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Everything posted by joonmoon

  1. Any photos?
  2. Hey Rich cool pics, those suckers might be trying to escape a preditor fish...or they just like to wash their faces off in the current...or they can't figure out when to spawn...or yes probably they can smell food upstream and are trying to get there.
  3. Can't wait either but still lots of open water to fish first.
  4. Ahhh RUSH ya gotta luv em. I saw them way back too...several times. Glad Jaden got to enjoy the Rush experience because its awesome especially to be that close too.
  5. As a goaltender for many years I have always cherished "in the crease" and have a very large print framed up really nice. Too bad he's gone but he sure picked the right place to go...Gods' country. Condolences to the family.
  6. Good job, got some of them fav spots in the Grand as well. Lots of fish in the river just gotta find the best places to get em.
  7. I tried them...a little too salty but next time I'll cook em...then maybe they won't leave a bad after taste...lol.
  8. It's a good thing and as far as places to take the kids ice fishing...there are plenty of conservation areas to go to within 1 hrs drive. I hope this works for the park cause next step is to ban fishing there and keep it as a waterfowl sanctuary.
  9. Please read the following fishery plan released by the Hamilton Conservation Authority. This plan was a long time in the making and was a direct result of heavy fishing pressure at Valens that could no longer be sustained. I look forward to the revival of the fish stocks here and appriciate all of the input from concerned anglers abroad. Gordon R. Costie Superintendent Valens Conservation Area 905-525-2183 519-621-6029 Valens Fishery Management Plan September 19, 2007 Valens Conservation Area will close its winter fishing season beginning December 1. This will mean ice fishing will no longer be permitted, with the exception of a catch-and-release ice fishing derby to be held in February 2008. The fishery will open for summer anglers from the last Saturday in June until the last Saturday in November. Valens has been designated a Provincial Fish Sanctuary in the spring for more than 30 years. In 2008, this status will be removed. However, to continue to protect breeding pike and bass, the reservoir will remain closed for fishing in the spring. The spring closure also allows panfish a chance to repopulate. Panfish are not only important on their own as game fish to anglers, but a viable panfish population is important to the ecology of the lake and the success of the bass and pike populations. Fishing in the Valens Lake has always been a strong attraction for visitors. The fishery has consisted of a summer fishery for bass, pike and panfish from the end of June until the end of November and ice fishing for pike and panfish from December 1 to March 31 (as ice conditions allowed). Ice fishing grew in popularity very quickly at Valens since it began in 2000. Initially anglers had tremendous success, but staff noticed a quick decline in the abundance and size of fish being caught during the winter. For example, during last year’s ice fishing derby a total of just more than 100 Bluegill were caught by more than 100 anglers. In previous years this could have been the number caught by just one angler in a day. The closure of the winter and spring fishing seasons at Valens will help to relieve fishing pressures on the fish community and to allow the reservoir to maintain a self-sustaining fishery. The status of the fish stocks will be measured as time passes to determine three things: how and when the winter fishery can be reopened; whether the spring fishery can be opened; and the success of the catch and release program. HCA staff expect that with a reduction of the fishing pressure, fish populations in the lake should be able to rebound in a short time. HCA will also educate and encourage anglers to practice catch and release fishing during the open season. Future Voluntary Trial Harvest Limits will also be posted for the different fish species to ensure healthy fish stocks.
  10. Try a stinky old cigarette butt....or a piece of pink bubblegum under a float.
  11. Ahhh you finally found the best fishin and other info board on the web...enjoy your stay and look forward to seeing your reports and comments.
  12. Hey Rich at least you got out...can't wait to go fishin soon...I been workin on my house so much this summer that when I do get out I make the best of it. That buglemouth trout sure looks like awesome Pike bait...lol. Just keep fishin when ya can.
  13. Hey Misfish I know what ya mean by not cheap by the can...thats why I went today to see this Tigerfoam stuff. It comes in two 20lb propane look-a-like tanks...that mix with water and air and together in the spray gun and become the liquid that forms foam that expands...much the way the stuff in the can for around windows and doors does....just on a larger quantity scale. The product I'm lookin at has 600 board foot coverage at approx 1" to give a vapour seal and an R7-R10 depending on my capabilities to spray evenly...practice makes perfect insulation. It comes as a kit with everything I need. Can't wait to giver a try.
  14. Thanks all for your advice and help. Now to get the crawlspace cleaned out to do the work....hmmmm. That could take some time.
  15. Since I'm late gettin in on this and my first three guesses are already taken I'm gonna say 101.
  16. Thanks sinker. The sprayfoam is ideal because it fills all the nook and crannies and yes no vapour barrier needed. I may use it in the recroom when we reno it and prolly in the basement bathroom as well. The lack of condensation build up and no need for the vapour barrier in the basement bathroom will be a huge savings in $ and time. This Tigerfoam is also a great soundproofer and easy to use. Its fire retardant and well bla bla bla I'm pretty sure its the way to go. Might even try it to fill the 2x4 cavities in the walls on the rest of the house too.
  17. I'm doing that now but it's not enuff and I would like to cut my heating costs some as well. The sills on the outside foundation walls need to be insulated anyway, and if this is as good as it says it is then I stand a chance to save 30% on energy bills. I should be able to do it for approx $800-900 and get that back in 3-4 yrs.
  18. Have spent the last few days researching how to properly insulate a crawlspace. Our kitchen, diningroom, livingroom and front foyer all have cold floors most of the winter. I would like to save a few bucks and do the work myself provided I can get some good advice. My best choice right now is to sprayfoam the ceiling in the crawlspace and that would warm our tile floors considerably up stairs on the main floor. I have found multiple contractors that can do it but I'm pretty sure they are all big enough bucks that I couldn't afford to have it done right now. So, during my research I have found a diy sprayfoam that seems reasonably priced and wondered if anyone has ever tried it? The product is Tigerfoam, and I don't wish to post the web site because my intention was not to spam but for some user insight on a seemingly decent new product. If you wanna check it out I'm sure you could find it. There is a distributor here in Kitchener and I plan to check it out on Thursday. Has anyone got any experiences or advice with regards to sprayfoaming as insulation in a crawlspace? Thanks in advance.
  19. MMMMMMM bacon wrapped walleye and perch.......MMMMMMMM they were really good.
  20. Can you say "FREEBIE"...gotta luv when ya make an accidental find like that.
  21. WTG Bro, good to see ya get the Shipper out for some local Bass fishin. Traffic wasn't bad to the Kawarthas and even the boat traffic wasn't too bad...at least where we were anyways. Had to get out to see if my thumb could handle chuckin bucks...not so good. Beauty Crappie spot too.
  22. The better half and I got away early Sat am to fish Cameron L. Launched by 7am and had some info from a local as to where to get into some fish. Unfortunately the fish had other plans. We did end the day with fishin a 10' deep weedline and hammered a pile of jumbo perch, huge WGSF, a few Blueys and a giant Sunny. Called it a day by 3pm. I would like to thank Rich for his input and we will definitely try it out again. Headed to Sturgeon on Sunday am. Launched, fished hard for Skis in an area we know produces but NADDA. Trolled and drifted back to our launch and started hammering the jumbo perch and picked up a few table fair eyes to boot. Had a great weekend out with my wife and hope to get back to Sturgeon L. soon.
  23. West Arm Nippissing...... South Shore Nippissing..... Kawarthas..... Dunnville...... Nakina....... Orangeville....... French River...... Anywhere there is water is a good place to fish...lol
  24. Good job and nice try on the ski...I'm sure you tried hard and if it doesn't wanna go you might as well eat it if it's legal sized. Can't wait to see the pics........
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