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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. It sounds like the same path I took getting parts for my TICA reel once you found the door in it was easy as pie to get what you wanted. I found their website and then had to send them an Email with my request. They then called me back within 12 hours and the parts were shipped to me in 2 days. The cost of the parts was really reasonable and shipping was actually the cost of shipping. I would guess that with the cost of multi offices they are centrally located which is not bad considering the amount of communications methods we have at hand. Art
  2. You got my vote for a firm 300.oo if I were in the market for a trolling motor. Art
  3. No MM thats West Virginia your thinkin of...Your going to have to do whole lot worst than that to offend us my friend. Art
  4. Well said my friend with both countries working together it is possible we all might get out of this with a buck or two in our pockets. At
  5. I have been wrapping tinfoil around my head for years to keep aliens from reading my thoughts I guess it's time to do the wallet too. Art
  6. You go right ahead and come on down and shop.. I balance you out for a couple of thousand a year on my fishing trips up North. I don't even stop for the refund at the border it's the least I can do for your Great Nation. Art
  7. I say come down and get 4 cases of Bushes Baked Beans 3 cases of Ball Park Franks 2 case of Cookie Crisps cereal and one case of Pilsbury grands biscuits Sung to the tune of 12 days of Christmas. Art
  8. Thats the worst Cajun accent I have ever seen Roy. Art
  9. This one is going to win the I am SOOOOOOOO Politically Correct award of 2010. It's a good idea if the sinker is a detraction to the fishing method. I do remember as a kid pond fishin and needing more weight and tying a loop on to hold a rock in place. Art
  10. I would invite you down to get warm and enjoy the shopping but it seems we are a little short of heat right now. Art
  11. O great thanks for taking away all of my easy money...Actually good advise and don't just turn off the water drain the valve and pipes and make sure the hose is not left connected. Art
  12. DING DING DING we have a winner!!! They indeed have a primitive lung. Art
  13. IF the rules are the same up North as they are down here the home inspector is not liable for his omissions/oversights in a report. He can be held accountable for incorrect statements though but it takes a trip thru the court system to get justice. Most are not pursued unless it is a structural issue that will make the house unlivable or other big ticket items. You should take Roy up on his generous offer and send the report to him for review by a professional.I am sorry to hear that this has happened. I have always wondered how Home Inspectors can obtain more knowledge in the fields of building than the people who work it every day. Art
  14. Might I tempt you with the thought to see how much you can save between now and the spring before deciding to take out a loan? You might find that the amount you save can put you into a second hand boat with out payments. Boat loans are usually one of the highest loan rates because they are considered a luxury item. Good luck and good thoughts with your decision. Art
  15. Step one buy 200,000 btu heater. Step two turn on heater inside of trailer. Step three Bring Carol inside were it is to hot to wear cloths. step Four victory smoke. Step five check roof if still snow bound repeat step 3 and 4. Just a little tip from your Uncle Arttie
  16. Mornin T.J. at least you all have had more practice on the white stuff. Down here if we see white stuff we hop into our Soccer Mom SUV's and must run to the stores before we get snowed in for a day. While I don't mind the white stuff short term... we get snow then we warm up enough for it to melt off then repeat as it happens. I remember living in Michigan and it was around for months at a time but it changes into this hard substance that you cant make snowmen out of and to ski was just horrible. If we could get the media to put a positive spin on the whole snow thing the winters would be less of an issue and more of a pleasure for all. Art
  17. we came we saw we went next group have fun Art
  18. Thats some of the worst noise I have heard you now owe me 6 penalty minutes for that one. Art
  19. With that said Yea lucky me...I had twice the chance for someone to say no to me. Art
  20. Here go to this site and we will call it even. 3 min.worth Art
  21. Alright you guys owe me 3 minutes of my life that I wasted on this post....pay up. Art
  22. Put some Viagra in the bag that should firm them up. :whistling: Art
  23. Nice lookin pooch I am sure a name will form as you get to know him. My bone tick hound named Hunter has decided that buddy or buddy boy works for him as well. Art
  24. Yes who knew in the 60's that such a simple song had future offensive language in it. The next song I don't expect you to like much. The history of the group is really fascinating because a group that was started for a talent contest went on to be big and then they faded away into corporate jobs. Reappearing as often as society wanted to hear from them. Art
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