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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Just a note but the red lever is your manual chock override is it in the off position? Sorry you will have to check the book on which way is off. Yes that is a jet and the size is a 24 stamped on it. I would remove the jet with a screwdriver and inspect it for debris. Then take carb cleaner and spray thru the orifice of the jet and also the hole it came out of. Then re install the jet and test. If the issue is still their it may be the reed valves located behind the carbs are giving you blow back due to age. You will then have to remove the carbs and look into the cage to see if they are warped,cracked or not closing tightly. Did you do a compression test yet? if not check it and see if they are all within 10% of each other. I am not sure what the factory # is it varies as to the motor. Their is a forum called Iboats that is very good and will give you some more guide lines. You also might after doing the above contact our 2 gurus of motors Bernie and Big Cliff. Art
  2. Adding the chemicals in the parts per million is not going to damage even a small farm pond. Contact time of the trailer is... 2 min? Time you have your gas motor in the water running/contacting and exhausting into the water... couple hours lets not blow this out of prospective. If it was a worthy concern you would not need the product you would be more worried about the damage the actions of your sport does than the launching. Art
  3. Welcome to the board Colin. I am sure you will get lots of coaching for places to start fishing real soon. I would give you some advice but you see I am a little South of you. Art
  4. The advantage that this product has over using a silicone based product is it does not attract dirt or dust. It dries with out residue. If their is a product that can mimic it it is Scotchgard water proofing spray. Since they are the same price about best to stay with the original since it won't stain the fiberglass or react with the gel coating. Jer While the propellant and the carry agents are present in most oil penetrating fluids it is not similar in the important area of actual active ingredients. You should never read the MSDS sheet as a way to find a substitute the same ingredients combined in different ratios can yield either liquid fertilizer or a bomb. Art
  5. say what the heck time to build the deck.... Art
  6. Something that has not been brought up yet is the ingestion of the lead has long term effects. Make sure you have plenty of ventilation if you can smell it then you are inhaling lead vapors. Do not eat drink or smoke while working with lead. Wash your hands and or wear disposable gloves while working with the lead jigs. The bodies inability to rid itself of heavy metals make this an accumulative poison that is toxic. Art
  7. If you have a stuck float you can confirm it by looking down the throat of the carbs while you squeeze the ball firmly. If you see any fuel weeping from the main jet hole in the middle or from a very small hole located by the throttle butterfly then your float is sticking. If the carbs have not been pulled down that you know of then a rebuild is in order. Does the fuel spit from it while running or at rest? Art
  8. I would slit the carpet and then put the glue down with a mastic trowel or lift it from an edge if it is not to far away. You can then work the carpet back down into place without getting a glue blob that does not have anyplace to go. Once glued but still wet take a rolling pin and roll it so the excess glue is worked back out of the slit and then put wax paper over the area and add some weight for 24 hours. Finish off with a little goof off on a cloth towel to remove any excess glue. Art
  9. The only reason the oil companies would use petroleum jelly is to help the sand stick.... i'm just sayin Art
  10. I knew you Canadians were real smart y'all figured out how to get your boats to run on that stuff. Art
  11. O.K. consider me part of the plot to debunk the world about Binladen. I am not even going to let this get off the ground you can P.M. Afraz if you want to discuss it among yourselves. Art
  12. Here is a link for the product. liquid roller link msds link I know that it stays were you put it on the rails for at least one season so far and their is no visible signs that it is released like an oil shine on the water. The boat shows no signs from the product and it does not attract dirt or dust to scratch the finish. If you don't want to order from the USA you can google the company name or product name from the link and get it locally I am sure. Art
  13. It kind of depends on how steep the hill is and whether it is uphill or down. I found the 2 handed over the shoulder push is the best if they are under 1000 lbs. If they are over that then it is best to double team them going to the downhill side. Art
  14. Since I know how friendly UPS is I will get shipped out ASAP... If we have time after the snipe hunt can we go cow tipping??? Art
  15. O.K. don't heed the warning but when those cedars escape and start to reproduce all over the neighborhood and squeeze out the azalea bushes I am going to print this out and you will owe Bob an apology. Art
  16. agm is Absorbent Glass Mat Batteries. Gel is gel and Regular is a wet cell battery that you add water to as needed. Each battery is identified on the battery shell. You should not use any other setting then the one that applies to your battery.They charge differently and for different amp or time and can damage the battery if set wrong. Art
  17. Their is a product called liquid roller it is the greatest product made for launching a boat. I can not emphasize how slick this is it will dump your boat off the bunks on to the ramp without being wet. Always leave your strap or chain on till you are in place I kid you not. I saw two boats last year hit the ramp because of how effective this product is. The best part of it is your boat is supported fully on the boards of the trailer instead of on pressure spots were the glid-sticks (minor) or rollers (major)come in contact. Art
  18. We can only hope it is a good enough shot to keep them from spawning. Art
  19. That really nice fish does not count his sign is wrinkled. Art
  20. If you want anyone to begin to take your statement as anything other than ignorant.... it is U.S. not us. Art
  21. Yaa know I did not realize how little of the music I knew that was Canadian born. I mean I know all of the big names from earlier era's but their is a lot of people that you all have posted that I missed. Thanks for the tour thru your heritage and keep them coming. Art
  22. brian refresh our memory as to what cam it is please. Art
  23. If you check the S.S. prop you should see a rubber coupler that is designed to sheer before it damages a healthy drive gear assemble. Some of the older S.S. do not have them but to my knowledge all of the newer ones have them. I agree that a S.S. is the way to go if you are looking for performance. I run S.S. down here because I know the water and we have less shoals and sudden depth changes. Up North I use the aluminum because it is cheaper to replace when damaged. Art
  24. Yup get a few pictures of them with oos fish might give the MNR a reason to visit the area more often. Just remember to lift your feet off the bottom of the boat before the dynamite explodes it stings the bottom of your feet. Art
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