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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. This, I started my son on an underspin at 2 1/2. It made the transfer to a spinning reel easier when he became a little older because they work very similarly
  2. A word of advice about the Grand. Learn it really well and then fish it at night. Spinnerfall in the dark is an an absolutely amazing experience
  3. From the time my son was a year and a half till he was six we spent every weekend we could here http://www.fishermanscove.com/ Beach and an indoor heated pool,childrens activities, playgrounds, Great fishing for panfish and good bass and pike fishing for dad.
  4. ONly reason Im watching the game. I cant stand hockey but this is enough to make me route for the men
  5. If people want to do it let them. I like to think of it as evolution in action. The less stupid gene in the human genome pool the better
  6. Infreakingcredible thank 4 the vid
  7. Try Martins Camp on Lake Restoule http://www.duenorth.net/martinscamp/ Great fishing, decent cabins, sunsets are beautiful on their beach.
  8. For sure I only really use topwater till post turnover then its suicks and bucktails
  9. Combination of all of that and dont be afraid to cast a topwater over deep water lost a fish well over 50" this year on a doc over 65 ft of water casting to the canadian side. It sounded after hitting and couldnt move it just would feel the head shaking and then hooks pulled out. That was with 80 pound test. Biggest fish ever had on and she had no qualms about hitting a topwater.
  10. We catch a lot of fish on Pete Mania's Docs which is like a big zara spook not just small fish either this west arm pig fell to a doc If anything we've gotten to be more and more of topwater fisherman
  11. My problem with the show was if you were say from Italy you would think we revere native canadians their culture and way of life and thats just not the case. I found the whole native spin incredibly hypocritical.
  12. Look for a bay with nice spawning habitat all the way around it. Find the deepest break fish around it. First place we always start when trying to find crappie on a new lake.
  13. A day?? I just need a minute 47 seconds!
  14. A guy I introduced to musky fishing now makes the Swamp Donkee http://www.hotlures.ca/about.htm
  15. Sure is more water than you could ever hope to fish Most of the campsites have great private beaches. Ony about 2 hrs from TO straight up 400. My favourite area is Port Rawson Bay although on a long weekend it can get crowded as its a overnighting area for big cruisers.
  16. Massassauga Boat to camping. Fishing is great
  17. Give my buddy a try He rents a nice lakefront cottage on Lake Restoule. He also has boats on back lakes in the area. http://www.northbayonline.ca/businesses.php?accnum=3276 Unfortunately he only has the one cottage so you have to book early.
  18. I only smoke a pipe and only in the spring of the year flyfishing brooky rivers when the black flies are horrendous. It does a great job of keeping them out of your eyes and face
  19. Gotta echo the tough fishing sentiment.If Iam going to go thatt far north Iam going to Temagami
  20. A must for Ice- fishing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We-r4TuYWAg
  21. Congrats BOtbot and dad knows his little girl can take care of herself as well
  22. Old guys are awesome when they share their knowledge with newbies.
  23. When the guy was alive he couldnt keep up with the orders
  24. Yup Ive seen Wishmasters go for $ 550 US http://www.wishmasterbigbaits.com/baits.php
  25. No boat yet your going to fish and expect great fishing within 3hrs of Toronto with cheap camping some peoples expextations are freaking hilarious. Rent a canoe The Mass is canoeable
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