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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Yes we decided you have to put a little effort into the community before you get to reap the rewards.You might post an introductory and say hello or a few photos of a recent trip you have taken. Once you have reached the magic number of posts read the rules in the classified section they will help you on your quest to selling your reels. Art
  2. So now I got to wait till this fall for my four wheeler.....dangit Art
  3. Cool deal chief are you wearing blaze orange???? Just askin Art
  4. I believe in you Cliff Help is on the way Keep checking your mail for my check buddy. Art
  5. Dan if you need me to baby sit you and Sam just ask..... Art
  6. Here is an article on the concrete myth Fact or Fiction Well, is it true? Will a battery be damaged or discharged by letting it sit on concrete? NO! Why then do so many people believe that concrete is a battery enemy? Years ago, batteries could have been electrically discharged by sitting on a concrete floor. My dad, for instance, owned an automotive shop for many years. In fact, I grew up on a creeper. My dad reminded me time after time, "Set that battery on wood! I know batteries discharge on concrete because I’ve witnessed it!" And he was right at that time. Historical Basis You see, the myth that concrete drains batteries does have some historical basis. Many, many years ago, wooden battery cases encased a glass jar with the battery inside. Any moisture on the floor could cause the wood to swell and possibly fracture the glass, causing it to leak. Later came the introduction of the hard rubber cases, which were somewhat porous and had a high-carbon content. An electrical current could be conducted through this container if the moist concrete floor permitted the current to find an electrical ground. The wise advice of the old days to "keep batteries off concrete" has been passed down to us today, but it no longer applies because of the advanced technology of today’s batteries. Today’s Technology For more than a decade, automotive and commercial battery containers have been made of polypropylene, which is a highly insulative material. In fact, the Interstate Batteries poly material is at least five times more insulative than the old hard rubber. Also, tremendous technological improvements have been made in the seals around the posts and the vent systems, which have virtually eliminated electrolyte seepage and migration. Battery Discharging The fact is, all batteries self- discharge whether they’re sitting on the shelf or on concrete. This is why we regularly rotate your inventory. As the temperature increases, a battery’s self-discharge level also increases. Some lead acid batteries discharge 4% - 8% per month at a temperature of 80°F. The level of self-discharge is also contingent upon the type of lead plate alloy plus the age and cleanliness of the battery. If the battery has a surface layer of acid or grime, which is electrically conductive, it self-discharges more rapidly. This surface layer may actually allow you to measure the DC voltage across the battery’s poly case (using a 10 meg-ohm digital voltmeter). For that reason, we recommend that you always keep batteries clean, whether they’re in storage or in a vehicle. Grandfather Clause You may now be thinking that you know more than your grandfather, who tells you that batteries stored on concrete will be damaged. Next time your grandfather says that, I recommend that you just say "Okay" and continue about your business. I’m a grand-father now, and I know that we like to have our way and we like to be right. If my grandson, for instance, tries to tell me that concrete won’t damage a battery, you know what I’ll say? I’ll say if you drop a battery on concrete, it will be damaged. "Tech Talk" is a copyright of Interstate Battery System of America. Art
  7. I run a 28ft x 11ft Aluminum boat made by Marinette with twin 318 and 480 HP. I have run it hard in bad water when needed with no ill effects. Mind you it is all welded 1/4" plate aluminum with a strong structural design. Different boats are needed for different conditions their is no right or wrong answer on what boat is better until you define the area it is used in. Art
  8. It is measured at the thinest spot on the tread and the worst gouge you can find. What is the age of them? I replace my tires every 4,000 miles or 2 years which ever comes first. It is cheap insurance, a blow out on a trailer can wreck the trailer and the truck in the wrong situation. Art
  9. It's got to be something to do about fishing on a fishing forum right? Art
  10. Very nice report thanks for taking the time. Art
  11. I think you can blame the lack of winter rather than yourself. Art
  12. Sure I drive a compact when I can and the truck when it is needed. Art
  13. So if someone has a 1 ton truck and is happy and someone else has a 3 ton truck and is happy why would you hack on the 3 ton trucks owner? He paid for the truck, he pays for the added expense to run the truck and it costs you nothing. We all have something that we spend the extra on to make us smile whether it is a custom rod and reel or a top of the line vehicle with the extra bells and whistles. When you let a friend use the rod and reel do you really want him to say " it's O.K. but it was stupid to spend the money." You should pay the same courtesy to any size toy that you get to see. Personally I like it when people take the time to customize something and share their enthusiasm on the project. Art
  14. The apology was that he has to be treated like a criminal because of the actions of a few. In a way I did have something to do with it I voted the government in (well some of them) and told them to make me feel safe and this is their attempt. I would rather apologize to 1000 people if it will stop one person from getting thru and causing act of terrorism. If I apologize to you too will you come see the good side of the USA? If so I apologize to you too. Art
  15. I am floored by this. I am sorry that that happened to not only you personally but anyone that wants to come to the USA. I understand the first time request for the papers but after that it would seem you are in the computer notes. I can only think that you may have tripped one of the profiles in our heightened state of security we are in. We have had troubles with people flying into a bordering country and crossing by land because our airport security is now really amped up and has a lot more resources to catch terrorists. It is a shame that they do not know you personally I am sure if they did they would pass you thru like you should be treated. The answer to your question as far as how I am treated as I cross over into your country very well a few questions and a have a nice trip. It is in fact harder for me to get back into the USA than it is to leave it..... So accept my apology with my explanation Brian. Art
  16. nice fish it looks like you are getting a good start on the year. Art
  17. A complaint and condemnation without an answer. They are easy to write... It's the ones that answer the questions they raise that earn my respect and not my mirth or sympathy. Art
  18. If your engine is made to run on 87 then run 87 it does not have less cleaners than the higher octane. Some of the higher octane does not have the ethanol but it depends on the brand. I have 138 gallons of fuel in my assorted boats at any given time and use sta-bil marine in all of them with no alcohol issues. I will also use seafoam on the first gas tank in the spring and every 5th fillup. One of the boats lives at the marina and the others are stored in a garage. I would rather spend the money treating the fuel correctly to keep me from expensive repairs. I have torn down carb's in boats,motorcycles and cars and their is a difference the ones that are maintained and those that are not. Also if you decide to switch from ethanol treated gas to non ethanol gas do not mix them they will gum up the carb's from chemical reaction (phase separation) and you will get a orange gel that will clog the filters and orifices. Art
  19. I have....and their is a joke in those two words. Art
  20. multi imodicons -another 1... Art
  21. Actually many of your supposedly are actualities. I was just getting you started. If you want to really get going yes shad cut into chunks on a 5/0 circle is a great way to get into some quality Cats. The chicken livers do not need the mesh wrap it seems to just slow you down and cuts down on the chumming effect. After the cats get over 10 lbs they become predators and readily take to chunks of shad. I have fished for Cats for many years and we have the blue cats down here locally. My best so far is 65 lbs and we get quite a few in the 30 -40 range if you learn to think like a Catfish. If you want a really good fish fry go for the 3 to 6 lb channel catfish they are excellent for the table. Here is a link to some fish that have been caught off my boat.(they are posted under Aplumma). catfish pics Art
  22. Nope no man card from me either....your catfish hold looks like how my 7 year old niece would hold it... Art
  23. You know I have never had someone out fish me using a dip bait when I used good old freshly thawed chicken livers. I use a circle hook and a ounce or two of lead under it. The chicken liver needs to be hooked a few times and gently casted out. You will need to rebait after a strike but it is not a waste it is like chumming an area. The fresh chicken liver do not smell bad but does make your hands sticky. Give it a try you might find they are easier to find and will out fish your dipbait. Art
  24. So have you put a down payment on a steering wheel yet? Nice rig for sure you will have a good season to fish this year. Art
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