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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. And it was great meeting you and Greg. Can't make Belle River but hope to get back to the Mag soon
  2. Sweet Fish. I always eagerly await your post. Dry or streamer?
  3. When you say Kowkash was in full flood does that mean you boated in from the Bridge?
  4. What a great fathers day. Averie is such a vet fisherperson.
  5. That's awesome Bunk. Hope you get out many more times with him and teach the old dog a thing or two.
  6. Heart appears to be working fine.Adrenaline was pumping and I was excited like a litte girl. As for the six years, GOD I HOPE NOT.
  7. Two fish that I love to pursue are reflected in my moniker. Because of work related issues I haven't had a whole lot of opportunty to get out for musky in the last 6 years, limited to a few small trips(one or two days). GBay musky require that you spend some time on the water and I just haven't been able to do it and have therefore gone fishless for the last six years. This weekend was the Mississauga Chapter of Muskies Canada annual get together and my regular partner and I decided to go at the last minute. We were lucky enough that a couple of beds were still available in a cabin so off we went to enjoy the Georgian Bay opener and meet some new fellow musky anglers. Twenty three anglers enjoyed relatively good success with 7 musky caught. The largest being 48 inches although a former guide not part of the friendly tourney got a 52". Fish were caught on a variety of baits and the prize table was severly burdened before the draw was held. The food was excellent and it was great to meet some new anglers. We got a late start Saturday and didn't hit the water till after 9 am. I put on one of my favourite baits, a custom made 10" Zoomr in Orange and black. The musky god's were smiling on me and my long draught was finally ended when on my 3rd cast of the day to a shallow rock Smash, throb, shake, weight. A fish. Knew right away it was a musky. There is just something about the way they fight compared to other fish. Heres what a musky angler looks like after a long drought is finally ended. It was only 40.5 inches but its awesome to have that monkey off my back. Once again a big thanks to RiverHaven Resort for hosting a wonderful event and John Milotic and the Mississauga Chapter of MCI for putting it together.
  8. Thats a nice sized greaser.
  9. Not me, but my buddy caught a dead body on Pittock Reservoir. Always fear its going to happen to me though.
  10. Try around Port Sydney. Also once bass opens they are everywhere
  11. That wee lad makes that perch look gargantuan
  12. So much Pike slime. Very nice report Mike. Thats not snoring LOL wait till you get a chance to camp with me. I've had whole camps ask me to take my tent and move further into the bush.
  13. Rich, back when I was younger we use to eat a lot of mud-pout.We would fish for them at night until we had a five gallon pail full with almost no water in it. Then when we'd get home we'd clean them all which would take a lot of time and involved only removing the tail portion. Fill a garbage bag with the heads entrails still attached. 12 hours later they are still moving in the garbage bin, Bullheads are the hardiest fish around.
  14. I've been waiting for this one. Unfortunately pics and vids are down.for me anyway
  15. This to me is why I love fishing Looks like the four of you shared an experience that will always be remembered. "Hey Roy, membre that time we went out on the charter?"
  16. Nice fish Rich, 3 more for a feed
  17. Yep I've fished there too and you feel like you definately don't want to fall in.
  18. Interesting I wonder if that female catch rate %/time frame is just a Haliburton phenomena or whether that is a province wide occurance. If so that July 30 season ending timeeline should be adopted every where.
  19. Those are, "pretty flies for a white guy" You could say they are "Straight Outta Cobalt" The yellow and fusia ones are are variant of a mickey finn streamer and should work quite well in the brook trout lakes Dana.
  20. Everyone who fly fishes should fish the Catskills at least once.
  21. This is a magnificent report with some truly spectacular fly caught browns. Thank you I am green with envy. If your ever looking for someone to join you feel free to PM me.
  22. Hey don't be forgetting days, at least you got out.
  23. I thought the number one rule for Gremlins was never get them wet.
  24. No I caught 5 others but biggest was around 10 inches. I don't break out the camera usually unless I break 12".
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