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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Historically all the good marketing strategies originate in Ethiopia (where the posters IP goes back to).
  2. In the coming weeks, we will be removing the topsites script fromt he site. It has become a target for spam bots and the spammers are faster than the script writers in working around fixes that come out. This results in quite a mess and unfortunately means we will have to pull the software. You may have noticed that Bent Rods website has also removed theirs (same reason and plus the bandwidth usage is too high for the traffic it generates). Members of topsite will be sent an email prior to the removal of the script.
  3. We've got two new team members added just in time for the bass opener.. Live2Fish is on Team 1 Zib is on Team 8 For those still wanting to get on a team, sign up by replying to the Sign Up thread in the main tourney forum!
  4. Won't be a problem any more.
  5. I was out there the other day and the algae is pretty bad.
  6. Hats off to Hendricks. Even if Junior doesn't win a race, he just made himself alot more supporters.
  7. HAve your teacher gift all worldly possessions to you for the day after the armegeddon. Nothing to lose..all will be gone anyway, right
  8. JUst got my power and phone and internet back on! Yeah! Lots to clean up over the next few days though. Storm whacked a two block area pretty good but left the rest of town alone.
  9. For use on this site, try and find the best compromise between altering physical size and altering files size (compression rate). It takes a bit of experimentation, but you can usually get by with 800px widths and a 60% lossy compression (medium or high quality) and come in under 100Kb as DanC recommends. Alot depends on the number of colours in the image. You don't need to get too fancy with web images. I can't wait till we can do lightbox with this site...soon to come!
  10. Look for a 'save for web' option. THis will open the various compression types (jpg, png, gif). For pictures always use jpg or png.
  11. A post count displays the amount of time one has dedicated to giving to the site. This site cannot exist without the contributions of people like Cliff, Lew, Irishfield, tjsa, Terry and so many others that have made the site greater than the sum of it's parts. To the members who make an effort to post reports, jokes, hockey spats or whatever, the site owes them (and so do the members) eternal gratitude. Each person contributes in some way, we hope, because it is the only way this thing can work. Wear your post count as a badge of honour..it is well deserved (even if you are posting mainly drivel like me). The post number doesn't reflect intelligence, but I guarantee it increases credibility. No one can survive 2,000 posts if they are a buffoon...they would have been run out long before. Someone with 10 posts should feel rather reticent to challenge the existing status quo.
  12. Here's what we need from each person attending Lakair Copy and Paste the following to make life easier. Do not reply more than once and do not reply if someone else has included you in their reply. Only reply if you ARE CERTAIN to be attending. We need these numbers for some logistical stuff. Board Name: Real Name: Number of people you are reporting for(...including you): Accomodations (Camping or Cabin or off site): Bringing boat? Renting Boat? Using restaurant facilities? Board Name:Rick OBanion Real Name:Rick O'Banion Number of people you are reporting for(...including you): 1 Accomodations (Camping or Cabin or off site): Cabin 5A Bringing boat? Yes Renting Boat? No Using restaurant facilities? Yes
  13. I've had my engine light on for three weeks now, Ted. "an Evap code' is what the garage says, but they can't find anything wrong. They reset it and it stays off for three days then comes on again. I give up now and ain't paying another $45 to find out again. I'm hoping for a bit of software that lets me plug my car into my laptop and get my own damm codes.
  14. To the following teams go the following members! 4. (the almost unsinkable) young_one 5. Dobee 2. Boosterman 10. BassmasterMike go say "Hi" to your new teams, guys.
  15. 260 users online at once! Excuse me whilst I go make sure our bandwidth is still good
  16. ..and does he look more like Gerritt or me??
  17. For five bucks you can get one at Canadian Tire. Very good insurance in case of emergency. If nothing else it will stop you from going in circles if caught out in the fog.
  18. A very sad precedent when we start charging fellow Ontarians money for using their parks. Should we then charge all of Georgina's residents $30 to look at Niagara Falls? A poor solution to an overcrowding issue and one that is sadly lacking in progressive leadership by the town council. Too bad the residents are stuck with such short-sided politicians as this is surely an indicator of their overall governing abilities. Rather than charge $30 for out of towners and free for locals, make it $5.00 for everyone. It will still control the area and allow revenue to compensate enforcement.
  19. This link to eMusic will get you 50 free downloads (choose the regular membership and you'll still get 50) http://www.emusic.com/?fref=150286
  20. The price of gas is not set by the politicians, holdfast. There is nothing they can do about it. Gerritt posted a great link yesterday which explains how comodities such as gasoline get the price they have. Boycotting a particular station does not reduce prices. The prices are not set by the station owners (franchisees) but by their head office. Boycotting one station for another doesn't reduce demand, it just shifts it to another spot. The recipient of the new business will likely have to drive his prices up to protect his stocks. Then everyone goes back tot he Petro Canada cause he is now cheaper...but nothing happened. The only way the prices will come down is when there is stability in the middle east (at least their version of stability) and the supply begins to outpace demand. Since refineries are not likely to increase capacity (for the reasons outlined in the link from Gerritt) the only possible solution is to reduce demand on a global level. Since we are now feeding China's unprecedented growth (10% per annum) by everyone buying Chinese goods, we are creating a new super consumer....more consumers=more demand. The only thing that can possibly be done politically is to nationalize the country' oil reserves (like we did with water) but that will never happen. If we kept our oil and put it out at a price comparable to production costs, it would create a low priced fuel..but since most of Canada's population is along the US border, the gas supply then comes under strain from US travellers coming over for cheaper gas like back in the 70's. This puts the demand right back up and forces a price increase to protect stocks. Net result...right back where you started.
  21. So what else ya been doing fishdawg? Ain't seen you in awhile. (BTW the gas thing won't work cause you need to reduce demand, not shift it...but it is a noble thought)
  22. I've a friend with the exact (I think) design. It has a monster deck running across the back connecting the two sliding doors on the second level. Awesome house. You must be a gazillionaire!
  23. No problems on this end, sir. We also monitor our bandwidth here quite carefully and I understand your concerns. StumbleUpon is a blessing and a curse at the same time.
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