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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. We actually have that here in the USA you can have your boat certified by the Coast Guard. They come to the marina's for free and everyone who signs up gets inspected and a sticker issued. This however does not mean you will not be checked on the water it just makes the inspection quicker they generally will ask you to hold up 2 or 3 items on the list and wave bye as they leave. They are still making sure you are not drinking and have the correct licenses and what color your wife's bikini is or your speedo just to be fair to all of the MNR officials. I am not sure about the revenue money grab angle if you know the rules beforehand and you comply with them their is no fine. I have yet to pay a ticket in my life on the water owning 4 boats at this time. Each one has all of the requirements on board at all times so that's 4 paddles, 4 flare sets...etc it is the price you pay before the price they charge for improper boating. Art
  2. Garnet Actually he did not edit your post he edited a copy of your post the original one was still their for all to read. We have a system were the original can only be modified by a Moderator so do not fret your written word (that follows the rules) will be seen by all. While you are almost correct in your statements and your knowledge is valuable don't take it to heart if people chose not to listen. Debate is encouraged so all views can be seen right or wrong and then people can evaluate the opinions of each and use the info. accordingly. It after all is they who pay the consequences of their actions. Cheers Art
  3. If you want to debate octane pros and cons on our open forum we will let you if someone disagrees with your statement we will also let that happen. If they start to slander you or make statements that are hazardous/dangerous then feel free to hit the report button on the left side of any posts. We will then take action and render our judgement all of these services are included in the price of admission. Art
  4. It is always a good bet to start with the obvious problem them work back from their. With a 10 year old impeller it needs to be done regardless of the alarm. Their are ways to check the circuit after a known temperature is established as to whether or not you have a second issue. Art
  5. One... come on really?? have you not read of all of the instances of the publicized attacks and also the ones prevented? It is a changing world and violence while not wanted is a fact of life as it changes the way we police our zones of civilization.If anyone chooses to fish a border area then you accept the fact that you are going to be checked. Right now the US and Canada are both being like little kids and having a peeing contest to see who can make the other madder. Both sides will settle down soon I hope and we can go back to the rules we have become used too. Art
  6. water muffs are not acceptable to test for coolant flow. A bad impeller will release a piece of it and clog the telltale. Once cleared the bad impeller will let hose pressure past the seals and make the telltale look like it has pressure but it is from the hose. Put it in the water and see if the stream is normal. To be safe if you have not changed the impeller in 3 years it is due. Better safe than a seized motor. Art
  7. No lost fingers yet but the evening is young still. Art
  8. Nice spread and a wonderful day, Dan looks like some serious grilling going on with the chair in front of the BBQ. Art
  9. Thats too funny A friend of mine is an avid bassman and when we go fishing if he hooks into a big blue Catfish he cusses and tries his best to shake them off instead of enjoying the fight with a 20 lb or better fish. When I fish with other on the big boat we taylor the day to fish for those big beautiful fish. Art
  10. elevator man ...hummm does he wear a cape and a mask? I think his true identity has been revealed... Good job Masked man Good job.You secret is still safe with me. Art
  11. Thanks for the well wishes while it is a fun holiday it also is a very important one in our nations history. Now on to the main event bottle rocket fights you tube should be full of them by tomorrow. Art
  12. On a Mercury I had it said in yellow letters not to strike the starter motor with a hammer. I guess they know us fishermen pretty well. BTW yes I did and yes it started working... Art
  13. Boat rage were no one wins.... Their are times were we all do something that seems stupid to everyone else except ourselves. If you find yourself confronted with a situation were someone does that,the best thing is to just let it go. Why ruin your pleasant trip with plotting how to piss him off too. Life is short and if you tangle with the wrong wacko it could get even shorter. Art
  14. Wow finally a joke I didn't have to lock good job.... Art
  15. I haven't but the tourist trade is taken very seriously here and you can expect great service. Art
  16. You can open the lock and remove the pins then any key blank that fits the evinrude will work. Selling the boat that starts with a screwdriver will hurt the sale in my opinion. Art
  17. wait for the car to be delivered and look under the rubber bumper for the frame structure to tie too. Art
  18. While I have not fished the area the Shenandoah is known for smallmouth bass. The area is a wadeable body of water. Expect to find a hard rocky bottom 1-6 feet deep in areas along the road that is close to the water. The fish average 7-12 inches and put up a good fight going airborn often. Use a med light rod and reel and bring small jigs chartreuse/white/smoke are good colors. Smaller crankbaits like the bomber A white/bass are good also. A blue and chrome rattletrap is a good bet. A few chugger type baits in the other colors and any crawfish pattern bait is a winner. If you want to go with natural baits their are Carp, Channel Catfish and Bluegill for the taking too. Use the same as you would in Canada. Fish the areas behind current breaks and were the current is boiling to the top from submerged rocks and weeds. This is some general info that works were the Shenandoah is closser to were I live. Good luck and enjoy Virginia it has a lot of things to see. Art
  19. Hi Betty glad to meet you at lak air and welcome to the board. Hopefully you won't view this as being as big a mistake as marrying Brian. Art
  20. Since it looks like the original question was answered and we are not heading in a good direction......Say good night Gracie Art
  21. I have to agree with Cliff the pricing you have set seems really high but it seems in Canada prices are higher their for boating items. Whether you sell now or when the price is higher is irrelevant since you are also purchasing a used unit yourself. If you purchase NEW this fall and sell in the spring your bang for the buck will be the greatest. Art
  22. Chris by cleaning the ground wire on the tank you issue should be fixed if not then do the other tests and call me I will help you solve the problem Art
  23. the correct reading on a linear tank is only while sitting still. The tanks in the Ranger are rectangular but are from right to left not front to back. They read left and right turns as fuller or emptier. Art
  24. Before you start make sure that you have a viable motor that can be repaired within your budget before you start on the boat.Price out the controls and material needed to get the boat you want before spending it. Their is nothing worse than spending your budget on something and at the end finding out it is going to cost a big chunk more. Iboats has alot of good info for you to use as you take on the project. Art
  25. The deerfly bite makes sense it is the thinnest place for fur and there is no meat below. I am sorry moosey had issues I am looking forward to her bringing her owners back next year. Art
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