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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. I'm so jealous I will never post in any of your threads
  2. Use to do it by the white bucket full back when you could sell it. Pickling salt and cold water. Sit over night divey it up next day.
  3. Until the end of the month you can catch bow and browns
  4. Use Emerald shiners from an unknown source. There is a reason there's a shortage http://www.farmanddairy.com/news/disease-prompts-ban-on-movement-of-28-fish-species/9313.html
  5. Exactly how VHS is spread Please for the sake of the fisheries in North America don't do this again.
  6. When the chub are active the water is marginal temps for brookies so they hunker down on the springs. Its the opposite when the water is cold enough for the specks. All of my great brook streams that have BIG brook trout have healthy chubb populations.
  7. Um use a spinner tip it with one of said chubs tails. It should keep the chub off but attract the larger brookies.
  8. Thats my kind of report. Now I'm all horny to get out for fall colours and specks.
  9. I consider this fish a 46"er a decent Kawartha fish but at 17 lbs it falls far short of the term "trophy" For musky only a "50" is a trophy My Buddy got a 49'5 inch fish on the french It weighed approx 34 lbs. Its his PB but he refuses to acknowledge it as a trophy
  10. Thanks I enjoy this "tail" of your affliction and its cure. A 17" wild brown is not a fish to sneeze at. Congrats
  11. They are trying to do something about bringing the walleye population back http://www.helpourfisheries.com/Moon_River_Initiative/index.php
  12. The dreaded psuedocleon. I fished a hatch of them on the Beaver once at this time of year. Fish were chowing on them pretty good size 22. No bg fish were moving to them though.
  13. The Grunion is the fish your thinking of
  14. I rely on wave buoys for specific areas. They are realtime and let you know what the lakes like. I find it particularly useful for St Clair as Im about 3 hrs drive from where I launch. And I can decide whether to leave the driveway or not with a quick check
  15. Guess it wasn't in Canada. Where are the European protesters now, poor fisherman.
  16. I've only fished it once but it was in October. I think between two boats we got 7 fish on a 3 day weekend the pattern we established was casting parallel to lilypad beds. The launch was pretty crappy. Very shallow. Also orange suick seemed to be THE lure.
  17. And a put and take Musky fishery on Simcoe isn't a bad thing just recognize it for what it is. Most of the fisheries in the US are this. Ah if only we had wallop breaux.
  18. Oh and I do support the Atlantic project but it should be scaled down to just one system. Say Shelter Valley or another small system install upwelling boxes and prevent the return of adult steelhead.
  19. Ron I guess you don't know me right. So how about you know something about me before you spout off your mouth. Those who know me know all the time I put into volunteering for fisheries work. I argued against this from day 1 at MC KW chapter that we shouldn't be wasting our valuable time and money on this project. I'm entitled to my educated opinion and I was giving it here. MC went from using their funds on a great assessment project that was far short of being complete to this shot in the dark. We only have so much money and volunteer hours to go around.
  20. Either MNR or DFO would and SHOULD be interested
  21. By put and take I mean no natural reproduction. Musky have had access to Simcoe from Couch for a long time and have never managed a toehold despite all the forage available to them. Money and resources could be spent more wisely no matter the altruistic intentions.
  22. PM sent to totally avoid giving anymore info
  23. I hope your right but I'm a negative nelly on this one.
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