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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. Remove the carb. and pull the needle out. Clean out the the carb using gumout from the fuel hose hook up and spray thru. Then check the tip of the needle for bent or debris. Re assemble the carb and hook a clear hose to the drain port and run upwards to the top of the carb. Replace fuel line from tank to carb with ethanol proof line. then pump the ball till it gets hard. Observe the level of the fuel in the clear hose if it is above the float bowl then bend the tang up to close it off earlier. If the ball doesn't get hard and fuel flows then recheck for debris and bend tang up to get it to close off. If the level of the fuel in the hose is more than 1/4 inch from the top of the float bowl then bend tang down to allow more fuel. Most of the evinrude carbs are set by removing the float bowl and turning upside down the float should be resting 90 degrees level from the pivot point as a rough guideline. Don't go crazy on the bending I suspect it is debris from the fuel tank. BTW if you do not have an inline filter put on in place before you pump up the ball for the first time. Art
  2. With the warmer water temps. and the lack of flow it is something that is very prevalent down her in the South. The upside is we rarely drink the water from above ground sources unless it is treated by the municipalities. Few camps use other than well water. Be safe and shower after swimming it can irritate some peoples skin and boil boil boil the water. Art
  3. You promised you wouldn't post the picture of the motorcycle Joe and I are building till we finished it. Art
  4. Awww man just after I ordered a banjo lure system to be shipped to you Roy. Art
  5. http://www.tc.gc.ca/publications/en/tp1332/pdf/hr/tp1332e.pdf This is the Canadian builders code for small crafts look at page 69 or 6.5 it has the regulation for all small crafts manufactured or custom built on battery ventilation. Quoted "6.5 Battery Spaces 6.5.1 Spaces containing batteries shall provide for the overboard ventilation of hydrogen gas released by the battery. Information Note: “Sealed”, “maintenance-free” batteries, or batteries with immobilized electrolyte (gel batteries) also need to be vented outboard." Art
  6. If the batteries are their then it is vented. The hydrogen gas released from the batteries as they charge and discharge would build up and then you have the bomb. Art
  7. I have had a blast with them on bass down here. I bought them for up North but what I found was the pike would grab the body of the lure and since the hook is out in front of the bait it was lots of bites few hook ups. I guess with a stinger hook it would catch them but I was on vacation and that would be like work. Art
  8. nice fish buddy thanks for the link it looks like a lure different enough for the fish to not know what it is yet. Art
  9. While it is hard on all who are left behind....rest easy he is in a better place. Art
  10. Thanks for the insight on how to hold Trout Chris. I have over the years seen you handle Walleye and Pike with the care and concern needed to return them back to the water as healthy as can be. Art
  11. been their done that didn't own a camera. Art
  12. Now a fish like that after you careful unhook it you get two crackers one for each side and you got a real good snack. (what did you expect from someone who fishes for Catfish Buddy) Art
  13. Just so you know the plumbing on the kitchen sink is not legal.....just sayin..... Art
  14. Cliff the horsepower to weight ratio is 1:7 roughly it is a blast to ride and with the high performance brakes and other additions it can be reeled in as fast as it accelerates. We spent a lot of time and money to bring this classic back to road life for all to see and enjoy. You are correct though you can be as safe as you can be but its the other person driving that can get you. Art
  15. Heres a twist for you my mouthwash has 12% alcohol by volume written on it. Getting served with a ticket for BWI is about blood alcohol content not about the % in the bottle of what you are drinking. The worst they could serve you with is open container on a nerbeer and that could be challenged in court. If the breathalizer is above the limit then the BWI becomes an issue. I don't drink often so waiting till I am home or in a place were their is no question if it is legal is easy for me. Art
  16. Way to go Maureen glad you had a good time and was able to get a few new fisherman out on the water. Art
  17. Looks like a good healthy trip for you Dan when you can slow down enough to photograph rocks your reaching the point of true relaxation. Art
  18. Sorry to see the pup injured here's to a fast recovery. Art
  19. ya know if you buy your beer in the US you pay half the price and get half the alcohol.... Art
  20. This is going to go bad with a post count of 2. You might want to be part of the community before you go for such a politically charged thread. I am going to save yaa this time. Art
  21. Nice lot of fish you got their T.J.. Art
  22. I think I saw that spinner at Canadian Tire. Art
  23. The core is made with exacting tolerances that are closer than the other two mentioned. The bearings are of a higher quality meaning less friction and more consistence friction on the cast. It means I can cast further with my Core than my Curado both adjusted the same because of the quality of the Core. I personally find the quality/weight of the core worth buying and pairing it with a great rod. When you are fishing you will use the combo that is the most enjoyable to use so save till you can afford that so you don't end up with combos that while less expensive seem to not make it out of the garage to fish. Art
  24. Great news for sure we were very happy to have such a big Canadian name on board and look forward to him this year as well. Art
  25. You have failed on the road to oneness with the internet Grasshopper. read me for help
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