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Everything posted by Steelheadphycho

  1. I can not imagine what that would be like. Thanks for sharing this unique memory!
  2. We will prolly NEVER see that again.....
  3. Fishing bare foot in January...... ILL TAKE IT!! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Here's to many more! Happy birthday!
  5. Congratulations Rick! Blessings to your whole family! We await your return.........
  6. 100% true. The fact that no one has seen me post any fishing reports is, I haven't been fishing. I went twice this year. I know there isn't any excuse for it, but life has changed. Heck, I haven't been to Canada since 2012. Hopefully, this year will be different.
  7. Nice work! Can't wait to see ice here.
  8. HOLY BULL!! Been there..... My thoughts are with you! I think a new favorite thread has emerged... ??????!!!
  9. Duuuude! Count me in. There's nooooo way I'd be able to do a trip like that on my own......
  10. And I'd like to clip diaper coupons with you......
  11. That's right Ata boy.......
  12. Lol! Note I said NOTHING about those clowns.....
  13. If I could find a way to watch Cavs and Indians games, I'd be all over it. Those games are rarely televised over the air. If I never had to listen to one of those "real housewives" barf bags speak again, IT'D BE TOO SOON!!!!
  14. This is kinda interesting. Not sure what the range on this is but I'm sure you'd get quite a few channels in the GTA. and at that low price, it'd be worth a look...... GE 24792 Attic Mount Antenna with Compact Design Receiving https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DNJZ58M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awd_VX.Iwb42F0G6T
  15. Lots of brothers and sisters pulling for you here. One of which, made the kindest of gestures! That's why I love this place! Godspeed
  16. OMG LOL!!!! Que the song "careless whisper" Congrats Chris!
  17. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78352&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 Was it this? I had posted about my brother installing an antenna on this....
  18. Not a thing wrong with that!!
  19. It truly boggles the mind to think you accomplished all that in a year. Even in two years, that would be a feat! I couldn't do all that in a decade!!! Mr. Blizzard's clever reply says it all precisely. Your contributions to this board are incredible! Congratulations on a stellar year, and all the best to you and your family in the coming year! Thank you!
  20. Thanks everyone! And yes I am curious...... ?
  21. It's very difficult to pick favorites on this board. everyone's contributions are valuable. I'm just gonna say I like the whole board. I hope it never changes. Thanks to everyone for making it what it is!
  22. I love it! That helmet is awesome! Time just flies by....... It doesn't seem like it's been 15 years since my wife and I had our first child. Now he has his temps and is driving! (So avoid north east Ohio) Then 3 years ago yesterday, we were blessed to have my darling Stella, who is brilliant beyond her years and the controller of my heart. Then God thought that wasn't enough, so I have a handsome 10 month old boy who knows only one facial expression, a big ol smile! My memories are abundant! Hope they last forever! Thanks for sharing this and all your memories Simon! (.......and Rick!)
  23. Dude that HOOTS! You did get lucky in so many other ways. Missed the house, a person, that cooler of beer........ I hope the repairs go smoothly!
  24. Indeed! Thanks to everyone and Merry Christmas!!
  25. LOL! Brilliant!
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