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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Looks like we have run our course here anchors away. Art
  2. I know how you feel I have a few rods he has made me over the years and just about had a heart attack when a friend offered to help me put them in the truck. He opened the door and had 4 of them leaning between the open door and the inside of the truck. If the door had closed all 4 would have been destroyed. I am happy to report nothing happened and my fishing buddy is still alive.lol Art
  3. I hope all of the people that have an opinion go to the meetings and then can be assured of the facts to reach their conclusions. As always thank you Crosshairs for taking the time to post here and show the rest of the story. . They are both insightful and are not defensive of the First Nation being above the law but rather doing your best to keep the treaties enforced and adjusted in the changing times of Lake Nipissing. I travel 13 hours yearly to fish this one body of water because of the fish, the people and the scenery that it provides for me to enjoy. Art
  4. I'm sorry the correct name for what I am using is called a quick link for chain repairs. The Carabine clip for climbing is as said not strong enough and the rating of the chain and the clip both have to exceed the ratings of the trailer it attaches too to be any good. Art
  5. I would not do it but if you want to try it before you epoxie it into place put the transducer into a plastic bag full of water and put it in the location you think you want to put it in. Make sure there is no air bubbles between the hull and the bag and this will give you a true reading of what it will show you after shooting thru the hull. Art
  6. I was not ticketed but strongly advised by OPP when I brought my boat up from the US to fish in Canada to change the S hooks to carabine clips. They worked so well I use them all the time now. Art
  7. I guess my point was missed for all of the internet vigilantes who think it is o.k. to flatten tires or throw deadly items at someone with morality that is low enough to fish for OOS fish don't be surprised if they bring a gun to what you perceive as a knife fight. Is a beatdown worth telling a stranger not to fish for bass before a date? Call MNR it is there job not yours to be judge and jury on this issue. If they do not respect the law what makes you think they will respect you? Be safe and be careful I hate for any of my friends to be injured over a fish is my point. Art
  8. The time frame to earn courtesy and respect is not possible when you are going straight to a confrontation. You will not earn either one of those when you are telling someone they are doing something wrong. I read so many posts here of people who will get into a fight over a fish and the reason is there is no penalty other than a few bruises. Art
  9. on a 5 inch screen you are going to compress the data on a 40 ft side view to 2.5 inches. your detail will be tough to read. I use the lowrance 7 inch and even that is compressed more than I like. Art
  10. if he had lopped off a few body pieces we could gone on with the beans and franks jokes. Art
  11. Don't do it it is a trap I almost lost a finger to the new and improved Squirrel mouse. Art
  12. Sounds like a good time was had by all now if we can get a report that Norm has all 10 fingers after the chainsaw adventure we will be golden. Art
  13. A product called coil cleaner mixed 50/50 spray on and wash off. Be careful do not let it sit on for more than 2 or 3 minutes it. We use it to clean aluminum A/C coils make sure what you are trying to get off is not corrosion on the wheel it will only accent it if your rims are chemically damaged. Art
  14. Nope haven't had more than beer or two in 15 years lol art
  15. vigilante justice is never the answer but at least in Canada you can rest assure that most all of the people you confront will not pull out a pistol and shoot you. In the US there is a certain amount of courtesy that is unspoken because of our gun laws and truth be told I like it. It cuts down on people who are having a bad day making a "cause" the adrenaline spike of the day. Art
  16. The secret to the bug suit is to keep the suit away from your skin the distance of a skeeters sucker. Loose cloths and a hat under the suit makes it more effective as well as a dose of deet on the top of the hat makes this skeeter hating comfortable up North. Art
  17. A good life vest and if you want a dog leash clipped to the center of the boat while under way will make everyone happy. Art
  18. Nice job thank you for the contest from all of us at OFC. Art
  19. A small known fact is that a goat held vertical as well as a sheep are docile and very easy to handle. Art
  20. I never cross the border without a supply of deet 100 and a bug suit. The deet 100 can be sprayed on clothing and hats without getting it on the skin. I am sorry that it is not available up North I think it works the best and that you all have the ability to use it correctly. Art
  21. Using P.M. to solve this issue will keep this post from getting locked. Thanks Art
  22. I was in the hammock last night playing mindless games on the tablet and had 1 mosquito land on me and a few moths and thought what is with all the bugs tonight. I will no longer complain about the Southern bug count again. I usually reserve my Canada fishing trips for August when the bug count is lower but even then it drives me crazy when it gets dark. Art
  23. well done looking good. A trick I learned from a counter top fabricator is instead of drywall use cardboard and tape to make the template. use a big piece for the main body then cut strips by placing them next to the edge and use a compass to trace the edge onto the loose piece of cardboard. Cut it out and then slide it to the edge and tape it onto place. You will have the perfect template for any shape you are covering in any product. Art
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