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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Haa ha you missed the most important thing poutine the worlds nastiest stuff ever made North of the border. Art
  2. NOAA in the States are actually phasing out paper maps. You can electronically download them but they actually prefer that you use the E maps because they are updated more frequently. http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2013/20131022_nauticalcharts.html Art
  3. It was but I changed it back on April 2nd a few years ago. Art
  4. We all build a deathstar 2000 vehicle with machine guns and rocket launchers..... Art
  5. Don't make me change the filters to change the word Pickerel to Walleye again. lol Art
  6. Welcome Max glad you are here to contribute your views and pictures. Art
  7. Crazy weather this year for sure. We have a combination of steel and tile roofing here and the steel roofing we actually attach snowbirds to the metal roof to keep it from falling off in sheets but rarely are the roofs snow covered for more than a week before melting off. Art
  8. Fighting a ticket should be done when you have an explanation that could be used to reduce or eliminate the record or fine. Not getting the notice will not work it falls into "ignorance of the law is not a defense" as the lawyers say. If it helps mail in the fine and if you do not have to take a day off of work to go to court think about it as actually making money. Best of luck Art
  9. No this years winter build project is my Zombie gun of choice a PPS43C I have a new Barrel being machined for it that is 16 1/4 inches and changes it to a 9mm. While it is built on the old carriage of a tank drivers machine gun it is a remarkable accurate fun to shoot gun once modified. To import the gun into the USA they had to turn it into a Semi Auto which is actually more fun to shoot than full auto I hope to have all of the components in a month or two and then I can assemble it and post a few pictures.
  10. Mike Home Depot has them for alarm systems in the area where they sell lighting and emergency lighting batteries. Qualified: with that is in the USA. Art
  11. Kayak + ducttape+ tornado= one heck of a good start on a Redneck Story to take home as a souvenir Dave. Art
  12. IF I took this as accurate I could be shooting zombies by noon. Thank you Thank you Thank you Art
  13. Yup animals are amazing. Art
  14. Only if summer falls on a weekend. Art
  15. I saw some of the life of Marvin and you and Diane gave Marvin the best one in the world. Take the time to heal and when the little voice calls and you decide it is time to give another buddy a golden life I am sure Marvin will be looking down and smiling on you. Art
  16. The Hull I D # need to be checked to see if it is stolen first. The registration # should yield the name and address of the owner of the boat so you can get a bill of sale. Best of luck Art
  17. Mike are saying you butt is bigger than a milk crate ? lol Good luck fishing Dave. Art
  18. I hope that mutual ground can be found so both sides are happy however the little I have read seems to be that the NIMBYs would rather break than bend. The benefits I see for not only Canadas prosperity and both of our military troops improving the safety of our men is worth its weight in gold. I do know how this feels though being I live 45 minutes from Washington D.C. housing the CIA, FBI,ATF and 6 major military bases. We have test sites on top of test sites here. Art
  19. Hate to say it but guilty as charged seems to be the legal answer but I hope that the CO has the integrity to accept the explanation and not issue the ticket. That said the CO is not responsible for making a judgment on an infraction it is up to the judge/magistrate to make the legal judgement on the infraction. Art
  20. Good read Roy. I think that the not in my back yard is playing a lot in this knee jerk reaction. Placement of this facility has both a? military base near by? and the infrastructure to support an engineering/ mechanical industry. Is there an other place it could be built? sure but they have the logistics in place for this to be set up as the site, to change that is to go back to square one and spend a lot of time and effort to redo it. Some of the general comments at the meeting reported was the hatred of the military machine and that they deal with the USA as reasons to not have the facility built there but if not there it will still be in Canada so those are invalid arguments as for the not in my backyard stance. We all hate change that effects us but it will happen just as the first 100 people who bought their piece of paradise tried to make it so the next 100 would not effect there piece of paradise by voting no to further development. Progress is what made it possible for the first 100 to live there and progress is what will continue to make expansion of the infrastructure that is needed to grow a nation. Art
  21. Just put him in the "trunk" he can make motorboat noises for you. Art
  22. sweet nice kayak Dave and when you get back home you got a smokin toboggan to boot. Enjoy the warm weather and the excellent saltwater fishing. Art
  23. no issues we hold a pretty tight rein on bashing here. Roy telling a shorty joke is as Brian says like a newfie telling a newfie joke. BTW Roy can tell those too.lol Art
  24. If you want to challenge Roy for the honor of being the residential Little person representative feel free to take a photo holding todays newspaper and a tape measure. But you better be really short to beat him. We mean no harm or disrespect Roy has earned the right to tell shorty jokes his small size and big brain/ heart has earned him more respect that people twice his size (5ft) Art
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