licence the boat in his name? He fills out the paper and hopes that Service Canada believes him and that "Uncle Buck" sold him the boat without the required copy of the boat licence. The boat numbers stay with the boat and the boats HIN(Hull Identification Number) . Down the road if he tries to register it, those HIN numbers are already in the system under your name.
  20. Here is the link to the form to fill out for the replacement boat licence, http://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Corp-Serv-Gen/5/Forms-Formulaires/searchrs.aspx?formnumber=84-0172E and here is where you send it, Pleasure Craft Licensing Centre P.O. Box 2006 Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5G4 Click on the PDF on the right side of the page for the application.
  21. Well, I'll have to eat some seagull on this one, but, can you imagine going away for a weekend. I know there's a limiter switch on the furnace, but I would sure not want to see what happens if the temperature keeps going up and up.
  22. I don't believe that one for a minute, I've had battery powered thermostats, one in the house and one in the garage, when the batteries are low, it will show it on the display. My garage model has a function that will not let it get below 4C, but not to go non stop until the garage blows up. Both thermostats are a few years old and still on the same batteries.
  23. That's a fine piece of work, congratulations. Now hopefully we can hear that on some of the fishing shows instead of the hee hee haw haw cave man sounds that come out of some of those fishing show hosts.
  24. Is that like letting your floating Rapala sit idle in the water hoping a big fish will come by when you're not cranking it in. If so, then I'll do that, Delaying of Biting.
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