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Everything posted by joonmoon

  1. I'd have to say Bobcaygeon area would be fine for me.
  2. Good job on the family fishin day...get em next time sugarpacket. Once splenda gets older I'll bet you won't be able to pry the fishin rod out of his hands, atta go for gettin him off to a good start.
  3. I was there on Tuesday...seen a few fish rolling around but no takers for anyone while we were there.
  4. Good job there big guy, keep at er sooner or later the ice will be here and the quarry changes to pannies...lol.
  5. Dump the tank, scrub it all down with RYDYT and rinse very thoroughly. Dump the filter components and rinse out the sponge with tap water until clean then let it dry right out and rinse again. Set up your tank for at least two weeks with new filter components before slowly adding a few fish at a time. Do water changes every week about 30%-50%. I wouldn't have added a pleco for 6 months but now you have em so chuck it in there and feed em the wafers about 1 a week. Good luck. Keep reading about the quality of your water and research as much as your brain can handle, then forget about it all and just go with the flow so to speak.
  6. Can you imagine that thing in the underwater world in Pigeon Lake...watching the real Muskie movie...lol. Glad to hear you are on the good road to recovery. Be cool and fish as soon as you can that will help you bigtime.
  7. Nice fish, looks cold out good thing the sun was shining.
  8. Spend the money you will save on a portable hut on a decent 10" power auger. The tent will suffice for this year but you should plan to fight and struggle with the windy days. Look for a portable or build your own for next year. I too have had the misfortune of not being able to get a fish up thru the hole. A very monstous Pike in Nippissing a few years back had the better end of the line on me. Had him to the hole three times but failed on all attempts and plans to get him thru the ice, estimated the size around 20-22 lbs high 40's to low 50's". What a fish. Good luck on the hard stuff.
  9. Gottcha covered Bro. Heres Jedi's yak... And Here's Jedi and the Impaler in the Sportspal...
  10. Here's.......The AUGUSTAWIND...named after my wife.
  11. What a beauty day it was. We all caught several fish and had some catching up to do as well. But that eye was the topper ... not bad for a hour and half of fun on the Grand. Can't wait to put two more anglers on to a few Skis, prolly have to wait til next year.
  12. Yup I'd say she's a toothy kitty. Nice shot at boatside too.
  13. Good job Sugar, if you're anything like my wife you will be showing him how to use his float reel in no time...lol. Good to hear you getting the little guy out for some of this awesome fall weather too. Are you sure you want to retire the ultralight so soon? Tis lots of fishing yet before the snow flies...lol. Keep up the good fishing reports you guys. BBR be careful what you teach her, women tend to kick our donkeyes when you learn them how to do it...lol.
  14. I would luv to join ya too but I'm pretty sure I gotta work that weekend. Oh well good luck, go get em.
  15. Hey thanks all. Cliff we didn't stay much past 4pm, I had to work Friday morning bright and early and needed some sleep since I didn't get very much Wed nite. My buddy Gadget needed to get home for work on Friday as well, he also needed to rest his sore bucktail throwing arm too...lol. The fog held us up for about 45 min at the shore where we launched until I could navigate well enuff to see where we were goin. Tried for some eyes while we waited for the fog but nothin doin. It sure was an awesome day though.You will be hearing from Gus and I soon. Cya
  16. Store trailer in Florida...lol...just kidding. WINTERIZE as described. Don't take a chance do it right or pay bigtime later.
  17. Spent my birthday with a few things in mind today. First get my buddy Gadget into his first Ski. Second fishin on my birthday...priceless. Started out from K-W at 4:30 am, headed to the Sturg. Launched by 7:30 and couldn't see the difference between the lake and the horizon due to thick fog so we jigged close to shore for walleyes but could only muster up a few small perch. As the fog lifted we trolled to our destination of choice where we began to chuck bucks and spinnerbaits for the next few hours without even so much as a sniff from a ski. While takin a break I did jig the bottom and found a smallmouth and many perch but all were dinks. As the day grew longer I began to rethink my plan and tried something different...well it paid off. A 21" 5lb+ Smallie...what a brute but a welcomed guest on my birthday. A birthday Bass not soon forgotten. Haven't caught one that size for a few years. WAHOO. But still on the agenda was to get Gadget into his first Ski....after many hours still of various lures of varying sizes, shapes and color patterns....the wind began to blow a little stronger out of the south and put a slight chop on the water. I said now is the time lets do it. And two drifts through the weeds later he exclaims "FISH ON". Not a giant and not a long battle but nonetheless I succeeded in guiding him to his first Ski. I was so excited for him I was shakin as if I had caught em. Landed the 25" er measured and photo snapped and back to the drink he went. All the while we were both smiling (I was more relieved than anything). Thanks Gadget for spending the day doin what we luv and sharing birthday memories forever.
  18. Wait a minute now I know where you're talking Cliff. Good for you. Did ya try using what you use off your dock?
  19. Yup we had a good weekend. Cliff not exactly sure where you're talking? Did we fish there together? My buddy Gadget and I are headed up that way on Thurs for some Ski action, hopefully find them where Gus left em...lol. Sure would be nice to have a second angler guided by yours truly nail thier first Ski...lol. Hey Cliff I think we will have to make sure we head up your way before the end of the season to find some eyes.
  20. Keep at er we hooked two on Sat in Sturg. Look for deeper weeds near hard bottom transition areas. Troll open deep water. Just don't give up.
  21. Well my wife and I had another enjoyable weekend at Big Cliff and Sue's. Fishing, relaxin, and good eats with great company...couldn't ask for anything more...well except maybe a few decent eyes in the boat...lol. No dig at you Cliff I know you were trying hard to get me into some last night and this morning...lol. Cliff had tinkering to do Sat and Sue had plans as well so Gus and I were left up to our own ideas to find some fish. Started out in the morning with some small perch and a cigar walleye Sat. We trolled a few areas Cliff showed us on the charts and GPS. We did find lots of these little guys... We were able to cover a lot more of the Lake than we have fished before with use of Cliffs boat(Thanks big time), and by the time mid afternoon rolled around and no walleyes to show we decided to hit our fav Musky spot. Where I promptly after a few casts found a toothy eager enough to take my orange and black spinnerbait...he on the other hand was a little camera shy and decided to have no part in being landed by me. Rocketing himself in the air and writhing like a snake....pppppiiiittttuuuuueeee...and out flys my spinnerbait. Me laughing and smiling tipped my hat and continued to fan cast the area hard. Gus took the initiative to toss the black and gold Mepps Musky Killer bucktail recently purchased at CTC in Lindsay and moments later FISH-ON. This wasn't as big of fish as the LDR fish I played with but definitely not lacking in the spunk category. Airbourne as well and bulleting down into thick weeds until dead calm like you have snagged the cork in the bottom of the lake. As the wind drifted us farther away I sparked up the motor and reversed until we were directly over the last know spot that we saw a fish...hmmm, pretty stiff hold on the weeds I thought to myself, several yanks on the line by hand and finally it came up. A couple of pounds of fish and about 10 lbs of weeds....lol. Hand landed the little smegger, unhooked em, a few quik shots and back to the drink he went... All the action in the first drift thru the area...then nothing until the third drift. BANG and my spinnerbait does a few flips above the surface of the lake. Nice fat Largie comes willingly to my awaiting thumb. This fish was short and chubby at 14" he almost weighed 2.5 lbs. What a football piglet...lol... We came back to Cliff and Sue's place around 4pm cause it was our turn to BBQ and I was hungry by then. Steaks, yams, and Gus's famous broccolli salad were on the menu...MMM. Cliff had plans to get me out in the eve to find some walleyes so we ate and ran. Jumped into the boat and zipped to the spot, his first cast bang hooks into a hyper Crappie not a bad sized one too. We thought we were in for a good eve with a start like that but...nothin doin. Rockbass was the only thing bitin my hook and we called it a night. We woke to a quite calm lake and headed out again. Same as the eve for me, rockers and a small perch. Cliff on the other hand was into some good keeper sized perch and was attempting to liven up the breakfast table but after only pickin up 3-4 keepers he decided to release them from the livewell to swim another day. Our weekend was very relaxing and we enjoyed our stay once again with Big Cliff and Sue and can't forget Andy too. Thanks alot guys cya soon.
  22. Just plain AWESOME boyz. WTG. gotta luv it when they are explosive and hyper.
  23. WTG Bro, I guess you can keep the trophy for this year but I will be replacing the Impaler next year and finally take home the prize (since ya stole it on me in the last 10 min a few years ago...lol.) guess ya stole it on the shipper this year didn't ya. Nice job the impaler does on the cradle maybe we should bring him along to land our bigguns though. Sure wish I could have been there this year, bummer... . Ya spent some time at one of my fav dams..in Buckhorn, no eyes eh? My goal this weekend is to get some good eyes and Goog into some decent skis on the Sturg, hopefully I have figured out a pattern for eyes since we finally hooked a few last trip there. Anyway glad ya nailed the PB not far from a 50" now eh! Then you can join the Lew Club...lol.
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